Entheogens as sports performance enhancers via Psychedelia, OR as part of exercise


Bluelight Crew
Mar 10, 2006
Excuse any incoherence as I am on a dissociative now but I had an absolutely mind blowing 600ug acid trip a few days ago and something that occurred to me during a state of euphoric, psychedelic ecstasy that is kind of hard to define an idea I had and thought about was that of using psychedelic drugs to enhance performance in sports (or even, potentially, other mentally taxing games but as this is primarily a physical sport based forum let's focus on this for the most part).

To be clear, I'm not talking about microdosing, and I'm also obviously not talking about megadosing, or any heroic but bad trip planning and experiments involving sports you've never played before while tripping so hard you can't communicate or do anything.

But just slightly past the peak of this acid trip I experienced an overwhelming feeling of purpose and meaning at one point, standing alone in my kitchen, almost moved to tears, it occurred to me that if this sort of drive could be channelled into some kind of passion there would be spectacular results, although I'm not aware of anyone who has actually used, for example, a healthy dose of acid before working out or playing some kind of sport, and obviously I can see several potential problems with this, but regardless... I would be very interested to hear if anyone has used a stimulating hallucinogen (ie, one that does not disable your body such as dissociatives) with which they are familiar, to induce a state of mind which they have used to enhance their physical aptitude either in just exercises they do every day or a specific game, competition, or just time in their life...which resulted in you doing something they would not ordinarily expect to be capable of.

Actually towards the end of the trip I started watching Muay Thai videos on YouTube which is a sport in which I practice although I have not (yet) ever competed and I remember thinking in the midst of the tail end of the trip that I recognised that feeling in the atheletes I was watching, of undeniable, burning focus from a place that, mentally, I was earlier, in that state of laser focused burning insatiable insane need to write down the sacred truths that I imagined I was the receiver of... excuse my rambling, I am still reprocessing my trip and have indulged in some other things since, but this feeling of otherworldy conviction and purpose was one of the primary things which I have tried to channel back with me into this mundane and material plane of matter. And it occurred to me that I'm sure in all sports where there is some kind of "flow state" possible, true mind expanding substances should connect to this

So I am very curious, has anyone tried to use entheogens to enhance their performance, or (most likely) as a tool to unlock any psychological barriers that might be holding you back in a physical way? Has anyone achieved anything legitimately amazing and outside their normal skill set, physically, or in the context of exercise of physical performance, either once or as a habit, while basically tripping their face off?


Having typed this post out I am feeling like it has a high chance of being some nonsensical psych-induced ego-delusion but this feeling I experienced has really peaked my interest in acid and other classical psychs as actual true, acute nootropic PEDs if you can just get past the layer of strange. I think I'm going to re-integrate and then experiment myself with non-micro but small doses before in an effort to capture that celestial nootropic effect.
^ hey, well, it's not completely nonsensical ego-delusional or anything, but you can tell you're taking something I guess :)

Non-microdosed doses of entheogens probably won't help in a practical sense during a sports activity. Distracting and performance reducing I would think. This is one reason sports athletes who compete at the top level aren't caught using drugs like that - it's almost entirely stimulants, blood expanders, those types of drugs.

However I suppose some kind of spiritual experience in general could really lead a person to reevalutate what they're doing with their life, and through those thought processes lead to some kind of enlightening voyage about the value of physical activity or the desire to compete etc. Which could lead to an improvement in focus and dedication, certainly.

This is not from any personal experience though, there may be some who can attest to what you're saying from having actually tried it.
There was that one guy who pitched a full game no hitter on lsd. The guy who discovered the DNA structure as being a double helix was also on Lsd. My best darts game I ever had was on about 300mcg of lsd. I'd imagine it could translate over to maybe competition shooting if used responsibly. It was like I was "in the zone" and I could tune out the world around me.
Low doses of snorted 25i NBOME (100-250ug) or the last part of a stronger trip will bring my reflexes and hand eye coordination to superhuman levels pretty reliably.
Like I or someone else close to me could randomly drop something from their hands by mistake, and I would just reach and grab it before it would travel 6".
If the object was fragile I would also not damage it at all.
This I noticed in multiple highs, my brother confirmed the same happened to him as well.
IME psychedelics give me great mind muscle connection. On LSD sometimes I can actually feel parts of My GI tract contracting and moving. Feels weird as hell. I wouldnt ever consider lifting while tripping. However I do smoke a lot of weed with occasional tolerance breaks. I do notice that after a tolerance break, weed is more psychedelic than sedating, and if I smoke before lifting I have mind blowing connection with my muscles. Makes you realize how asymmetrical (left-right) most people lift without realizing it. Doing slow reps 3 second eccentric 3 second concentric feels absolutely amazing and I'm always insanely sore after doing one of those workouts, which is by no means a perfect rubric for "gains" but definitely has some correlation for me.
I can use almost any drug to enhance performance: THC, MXE, 5ht2s, Amphetamine, they all work in his own different ways, but all they enhance the stamine, the mind/body conection and resilience. It comes at some cost at the next days, thought, generating the opposite effects