Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. I worked all that out

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4 laps of the oval....fast walk in between sets...tomorrow 6...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lets get fit nigga
An hour's cardio consisting of epiltal n treadmill. Good stuff

Nice one, NSA.
4 laps of the oval....fast walk in between sets...tomorrow 6...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lets get fit nigga


Gotta admit never did anything this week =D still being careful about the tats but next week for sure I promise cross my heart :D
I haven't seen my jawline this defined in years. I'm going to start talking to people at an angle so that they can appreciate it.
Great workout today.. ran really hard while I watched MMA fights.. lifted legs.. feal great. Turkey and veggies for dinner tonight and lots of water.
I did legs today as well.

And ya, MMA is the only sport worth paying attention to. Good work!
I can't get motivated! I have now been home for over a month and I just can't get back into my old routine or start a new one. I got so spoiled by my 4 month hiatus from my life--just hiking and walking in mountainous terrain every day. Exercise was what I did for fun. Now it feels like a boring chore again. Any suggestions?
How about you get an audio book or dvd (if you're doing something stationary in front of a screen) on a topic that was close to your heart while you were on your holiday. If you were doing something cultural or educational in the mornings down there and then went and exercised later in the day while all of that was fresh in your mind, then maybe getting back into that mindset will make your body crave old times as well? I've used music from periods of intense exercise to get myself back into it before.
^That is actually a great idea, Red! I could do an audio Spanish program.
^^ That is a great idea!

Mayas suggestion was good too, you should do some Yoga herby! We should do some yoga together sometime once I finally come down there to visit. :D

I took the last 2 days off because of sleep issues. Got alright sleep last night though, so picking back up tomorrow - probably do yoga and go running.
I bought 20 classes for $40 on Groupon before I left but I decided to give them to my son's girlfriend. Now I wish I had them back because in addition to needing to exercise I could really do with the stretching. But yes, there are some great yoga places here to drop in on.

I think my main problem is that I am so undisciplined at sticking with anything and I would always choose making something (art) over exercise. I just need to create more of a balance.

Thanks for all the encouragement, peeps.<3
I bought 20 classes for $40 on Groupon before I left but I decided to give them to my son's girlfriend. Now I wish I had them back because in addition to needing to exercise I could really do with the stretching. But yes, there are some great yoga places here to drop in on.

I think my main problem is that I am so undisciplined at sticking with anything and I would always choose making something (art) over exercise. I just need to create more of a balance.

Thanks for all the encouragement, peeps.<3

You reminded me I still have a coupon for zumba class lol I think I should try to go next week.

Well I am back in the gym tomorrow peeps! Gotta work it work it!
I can't get motivated! I have now been home for over a month and I just can't get back into my old routine or start a new one. I got so spoiled by my 4 month hiatus from my life--just hiking and walking in mountainous terrain every day. Exercise was what I did for fun. Now it feels like a boring chore again. Any suggestions?

Join a walking group or use exercise DVDs - depends what exercise you're into xxxx
alright.. I think im going to skip cardio today.. lift chest and shoulders and hit the steam room.
It's been raining here the last couple days - Which is GREAT because of how seriously dry California has been but at the same time I'm not exactly stoked to go jogging while it's cold and wet - same with going to yoga, not having a car, I never leave when It's raining haha cause I always get soaked by the time I get wherever I'm going...

So hopefully it lets up for a bit, I'll at least go for a run and do pushups and core work.
today was a real light cardio as I lifted legs and ran hard yesterday.. but I lifted hard pn chest, biceps, shoulders and upper back.. i feel pretty damn good.
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