Technical Problem Errors when accessing threads from index


Bluelight Crew
Aug 26, 2003
Just an FYI.

Since around 7pm (EST), clicking on most-recent threads as they appear on the forum index frequently results in this message:

No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

It happened several times in S&G, and now it is happening in SLR.

Mind you, clicking on the forum and going in, then accessing the first page of the thread DOES allow access to the most recent post.

EDIT: Oh, and it also happens when one posts a new reply in S&G, and now right here with this post - I got the same message, however the thread HAS been posted successfully.
I'm not duplicating the problem at the moment. Is this still happening for you Jamshyd? I have thought I stopped odd glitches before by logging out and logging in again before or clearing my cache. Its possible though that the problems were time limited and my attempt to fix coincided with the problem ending on its own.

Do you check the remember me button when you log in? It might not be that one either but not checking the remember me box has caused problems with posting and some other odd errors but I don't remember if it was errors like you have been getting tonight.
I also cannot seem to replicate this. If this happens again, Jammy, can you either do a screensnap of the error, or better yet copy/paste the URL of the error message into a reply ITT?
There is a possibility that I am using private-browsing (firefox) with a proxy (allunblocked) to be able to access from work - so something might be up with cookies and scripts.

I will c/p the url if it happens again. [just happened again after this post. The URL is]

Btw: I also noticed myself "worm-holing" a couple of times: if I click at the last page of a current thread, or right after I make a new post, I find myself reading an entirely different thread in a different subforum!! For example, I have just made a post in CEP (2011 predictions thread), only to be reloaded into PD's "most visual psychedelic" thread!

And I swear I'm sober ;).

p.s. I did try logging on/off. Seems to not help much...
Update: Back home now, not using proxy. Problem seems to have abated. This makes me believe it is specific to that particular computer at work, rather than the site itself.

Still, would be interesting to figure out what's causing this "worm-holing".