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Ecstasy + ethylmorphine cough syrup



I have 1 ecstasy pill called "Facebook Rainbow" for some fucking reason, and experience tells me that one is not enough for me, but i have some cough syrup at home called Cocillana, containing Ethylmorphine, and i was wondering if anyone has tried this combination? I've basically scoured the entire internet and haven't found anything yet. Thanks in advance.
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I personally havent tried mixing the two, but i can only imagine that the opiate would give a very different vibe to an mdma experience. So i guess if you are comfortable with the ethylmorphine and you wanted maybe a little more of a psuedo-speedball, you might enjoy it, but i would be incredibly careful of how much ethylmorphine you use.

All in all i would not recommend this combo, but if you have already decided that youre going to do it, slowly titrate the ethylmorphine in increasing amounts until you get wherever you want to be