Ecstasy and infertility?


Jan 15, 2000
I was wondering if anyone has heard of infertility being linked to Ecstasy. My wife and I are trying to have a baby and she was concerned about possible long term side effects of using Ecstasy...namely infertility. I understand her concerns and wanted to see if anyone has ever heard the two mentioned in the same breath.
I have looked through several information sights about E and have seen nothing that would support this yet.
My God, how is it possible to feel this good?
I havent seen anything about infertility, BUT I have seen an article on the birth defects e is suspected to cause. I cant rtemember where I saw it, it may even have been on this site, but a study was done on pregnant women who had taken e at conception and at the beginning of pregnancy (unaware of pregnancy for 4 weeks or so) - there were much higher than usual births with problems, significantly heart problems, and strangely enough club feet. Id do some research and stop doing drugs, both of you, if you are trying to have a kid, its not much of a sacrifice for such an important thing as the health of a baby, dont you think?
I mean, nothing could happen, granted, but if it did, wow, thats for a lifetime.
"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"
Thats if you are still doing stuff
Dont want to assume too much, High Roller

"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"
Thanks for that info Beanqueen. No way I would do it while we were trying. I have rolled in the past and hopefully will roll in the future but not on months where we are trying to get way.
I need a few more replies to make my wife feel better about this. Especially from anyone who has rolled and gone to get pregnant with their significant other.
My God, how is it possible to feel this good?