Energy of Depression


Feb 11, 2022
Does anyone else here find that they marvel at the "energy" of depression once they've left it (the depression)? I've had some manic episodes before and some were definitely wowsers, and we're talking on the level of the Beirut explosion. But after some depressive episodes I've felt like those episodes were a barrage of dozens of strategic nuclear weapons in terms of energy. I've never really marveled at the manic episodes afterwards. I'm not saying I would necessarily want to have to go through the depressive episodes again. But the sheer "wow" of them exceeds any drug effect or mental health symptom I have yet had.

Anyone else find themselves marveling at the absolute energy of some depressive episodes?

Edit: Tactical nukes changed to strategic nuclear weapons, because I'm incredibly ignorant.
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we're talking on the level of the Beirut explosion.
:eek: no thanks please. lol
Does anyone else here find that they marvel at the "energy" of depression once they've left it (the depression)?
I do notice the energetic upswing in a "cycle" and usually get shit done with a quickness. No f-in around. It scares me a bit as I know the other shoe will eventually drop.
Hey... that is life, if i recall correctly
working on balance (still... its thing of mine - yep. only me lol ).but am also intrigued at how the brain can twist things and make something appear what it is not. And vice versa.
Feels good to talk about this shit tbph
On my 'up-swings' - which I'm hoping will return with sobriety - I'm a completey different personality altogether. I become extremely extroverted to the point where I have to tone it down as people have accused me of being on uppers before. Last time I was sober and even from my mood just levelling off, I was so happy not to have to deal with the stress of depression and anxiety and to be motivated again that I got more done in 6 months than I had in 4 years.