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Meth Evil came out of the needle, weird dreadful encounter


Jan 18, 2023
Has something ever been so fresh on your mind that it seems like it just happened? But really it’s months maybe even years ago.

Most traumatic or “close calls” have that effect on us. This situation may not seem like a traumatic or life threatening, but in me and my girlfriends eyes it scared the shit out of us.

When I met my girlfriend Maegan I was deep deep into an IV addiction mostly meth and some heroine. Really anything I can get my hands on I wasn’t picky at all. I was up to about 8 sometimes 9 shots a day. Maegan also used meth but she never had shot up. She knew my ROA and how much I did it. We were friends first before we dated so when we started dating she said she wanted me to slow down and I told her straight up please don’t give me an ultimatum about slamming. When I’d get high I would sit in the bathroom and Ispending a lot of time in there because after 6 years of poking my arms, wrists, and feet my veins were literally shrinking by the day and getting very hard to find.

Maegan used to help me try to find a place to slam and sometimes it would take 45 minutes to an hour with continuous attempts. On Sunday afternoon we were in the bathroom, I had been trying for about close to 30 minutes and nothing. Out of the blue I felt a weird tingling sensation in my back, then on the next jab I went for my inside of my left elbow and I kid you not I blacked out but was still conscience if that makes any sense. As soon as the needle went in my arm I recited something. This is my girlfriends account on what happened I remember a little bit, but she said I said,” The dog, the dog is in the gate, let that fuckin dog on of the gate”. She also said my face turned like purple like someone or something was strangling me. As soon as that needle came out of my arm I felt extremely full of dread and just very dark. It felt as if something had beat the shit out of me. My girlfriend asked me what the hell I was talking about when I said that about the dog and the gate. She said it scared the fuck out of her and that it didn’t even sound like me at all. The voice sounded like the voice of a really old man. I asked her what the hell happened again ? She thought I had been playing a joke or something trying to scare her. I told her no, I wouldn’t do that plus she knows when I’m trying to hit a vein that’s all I’m concentrating on nothing else.

We both then sat in the living room speechless on what happened ? I guess it’s one of those things where you had to be there but it still runs across my mind like it happened yesterday. That happened about a year and a half ago. Shortly after that I started to consider to stop slamming and with a few failed attempts of going back to it, I had to say that’s it.

Also I had developed an abscess on the inner part of my forearm which got really huge and hurt like a b!$ch. so losing a limb wasn’t worth getting high. I really believe meth is a demon in it’s own. If you ever really look and stare at a crack back you’ll see demons, shadow people, and sometimes even people in the bubble. But I don’t want to get into details about that I’ll save topic for another post . Stay Safe guys.
I've met a few people with similar experiences. Particularly with meth and feeling the presence of evil or being possessed by a demon or something.

I've never experienced anything like that with meth, just basic shadow people stuff. I often see snakes everywhere with sleep deprivation.

One time I was on a combination of stuff then did some tianeptine, I was laying in bed and kept hallucinating this morose old man reaching for my throat trying to choke me to death. Scared the shit out of me. Every time I closed my eyes I'd see him choking me again. It really upset me because of how realistic it was, I remember thinking it was an angry spirit with me in my apartment.
I've met a few people with similar experiences. Particularly with meth and feeling the presence of evil or being possessed by a demon or something.

I've never experienced anything like that with meth, just basic shadow people stuff. I often see snakes everywhere with sleep deprivation.

One time I was on a combination of stuff then did some tianeptine, I was laying in bed and kept hallucinating this morose old man reaching for my throat trying to choke me to death. Scared the shit out of me. Every time I closed my eyes I'd see him choking me again. It really upset me because of how realistic it was, I remember thinking it was an angry spirit with me in my apartment.
Hello and good morning, yes that I bet scared the crap out of you. Me and my girlfriend watch a show called a haunting supposedly they are all real hauntings in peoples houses. I believe some are real but there are probably the fakes out there to.

Tianeptine and meth is a great combo by the way. The combo gives you a relaxed , but energized feeling at the same time with a little bit of calming effect to unless some morose old man trying to choke the shit outta you. Maybe a little different then.
Ya know when I read or hear of such experiences I do not just blow them off as nonsense... especially when I learned the we can only "see" like 10% of what is really around us.
Check it.
So I do not discount anything and doubt everything.
Ya know when I read or hear of such experiences I do not just blow them off as nonsense... especially when I learned the we can only "see" like 10% of what is really around us.
Check it.
So I do not discount anything and doubt everything.
I for sure think we tune into areas, dimensions, that are already here and when we are close to the vibe we read it in. I know a few times I thought where the hell did that thought come from, I would never think that. But I think my vibe tunes into all kinds of thoughts that are rolling around. I mean it has been said (esoterically) a thought is a thing that will always exist. So they float around and if we are happy we are not tuning into fear thoughts. So it does not come from me, I just tune in like a radio receiver.

All speculation of course because I fight off belief systems. :) Yes entertaining ideas but having a healthy doubt is the healthiest way to look at life.

I would not worry about the above scenario other than to take care of your health OP. It is all just stuff and you can tune in or out. And let go.
I was a meth user for my entire teenage years. Never slammed anything, I took it to the head. Up and Down the Hatch.
I did so much I actually got a deviated septum; burned a hole through my cartilage. I've experienced meth psychosis a few times, the episode I remember best is I was standing in my kitchen and nothing seemed real. Ever see The Truman Show?
I went on like that for a week. Paranoid, Shadow People, Hallucinations.. I'd been up for 6 days 😵
It's wild.

I did so much I actually got a deviated septum; burned a hole through my cartilage. I've experienced meth psychosis a few times, the episode I remember best is I was standing in my kitchen and nothing seemed real. Ever see The Truman Show?
I went on like that for a week. Paranoid, Shadow People, Hallucinations.. I'd been up for 6 days 😵
It's wild.
People and police that absolutely did not exist. Holding conversations with people that did not exist. And you remember all of it.
I'm leaving this open, as I want OP to know where to come for answers, but this is a pretty textbook case of stimulant-induced paranoia/psychosis. As lots of medical people will tell you, the symptoms of stimulant psychosis mirror the effects of schizoid-type disorders closely.

The delusions often begin small. "Did I see that? No, of course not". Moving to full-blown, "the FBI is in my kitchen right now, nobody talk too loud" to... we don't see the person again as they become less and less able to manage themselves with many ending up in psychiatric wards until they cool off.

There are not a lot of solutions to this problem that a current user is going to consider popular. You can either stop using the Amphetamine yourself or get checked into a program and stop using Amphetamines through that program. You're highly unlikely to ever reduce or change your compulsive usage, so those are basically your choices at this point. I wish we had more options for this, but there really are not.
I'm leaving this open, as I want OP to know where to come for answers, but this is a pretty textbook case of stimulant-induced paranoia/psychosis. As lots of medical people will tell you, the symptoms of stimulant psychosis mirror the effects of schizoid-type disorders closely.

The delusions often begin small. "Did I see that? No, of course not". Moving to full-blown, "the FBI is in my kitchen right now, nobody talk too loud" to... we don't see the person again as they become less and less able to manage themselves with many ending up in psychiatric wards until they cool off.

There are not a lot of solutions to this problem that a current user is going to consider popular. You can either stop using the Amphetamine yourself or get checked into a program and stop using Amphetamines through that program. You're highly unlikely to ever reduce or change your compulsive usage, so those are basically your choices at this point. I wish we had more options for this, but there really are not.
Risperdone is extremely effective with respect to amphetamine induced psychosis.

For people who develop long-term Adderall induced psychosis simply due to treatment, long-acting injectable haloperidol is also indicated.

From the standpoint of harm reduction, If someone is not going to stop using, risperdone and haloperidol are indicated as therapy to ameliorate or prevent amphetamine induce psychosis.

Zyprexa and Seroquel are widely available and have been used to treat amphetamine induced psychosis, however, the literature does not indicate they are as effective as risperidone and haloperidol.
Hello and good morning, yes that I bet scared the crap out of you. Me and my girlfriend watch a show called a haunting supposedly they are all real hauntings in peoples houses. I believe some are real but there are probably the fakes out there to.

Tianeptine and meth is a great combo by the way. The combo gives you a relaxed , but energized feeling at the same time with a little bit of calming effect to unless some morose old man trying to choke the shit outta you. Maybe a little different then.
I just wanted to tell you that these feelings are only going to get more intense, paranoia is going to start, you'll start seeing what you want to see in people and cars. Everyone will be looking strangely at you.

You will start to see people and things that are not there to the point of actually having conversations with people that do not exist and were made up in your mind.

It feels so absolutely real that you cannot distinguish it from. What is real.

It is absolutely terrifying, because you remember it all. Once you come out of the psychotic episode. You remember every single imaginary person and conversation and you realize just how fucked you were.

It will absolutely not get better on its own. Without treatment it will continue to get worse. It will also get worse the more you use.

You need to reduce or stop your usage and get medical treatment.

I'm in agreement with both of your posts, basically. Antipsychotics like what you've listed are going to be administered in a medical setting if the psychosis is severe, often with Benzodiazepines or Barbiturates as an adjunct. Less severe cases are generally going to involve just a sedative like those listed following a 72hr psychiatric hold (this is pretty textbook in America, can't speak for elsewhere). Most cases of stimulant-induced psychosis resolve within 72 hours, that is, the severe, acute effects. For many, this severe stuff is going to be followed by a couple of weeks of lighter, self-manageable symptoms.

However, this is not a perfect world. Someone who ends up in the hospital for stimulant-psychosis is statistically likely to restart usage upon discharge. Someone using Amphetamines compulsively is unlikely to manage their medication properly. As one would expect, you're not going to keep taking your high-deadening medication after deciding to get high. My point is that it's not really a solution in practical application outside of these in-patient episodes. I'm not saying it can't happen, I just believe a person is highly likely to choose one over the other and not both and if a person is not using Amphetamines, they aren't going to need the antipsychotics anyway.

I'm not saying you've said anything incorrect, just riffing on what you said a little bit. I think the best thing to do when someone is experiencing psychosis is to get them held for that psychiatric treatment. It's the best thing for them. When you're out of your mind, you can't protect yourself, not to mention you're more likely to hurt other people.

P.S. some people will experience a much greater degree of psychosis than others, all other variables being the same. Drugs are known to "activate" or worsen psychological disorders, like Bipolar Disorder and/or Schizophrenia to name just a couple. There are people who go psychotic from stimulants and are psychotic their entire lives. This is extreme, but it does happen.

I also just want to say that I know I'm using the terminology "stimulant-psychosis" but to be fair, nearly all cases of stimulant-psychosis these days are the direct result of Methamphetamine and/or Amphetamine-Type-Stimulants masquerading as Methamphetamine.

@sonicwhite haha you're too funny man. Thanks for the support! :)
I've met a few people with similar experiences. Particularly with meth and feeling the presence of evil or being possessed by a demon or something.

I've never experienced anything like that with meth, just basic shadow people stuff. I often see snakes everywhere with sleep deprivation.

One time I was on a combination of stuff then did some tianeptine, I was laying in bed and kept hallucinating this morose old man reaching for my throat trying to choke me to death. Scared the shit out of me. Every time I closed my eyes I'd see him choking me again. It really upset me because of how realistic it was, I remember thinking it was an angry spirit with me in my apartment.
I had this "snake" like hallucination when I was experimenting with sublingual admission of meth, which nearly gave me a panic attack and a racing heart. Took Xanax 1mg to calm from the meth anxiety, but when I was trying to sleep, once I turned the lights off in my room, I was seeing snake-like (colorful) things on the air (so it's not like on the ground, snakes are flying on the air in circular motion) - this got intensified whenever I blinked; I tried to calm myself down by saying that this is because of the shit I took and it's ALL in my head so I just tried brushing it off and gone to sleep but was kinda scary.
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I've met a few people with similar experiences. Particularly with meth and feeling the presence of evil or being possessed by a demon or something.

I've never experienced anything like that with meth, just basic shadow people stuff. I often see snakes everywhere with sleep deprivation.

One time I was on a combination of stuff then did some tianeptine, I was laying in bed and kept hallucinating this morose old man reaching for my throat trying to choke me to death. Scared the shit out of me. Every time I closed my eyes I'd see him choking me again. It really upset me because of how realistic it was, I remember thinking it was an angry spirit with me in my apartment.
Everytime Ive done methamphetamine. something bad has happened. I've been around meth heads and their presence is evil. I have stories. I'll tell 2 short ones but I'm holding back the good stuff.

I had a friend who's wife, brother law and a friend tried to kill him for insurance money, after they were up for 2 weeks on meth. They got him high and then gave him sedatives so they could kill him. He was able to get away and get help from the police They were charged.

I had some tweaker associates who had cameras for every location in and out the house. These were some paranoid mother fuckers. One day I'm sitting on the couch and dude pops on a video of the living room but in this video there is an arm and leg sticking out from behind the chair. He then says " See that dead body. We beat him to death because he wasn't flying straight." He then turns to me and says " You fly straight dontcha. Cause I don't ever want a reason to have to put you behind the chair." I never delt with them again.

I got some real crackers though. The other stories are so much better. Much more intense.

If enough people want to hear them than I will peck it out on my phone.
Ya know when I read or hear of such experiences I do not just blow them off as nonsense... especially when I learned the we can only "see" like 10% of what is really around us.
Check it.
So I do not discount anything and doubt everything.

That article doesn't say what you think it says.
In fact, in terms of the sheer number of neural connections, just 10 percent of the information our brains use to see comes from our eyes. The rest comes from other parts of our brains, and this other 90 percent is in large part what this book is about.
Please do share!

I love real stories from people who went really deep into whatever is in question and not usual vanila stuff that ends up presented from and to “model citizens” or in this case of “model metheads”...
I will, I promise... It's probably going to be really long and it's honestly one of the most traumatic experiences of my life but reliving it actually fills me with pride because I won.
NOW YOU LISTEN! (IAM) Talking thought i was full of hourse shit Now you fucking worship the ground I(He) is walking.