Endless Benzo/z-drug PAWS

My goodness - I ended up using 24mg of diclazepam a day. It took 360mg of diazepam to stop withdrawal and then took me an entire year to get down to nothing. But I DID and with no lasting issues...

Apart from now benzos don't work for me... or, rather, 1,4 benzodiazepines don't work for me. There are some medically used examples of 1,5-benzodiazepines. Works at different sites so no cross tolerance.
Weird they definitely will still work for me because I think I have taken them twice since then and I actually blacked out off of one single bar so that's why it's only been twice because it wasn't even enjoyable luckily so I wasn't able to fall back into it... It's weird though sometimes I'll find myself like surfing the web looking up sites that are selling alprazolam powder or looking up pictures on social media of people that have like a whole bunch of bars and just admiring how pretty the bars look like it's f****** weird that it's still that deep in my psyche
I used prescribed z-drugs (ambien, lunesta) and benzos (temazepam) for insomnia for 16 years. My doc never told me that these drugs were problems and I was so naive.

I stopped using them 6 years ago.

Been in hell ever since. Burning skin. Tight painful muscles. Out of control anxiety.

Can't take this any more. Been everywhere looking for a solution and tried everything I can find. I think I'm fucked for life at this point. Anyone got any out of the box ideas? It's starting to dawn on me that I probably ain't coming back from this one.
Have you tried propranolol? It’s a beta blocker but it helps with the physical side effects of anxiety pretty well.
Have you tried propranolol? It’s a beta blocker but it helps with the physical side effects of anxiety pretty well.
The burning skin is really odd I said it feels like sunburn. That was the longest side effect for me it took a year to go away. You get used to it after a while.
Still in PAWS a bit myself from it, but better than it used to be. Glad I didn't get addicted.
I should have crushed by receptors by all accounts but after a very extended taper I am getting by on less than prescribed. However recreational use not so much. one anecdotal experience worth .02
Weird they definitely will still work for me because I think I have taken them twice since then and I actually blacked out off of one single bar so that's why it's only been twice because it wasn't even enjoyable luckily so I wasn't able to fall back into it... It's weird though sometimes I'll find myself like surfing the web looking up sites that are selling alprazolam powder or looking up pictures on social media of people that have like a whole bunch of bars and just admiring how pretty the bars look like it's f****** weird that it's still that deep in my psyche