Open Discussion etiquette - removing old posts


Dec 9, 2011
Would it be extra nice etiquette to delete my old posts if:

i. The thread has run its course
ii. I'm not the original poster
iii. I was not quoted by anybody
iv. Ultimately I feel I did not change the direction of the conversation or add much (subjective)

I'd think that it would be a good thing because it leads to less load and better archiving, but if this is a big no-no then I won't do it!
The last 3 seem like valid reasons if you really want to delete your posts, but personally I think that you should not delete them due to your first reason. Even though it may have run its course, others can still benefit from the answers provided in it. My next paragraph outlines what to do if you are the OP of a thread you created that you would want deleted because it has "run its course."

If for some reason you want to delete a post of yours that is the OP of a thread, consider doing this: PM a mod of that forum, and let them know that you would not like to be the OP of that thread anymore. From there they can actually take over the ownership of that thread, thus removing your name from the original post while keeping the thread from being deleted. Win/Win.
The last 3 seem like valid reasons if you really want to delete your posts, but personally I think that you should not delete them due to your first reason. Even though it may have run its course, others can still benefit from the answers provided in it. My next paragraph outlines what to do if you are the OP of a thread you created that you would want deleted because it has "run its course."

If for some reason you want to delete a post of yours that is the OP of a thread, consider doing this: PM a mod of that forum, and let them know that you would not like to be the OP of that thread anymore. From there they can actually take over the ownership of that thread, thus removing your name from the original post while keeping the thread from being deleted. Win/Win.

^excellent suggestion, Tommyboy!
Would it be extra nice etiquette to delete my old posts if:

i. The thread has run its course
ii. I'm not the original poster
iii. I was not quoted by anybody
iv. Ultimately I feel I did not change the direction of the conversation or add much (subjective)
while i respect your right to delete your own posts from the board - and your concern for the server load is admirable - i doubt your actions would make much more than a negligible impact. also, you may not feel that you added much but others may have enjoyed reading your posts and/or may have learned something from them.

i think it's more trouble than it's worth. your mileage may, of course, vary.

Tommy, I really appreciate the advice. Alasdair, I never thought about that - good point! Therefore I've decided to not delete old posts, to just think carefully ahead of time before I post and, at most, go back to clean them up with edits. Or go to a mod if in doubt.


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