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Dissociatives DXM compared to K and/or PCP &analogs


Aug 10, 2022
I have had my fair share experiences with Dextromethorphan and have not had the chance yet to try ketamine or Sherm(sounds fun).

I know one can go into k holes and freak outs on PCP but what's the real difference if these were used in small or micro doses? Like, would it be close to DXM?

Also curious about DXM extraction into powder form, could this be stronger trip if used different ROA (snort?).

Just curious shit on my mind about dissociatives lately.
Pure DXM powder is still best to eat. Simply too much would be needed to snort, it'd be massively unpleasant to snort 100s of milligrams of DXM. Sublingual is out because DXM tastes bad. I've heard reports of people plugging DXM and they experienced extreme and painful diarrhea, plus apparently it burns quite a bit, which would also contribute to the unpleasantness of snorting it. I've never heard of anyone attempting to IV or IM it, but I'm not even finding much about it online at all. I feel like there is likely a reason for that.

DXM is a unique drug, while it's very much a dissociative it is a unique one and the only drug that I've ever taken that was close was MXP, but while DXM is stimulating, MXP was sedating. I wouldn't say that low doses of ketamine or PCP (though i've only tried analogs) are like DXM. DXM can be just as powerful if not even more than ketamine or PCP, it just depends on how much you take. I was never any good at describing the more abstract effects of hallucinogenic drugs, so maybe someone else can compare them in more detail but DXM vs ketamine, some of these are going to be subjective and vary person to person as well. Ketamine is more recreational. It's more fun to dance on. DXM is more unpredictable. The existence of plateaus is unique to DXM. Music sounds better on DXM, imo. Actually I'd describe DXM as the best drug for music appreciation. DXM tends to have a dirtier feel to it, though that is absent when dealing with pure powder. Actually a lot of the side effects like nausea and vomiting have more to do with the method of ingestion than the drug itself, though DXM does come with some level of nausea. DXM lasts much longer. DXM can provide a much more profound trip. DXM feels more like coming home.

I'm not going to do PCP because I haven't done it and could only really compare it to the analogs. While I hear 3-MeO-PCP and PCP are very similar and the biggest difference is just that PCP is less controlled, more chaotic feeling, I don't want to speculate.
I have had my fair share experiences with Dextromethorphan and have not had the chance yet to try ketamine or Sherm(sounds fun).

I know one can go into k holes and freak outs on PCP but what's the real difference if these were used in small or micro doses? Like, would it be close to DXM?

Also curious about DXM extraction into powder form, could this be stronger trip if used different ROA (snort?).

Just curious shit on my mind about dissociatives lately.
PCP feels definitely similar to DXM, but I feel DXM is way more sedating in larger doses at least. PCP has more of a vast emotional reaction to it. Also PCP gives me a vibrating feeling that goes through my body when it first hits me that I don't get from DXM. Other than that the high is very similar
Thank you guys, I know I could had just done a lil research but felt like talking with others.

I have tripped pretty high doses, at least I believe..not sure which plateaus I've hit but I have definitley consumed straight DXM liquid out off the tussin gel pill bottles(got them a lil wet then poke a lil hole &/or squeeze) along with a full 4oz? bottle which included the dreaded guiffessen(spelling way off) followed by an extended release DXM hbr which was a mistake in my opinion( drawn it wayyy out for too long just felt stupid and groggy). But yes some hallucinations/distortion and made playing my guitar a whole new level.

I really need to get my hands on memantine for rec purposes as well as to help with my opioid addiction / tolerance. My only question here would be how similar is a low to sweet spot dose of memantine compare to DXM? sorry in advance for all these comparisons.
I'm kinda missing DXM right now, I haven't done it in 8 years now. The last time I did it I took 30 Robitussin Gelcaps
Having used my fair share of dissociatives maybe I can enlighten you.

DXM is actually quite "dirty" as dissociatives go: it is stronger as a SNRI than a dissociative. IME it's only on 3rd plateau and above that the dissociative effects become noticeable.

PCP is not at all scary if you actually measure your dosages, the problem is that it's usually distributed as an ether solution containing who knows how much PCP freebase that you're meant to dip cigarettes into. And for most people doses are on the lower side, 10mg is definitely enough to feel effects.

Likewise K-holes only occur in the higher levels of dosing ketamine, it's basically the edge of anesthesia, and it doesn't necessarily have to be scary or a bad experience if you're expecting it.

PCP is definitely more stimulating and "clear headed" than DXM. Ketamine is the other direction: it's immobilizing (you will not want to move and when you do you'll be quite incoordinated aka the "K-walk").

Also closely related to PCP in terms of effects are 3-MeO-PCP and 3-MeO-PCE. Both have similar dosage ranges and durations.
Having used my fair share of dissociatives maybe I can enlighten you.

DXM is actually quite "dirty" as dissociatives go: it is stronger as a SNRI than a dissociative. IME it's only on 3rd plateau and above that the dissociative effects become noticeable.

PCP is not at all scary if you actually measure your dosages, the problem is that it's usually distributed as an ether solution containing who knows how much PCP freebase that you're meant to dip cigarettes into. And for most people doses are on the lower side, 10mg is definitely enough to feel effects.

Likewise K-holes only occur in the higher levels of dosing ketamine, it's basically the edge of anesthesia, and it doesn't necessarily have to be scary or a bad experience if you're expecting it.

PCP is definitely more stimulating and "clear headed" than DXM. Ketamine is the other direction: it's immobilizing (you will not want to move and when you do you'll be quite incoordinated aka the "K-walk").

Also closely related to PCP in terms of effects are 3-MeO-PCP and 3-MeO-PCE. Both have similar dosage ranges and durations.
Is 480 mgs of DXM still the 2nd Plateau or 3rd? PCP where I'm from comes in mint leaves soaked in it. Always got me nice and high.
I have had dxm. ketamine and nitrous and i find ket and nitrous to be awile but dxm just has a dirty feel to it
Ive done alot of different dissos, almost all of them that have been on the market and DXM is the worst by far. Not saying i didnt have some good trips with it when i was younger at all different dosage ranges. But the bodyload is just horrible for me and once i discovered the RC dissos i just never looked back.

Actual PCP itself is really good, infact amazing and leaps and miles better than DXM. So are all of its analogs that i have tried, you couldnt pay me to take DXM at this point. Wouldnt do it for a thousand dollars honestly, lol. But if you put some Ketamine on a plate in front of me id hoover up a gram in about an hour.

You need to be careful getting into this world of dissos, they are addicting as a mofo for some of us. Probably use atleast 8-10 grams of FXE and 2-5 grams of Ketamine a month for the past year. Ive been going hard and i really need to stop for awhile, but mentally its got its hooks deep.
The only thing about PCP is that when you are buying it from street dealers and in it's Wet form, you don't always know the potency of it. I've smoked Dust that was really good where I froze up like a statue and went into the hole. But then I have had Dust that got me high but wasn't as good.
The only thing about PCP is that when you are buying it from street dealers and in it's Wet form, you don't always know the potency of it. I've smoked Dust that was really good where I froze up like a statue and went into the hole. But then I have had Dust that got me high but wasn't as good.
Is pcp really still a thing in the us? I loved 3ho, adore ketamine and am currently on opce, I might be able to recieve 10mg of pcp through a trade. But here in europe pcp is completely unheard of which i think is a real loss
Yeah i can get it in Jersey City which is super close to me, but the dosing on vials is random but like tim said generally two is enough for a strong trip. Major issue is having to buy it from gang bangers in the hood which im not into at this point in my life. Id rather just use the PCP analogs and know exactly how much im using, get it from a vendor online.

But the high from actual PCP is very good/better when you dose it right, 3-MeO is close and spectacular in its own way. Im getting some 3-HO-PCP this week and looking forward to that one to compare. But man the analogs have alot going for them, 3-MeO-PCE and 3-HO-PCE were top teir drugs IME.
Personally I hate the way DXM makes me feel, but I love Ketamine and PCPy. I wouldn't even compare DXM to Ketamine and PCP. It's like comparing Apples to Oranges.
Is pcp really still a thing in the us? I loved 3ho, adore ketamine and am currently on opce, I might be able to recieve 10mg of pcp through a trade. But here in europe pcp is completely unheard of which i think is a real loss
Yeah PCP is still very common in the States, it's mostly a drug found in inner city neighborhoods like Harlem, The Bronx, Philly, DC but it's definitely still available, I've smoked it a handful of times
Yeah i can get it in Jersey City which is super close to me, but the dosing on vials is random but like tim said generally two is enough for a strong trip. Major issue is having to buy it from gang bangers in the hood which im not into at this point in my life. Id rather just use the PCP analogs and know exactly how much im using, get it from a vendor online.

But the high from actual PCP is very good/better when you dose it right, 3-MeO is close and spectacular in its own way. Im getting some 3-HO-PCP this week and looking forward to that one to compare. But man the analogs have alot going for them, 3-MeO-PCE and 3-HO-PCE were top teir drugs IME.
Yeah the dosing on dust is definitely random and I hate having to go to the hood to get it. I used to smoke a lot of crack and occasionally I would smoke Dust with the K2 and Dust smokers.
Where I'm from in New York alot of the K2 smokers are also PCP smokers, so I used to link up with them to get the Dust
Yeah PCP is still very common in the States, it's mostly a drug found in inner city neighborhoods like Harlem, The Bronx, Philly, DC but it's definitely still available, I've smoked it a handful of times
Yup... I know that a lot of people in New England travel down to New Haven CT just to go looking for some Dust. Any further north and you just don't see it around.
Yup... I know that a lot of people in New England travel down to New Haven CT just to go looking for some Dust. Any further north and you just don't see it around.
Yeah I heard in CT it's popular in New Haven, Bridgeport, Waterbury, and Hartford. I live in New York and it's very popular in Yonkers, Mount Vernon and the city. I used to get it in Yonkers because it was the closest to me but it most likely came from either Harlem or the Bronx.