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Ecstasy Debate - Feel like voicing an opnion?

As long as y'all don't start a flame war... cool
Yes good point BT - lets prove to them we are intellenget people and not drug fucked as they presume....
Once again it's good to see people responding

"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn't try it on" - Billy Connolly
Excellent contributions, everybody!

It's pretty obvious that the arguments for are well thought out & presented, whereas a lot of the arguments against seem to be really emotion charged (Brian R. Purdue's post is hilarious, purely for the irony
hehehe we're getting there team

"yes" vote up to almost 20%

and some very nice arguements for the affirmative.
rock on
C'mon Bluelighters let yourselves be heard!!!
Well done to everyone who has voted and an extra pat on the back for those who voiced an opnion - I knew there are people that are passionate

"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn't try it on" - Billy Connolly
Well Brain Perdue is a moron, can't even read a post properly, and some of the others on the "No" side are just as hopeless... If we could convince these people that Ecstacy is not evil then we could convince anyone... not much chance of that tho
If you're skating on thin ice, then you might as well dance...
the polling is rigged, anyone who will be disadvantaged by the legalisation of MDMA ie. the dealers, wont vote yes.
ahhhh...natural light, get it off me...get it off me!
After reading Brian Perdue's second contribution, it's pretty clear that he's just a troll. Ignore him, or you'll be arguing semantics in no time. Anybody with a brain can see that his response has little to do with responding to the issues.
Yeah I wouldn't worry about Brian Perdue's comments - they are not even worth a reply, just ignore him unless you enjoy a debate with a 5 yr old.
"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn't try it on" - Billy Connolly
I was going to reply saying Brian is obviously not worth paying any attention to, but that would probably be counter-productive... I think I'll leave it for a bit and see what other's have to say
Yeah good move tarsarlan - replying will just fuel the fire for more stupid comments from him - I don't mind people argueing against, as long as what what I'm reading is constructive, informative and/or factual - qualities that his posts do not posses. Give it the due respect it deserves - ignorance

"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn't try it on" - Billy Connolly
Not hard to see why Bluelighter needs to take the stuff. His inability to show any kind of tolerance is probably a very strong argument for him having humane qualities chemically induced.
The Public Debate site has been attacked here and without any ground. I find surprising that people can come here for a whinge about the way our site is moderated when they could simply send us a feedback message and get the response to any of their queries within 24h.
It's not good enough to spread rumours and innuendo. Public Debate is an open forum and messages posted by the readers are never deleted because we don't agree with them. The only kind of moderation that usually takes place is the fixing up of messages who contain too many typos because they are hard to read.
If 75 or 80% of people believe Ecstasy should not be legalised, it's because the majority of people in a democracy are opposed to it. Live with it.
The Internet is not about setting up your little patch to bump into people whom you know already have the same opinion as yourself. It's about having the balls to mix it with the big boys on forums where you might not get your own way. Unfortunately, it would seem the few who post here are not interested in any proper debate. They are just looking for somebody flying the same flag.
Well, have fun with it. It's like kids playing in a sandpit. It's a great tiny insulated world, but it's hardly meaningful when it comes to the big picture.
JG Estiot
I don't think I'll get married again. I'll just find a woman I don't like and give her my house. (Lewis Grizzard)
big props to PublicDebate!
everyone should read this, take a deepbreath... think about it... and respond.
The Internet is not about setting up your little patch to bump into people whom you know already have the same opinion as yourself. It's about having the balls to mix it with the big boys on forums where you might not get your own way. Unfortunately, it would seem the few who post here are not interested in any proper debate. They are just looking for somebody flying the same flag.
Well, have fun with it. It's like kids playing in a sandpit. It's a great tiny insulated world, but it's hardly meaningful when it comes to the big picture.
i couldn't agree more...
PublicDebate - Yes I agree which is why I encouraged people to go into the public debate arena and present their views - responding only to post that are worth responding. How people respond is up to them, you have to accept this fact in an open forum - don't like it, then leave - pretty simple
p.s. - I'd be more worried about the posts against MDMA use - their igonrant, close minded responses leave alot to be desired. At least people can offer sceintific evidence to support their arguments - how many know what MDMA actually is and how many are responding to the crap the media has fed them.
I'd rather be a Bluelighter than be stuck with the intelligence shown by Brian R. Purdue. Methinks you should spend more time reading your own forum before coming and making comments on this board - nuff' said...
Careful with that axe Eugene....
[This message has been edited by haste (edited 29 September 2000).]