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DXM + Weed?


Staff member
Aug 16, 2019
So this will be my friend's second DXM trip, his first was 300 mg but foolishly taken on a full stomach and after 3 hrs of just slight funny feeling he went to sleep. He did have an intense lucid dream that night unlike any other he's had before though. He did NOT consume weed on that trip. Planning to dose somewhere around 450-600 mg tonight and the only weed he has access to is some shake and kief but it's enough at least. He doen't personally enjoy the combo of weed and other psychs as he tend to get anxious and feels like he doen't gain any insights from the trip. He likes the idea of potentiating effects but not if he'll possibly experience these symptoms. Any advice?
weed and dxm is pretty awesome. As long as he takes it slow cause at high DXM plateaus with weed can be one hell of a mind fuck
It's pretty good, i don't usually have DXM if i'm not going to smoke. It makes it a much more euphoric high and you feel less drowsy, i smoked on the comeup (30 mins in) of a 250mg dose and made it so much better.
The dissociation kills the anxiety, it doesn't compare to toking on psychs in that sense. Tell him to enjoy and have fun!

A small bowl really sent it out him out of this world about 1 hr into a 450 mg dose. Laying on the bed with music felt like he was separating into something like a virtual copy of himself. Intstrumental jazz standards sounded absolutely incredible and so rich with meaning. He probably won’t do it again as the dissociative state isn’t particularly enjoyable to him, psychedelics are much more fun and enjoyable. The physical feeling kept reminding him of how his legs feel when experiencing a runner’s high. Perhaps some sort of endogenous mild dissociative state is induced while endurance running to “automate” the running motion? All in all, he’s glad he saw it but not really thinking he wants to venture back into the dextroverse
There's very faint opioid receptor activation involved. The dissociation is essentially when you stop feeling your legs at all, probably need to run your lungs out for that!

Only one in three really enjoys DXM, I'd estimate. Always worth a shot, love for music gets deepened so much when it matches.