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Effect of looking at Computer screens for too long while having LTC?


Dec 3, 2017
Hey guys, first I want to give you some background information of me.

I'm 21 years old.
Been heavily gaming addicted from around age 8 go 18.
Started experimenting with alot of drugs from age 17 to early 21. Been to rehab centers 3 times and as of right now its the first time I been clean for more than 8 months of all drug use. Ive also tried quitting my gaming addiction but as of right now im failing to do so because its the easiest option for me right now.

Im also experiencing about every LTC symptom :
Brain fog
Head sensations
Speech problems
Memory problems
Severe anxiety disorders(social/generalized)
Obsessive thoughts
Extremely fatigued
Feeling disoriented

So basically. I used to be able to game for hours and hours.
But for a while now whenever im looking at screens for too long it makes me feel more disoriented, brain fogged and gives me sensations and eye pain.

Does anyone else have experience with this?
If you're having eye pain, stay a bit further back from your screen, and experiment with different reading glasses (overuse of the accommodation muscles of the eye can result in eye strain, as well as being a bit cross eyed from being too close). So if you hold your hand real close to your eye and relax your eyes, your hand should be foggy. If you were to bring it into focus, that's using the accommodation muscles that can cause eyestrain. Glasses help bring things into focus without using those muscles.

Make sure your posture isn't crap. Fix forward head posture especially. See cervical retraction exercises. Do cardio and make sure to get up and walk around, get the blood flowing all the time throughout the day. Take frequent breaks.

You can try a standing desk as well.

Mindfulness meditation has helped me a lot with my gaming. Mindfulness actually combos really well with gaming, once mindfulness becomes a habit. I think its similar to being "in the zone". Practice mindfulness daily and learn to apply it throughout the day.

If you're playing on a 60 Hz screen you could try a 120-144 Hz screen as well, people claim that after playing on a 120 Hz for a while, they can't go back to a 60 Hz without having odd issues.

As far as practicing the cardio and mindfulness, it can help to motivate yourself by rewarding yourself with games after you've done cardio/mindfulness. So if you say to yourself something like, I'm only going to let myself play tonight if I do 15 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of mindfulness, it can be a helpful carrot on a stick to help motivate you.
Iirc these are common side effects of spending too much time on a computer. Yet again, I'm seeing evidence of incredibly unhealthy and debilitating lifestyles causing physical and psychological problems. Disorientation and eye strain are well documented side effects of spending too long sitting cramped up staring at a screen. Try getting out in nature and practising yoga. Limit your PC time every day quite rigidly, and reward yourself for good work.

I'm not saying that MDMA/drug use haven't exasperated your symptoms, but your post currently screams "unhealthy lifestyle" to me. This is clearly evident.

You would do well to focus on your health/lifestyle and stop worrying about LTC. IMO the problem isn't an MDMA LTC epidemic (per se), it is a modern human experience/depression epidemic.

And this is.coming from somebody who has ticked all the boxes for ltc I see on here. But I had/have to address the route cause, rather than blaming a single drug for a waning/wasted life, and ftr I still take MDMA with no noticeable relapse.

Hopefully this doesn't come across as harsh, but I like to be direct. I've been there. You can fix this. But you need to fix you. Gaming addictions are not healthy, and in and of themselves, are indicative of wider underlying issues and unhealthy lifestyles.
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Iirc these are common side effects of spending too much time on a computer. Yet again, I'm seeing evidence of incredibly unhealthy and debilitating lifestyles causing physical and psychological problems. Disorientation and eye strain are well documented side effects of spending too long sitting cramped up staring at a screen. Try getting out in nature and practising yoga. Limit your PC time every day quite rigidly, and reward yourself for good work.

I'm not saying that MDMA/drug use haven't exasperated your symptoms, but your post currently screams "unhealthy lifestyle" to me. This is clearly evident.

You would do well to focus on your health/lifestyle and stop worrying about LTC. IMO the problem isn't an MDMA LTC epidemic (per se), it is a modern human experience/depression epidemic.

And this is.coming from somebody who has ticked all the boxes for ltc I see on here. But I had/have to address the route cause, rather than blaming a single drug for a waning/wasted life, and ftr I still take MDMA with no noticeable relapse.

Hopefully this doesn't come across as harsh, but I like to be direct. I've been there. You can fix this. But you need to fix you. Gaming addictions are not healthy, and in and of themselves, are indicative of wider underlying issues and unhealthy lifestyles.
I can second this entire post and certainly that gaming addiction really is quite horrible. I was in it for 4-5 years of my life, it completely ruined my social life and my health suffered severely as well because of sleep deprivation, stress and malnutrition. These eye pains and disorientation you talk about I had too, way before I was abusing MDMA, they were caused by the gaming addiction

Don't hesitate to seek professional help. The times when people would frown when you mention you're addicted to gaming are long gone, there are even rehab centers specifically tailored to gamers. Seriously, seek help for it if you think you're addicted
I can second this entire post and certainly that gaming addiction really is quite horrible. I was in it for 4-5 years of my life, it completely ruined my social life and my health suffered severely as well because of sleep deprivation, stress and malnutrition. These eye pains and disorientation you talk about I had too, way before I was abusing MDMA, they were caused by the gaming addiction

Don't hesitate to seek professional help. The times when people would frown when you mention you're addicted to gaming are long gone, there are even rehab centers specifically tailored to gamers. Seriously, seek help for it if you think you're addicted

It's worth giving a shout to masturbation as a potentially debilitating addiction which is best avoided, too. It is no different than a drug other than you need an external stimulator with a drug (i.e the chemical molecule). Most people start masturbating at around 10-12, and with such an abundance of high quality porn it's very easy to be effectively chasing a high for large portions of your life, especially if you're spending a lot of your time on the internet/single.

Whilst sex is healthy and productive (and so masturbation is, in moderation), masturbation is a very understated nasty chemical addiction. It can really mess with your hormones. People just don't see it that way because you don't need a crack pipe... just your god given hands.

People need to see their culture for what it is, and the modern lifestyle is generally very destructive... although it doesn't have to be. Be mindful of whether anything you do is of benefit.

Depression is generally your life pleading with you to make it worth living. This is so important people.

Same goes for other lesser accepted modern addictions:
junk food
indoor confinement

When people talk about seeing static in darkened rooms, try going out on a sunday day in beautiful surroundings and notice how it is not there.
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