Ecstacy and GHB


Dec 12, 1999
I am seriously intersted in dealin GHB and Ecstacy. If anyone knows where i can find out out to make it or knows themselves, id be very thankful. Keep Rollin!
First of all, ecstasy should only be made in a laboratory, so unless you have your own lab or know someone with access your out of luck.
Second of all, GET A FUCKING LIFE!!!!!!
The Doctor
Hey Guy,
I have to agree with the doctor on the making of extacy it should be done by people in a lab with lot of experience. I also believe the the selling/deal of it is not a safe one.
But forgive the rudes of the docs last line "get a fucking life"
we here are not about that
Always PLUR
PLURify all!
Sorry, I was a little harsh for sure. I forgot about my kindness and generosity for a minute. I think its because I haven't rolled in six weeks.
PLUR for life!!!!
The doctor
The angels came to visit us, but we only know them when they are gone
Hey there, I think that it's okay to deal as long as you do it with people you trust and don't sell bunk pills. GHB on the other hand should NOT ever be sold. GHB kills. It's bad and all of my friends and I would never spend money on it, not even take it for free.
happylynn...GHB does NOT kill. Ignorance and stupidity kills. GHB by itself is in fact very safe on your is when it is mixed with alcohol and other depressants that it becomes dangerous. PLEASE educate yourself before spreading false and misleading information. There is so much information available on the internet on just about every drug you can think of, you just have to go and read it.
Please check the 'New to XTC?' forum for correct information on GHB, or go to sites such as or
miss apple
"Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without"- Confucius
Okay...let's beat a dead horse here...
happylynn, GHB is not bad, it is not evil, by itself it doesn't kill. GHB is present in every living cell of your body...we produce it naturally, albeit in small doses. Taking GHB by itself will do no more than make you act like an idiot, puke, or pass out. The danger comes into play when idiots start mixing G with other substances...namely depressants such as alcohol and barbituates. Combine it in this fashion, and you risk convulsing and dying.
But just saying G is bad is the same thing as saying cars are bad because people die in them...or kitchen knives are bad because people have been cut with them. Everything is dangerous if you wish to look at it in this fashion. As long as the proper precautions are taken (like making sure you have eyes before you get behind the wheel of a car...or...not running naked on ice with an armful of sharp blades), the chances of damage are lowered; and if you take the proper precautions with G, the chances of permanent harm are infinitesimal (that means small for all the idjits out there
I'm happy for you that you and your friends don't want to take G, but please spread the truth instead of misguided fears. Let people know it CAN be dangerous...but only when it is consumed without understanding it.
Peace to you.
I will find humor in my everyday life by looking for people I can laugh at.
Gotta throw this in -
Dr E, if XstacyKID "gets a fucking life" and doesn't sell drugs, who are we going to buy them off ?
I don't have a lab, or know how to make it, so I have to buy it off DEALERS.
anyways - sorry to point out the obvious.
However, one thing we should all be telling Mr Dealer is "Only sell us good shit !" - oh yeah, and "stop with the DXM crap, you're killing us !".
Whoa - all emotioned up on nothing

it's so easy to make!!but it's fucking hard to get the stuff you'll need.It's not the's the availibility of the compounds!
WTF!!! Ecstasy is not easy to make!!! Have you looked at the synthesis! It is recommened 2 years of organic chem b4 one tries to do the synth. You need proper equiptment as well as the ingredients. Which is expensive at the start. In fact I was reading one report of a synth gone wrong and cyanide gas was created. Luckily they where well ventilate and didn't get fucked up too much. The person said his lungs are still a bit screwed up a couple months later.
MDMA - actually it is the other way around.. it is not that hard to get the precursors... sasofrole or isosafrole (one of the main precursors) is controlled, but you can make it. i have 3 years chemistry courses... i can *theroretically* synth meth
and understand it (A/B reaction), which isn't nearly as hard as the synth for MD(M)A which after reading through some synths i don't completely understand it. in addition plan on forking over thousands of dollars to start one up and good luck on your return of investment.
GHB on the other hand you could make *really* easy! and no it doesn't kill if you are responsible.
XstacyKID: if you have to ask us about making it, I worry about you taking it, let alone making and selling it.
Dealing ghb would be a risky business....too many idiots taking it wrong and ending up in hospital...all it takes is one idiot to freak out and mention your name and you'd get done for dealing.
Mr Sticky: I run around naked with an armful of sharp baldes all the time, but I do it on I still have to take precautions?