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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

( DXM / 1000+mg) - psychotic break and trip to E.R.


Jul 21, 2012
Age:17 male 165 pounds,
I am healthy and in all honors classes, and very musical ...memory isn't so great anymore though. );
(first dxm trip-nyquil in december 2011, kept using nyquil and delsym occasionly till sometime near the end of june 2012 when i had the horrible experience)

this could be very useful for anyone considering using this much delsym or dxm at all
*consider of course, i could have had a freak adverse reaction, not typical to everyone

I had 2 bottles of delsym cough syrup and started at a small dose of like 300mg and I am 17 and weigh 165 pounds so it was a fairly safe dose.(11 pm) I then played halo with some friends on xbox live for an hour.((***Warning for anyone considering delsym, in case you didn't know, the dxm has a digestable plastic in delsym which makes it take longer for the high to set in.))) I felt a strong euphoria, was a little high, and also just pissy because i forgot about the plastic and so i increased my dosage to 600 mg, which if i remember is pretty much the whole bottle. Played video games for a bit longer, then watched netflix with 2 friends

( I dont remember exactley when i drank the 2nd bottle so I'll just stick it here, so my dosage was now around 1200 mg, again, I used to know everything about this shit, but its been almost a month, and my memory isnt that great anymore.

(about 1 am i guess?) We watched this really fucked up indy film called "rubber" , its so fucked up, and by this time i was in the 2nd plateou, feeling the strange seperation from real life that i used to love about the high. made it through the movie, which seemed like a dream or something fucked up. (as is typical with dxm highs time moved very slowly by this time)

(3 am) - one friend still awake with me, we played red dead redemption after the movie. by this time I really wanted the high to stay at the current feeling of seperation, slow time, super clear vision(from dilation), and I also would be talking to him and playing the game, but being completely unaware and seemingly unable to control what I was doing, as if I was floating above my body watching it do stuff and talking, but being confused about it.

(5 am) - the sun started coming up, so I went up to get somthing to eat. My parents were both awake and I did a fairly shitty job of acting but managed to get a bowl of cheerios and go back to the basement. (vision now blurred and distorted, depth percetion and motor skills decreasing)
Almost fell down the fucking stairs lol. I sat down to talk to my buddy. I then tried to eat my ceareal sideways with my head almost upside down to the bowl, which was on a table next to my chair.

(5:30 aprox) Thanked my buddy for staying up with me, but told him i was starting to hallucinate and freak out a bit, now feeling like shit, and that I wanted it to end. So i told him I was gonna try and sleep it off and he went to bed.
...Put in "a Knight's tale" and moved to the couch. As I closed my eyes, I had strong uncontrollable hallucinations, the only ones I remember were seeing weird landscapes and shapes and lights.. seemed to pass out for about 5 to 10 minutes and then had a complete freakout panic attack where my mind questioned its own existence and if I was even real, or just a dream or someone's imagination. Couldn't sleep so tried to stare at a wall to pass the time, but then I had open eye hallucinations, like seeing the room i was in turn into a different room of the house, and this was pretty cool, despite my panic attack state of mind.

(6?) went to the bathroom, had difficulty peeing, then it happened...... I stared into the mirror and got lost in my own reflection, had a panic attack, thinking i was stuck here, and crazy, desperatley wanting the misery to end.... I can't explain what happened in the next 10 minutes but to sum it up I had what sometimes occurs in the 4th plateuo called a phsycotic break with reality..

spent the next half hour trying to compose myself, because I knew if i focused on the panic attack it would only get worse, but I was unable to shake it, and started going insane, by now completely terrified.

then figured out a plan to get myself to the hospital, with the least amount of anxiety for my parents. Went upstairs tryed to avoid my parents, but my plan involved going to my backyard to get my 2 collies to take them for a walk, but my parents were out there on the patio drinking coffee, they could probably tell I was messed up a bit by then, and my mom later said she could tell,, because she made me put on these shoes that are good for my flat feet, which I normally would have told her fuck no and left, but I was evidently really compliant. I ran up and down the stairs in a blur, now seeing in double, looking for the shoes. Finally got out the door, and walked to my grandmas's house which was about 2 or 3 blocks away (she's a drug counselor) It probably only took 10 minutes tops to get there but it seemed like literally fucking hours which pissed me off, but I was so batshit crazy by this point, I was talking to myself and desperately asking god to let me have a 2nd chance and trying to stay sane..

*note- I realize I probably could have just stayed in the basement and listened to music or something relaxing and not gone to the hospital, but I was going insane and wanted the misery to end.

Grandma got me in the car, had my gramp take the dogs, and called my parents and explained what she was doing, went over to my house to get my mom. the quick drive on the interstate to the hospital again seemed like forever, meanwhile freaking out and my family members said I was shaking and talking to myself and telling them freaky shit.

finally got to the hospital in e.r. and a mean old nurse asked me some questions i barely understood her or english at all. Again, i responded to everyone talking to me, but it was like I was dead and watching my live self zombieing around.

my family stayed with me at the hospital for about 6 hours during which I tried to draw spryographs, and wrote a strange nonsense story, hallucinated, saw double, petted my imaginary dog, played an imaginary computer, yanked all my wires and i.v out several times, and at one point my vision faded to the center of whatever i focused on, almost entirely black but one spot in the middle i could see through.

despite having excellent vision with my contacts, whenever i went to the bathroom, i could barely walk, and my vision was as bad as when I dont have my contacts.

the doctors were nice and I constantly thanked them for helping me, they asked me the suicide bullshit and why I did it, I could barely speak but managed to whisper out , I wanted to get high (fucking obvious right?)

got discharged later, memory fades in and out, and after this I began to have total memory loss, having to be told what happened after i was discharged- to several days later kinda freaky right? apparently i took a shower when I got home as to parents command, then tried to take another one, as I had apparently forgotten that I had taken one minutes ago. other weird shit........... the first night i slept great. however it took me along time to get back to reality, and I havnt completely come back,(think inception lol) still have trouble sleeping, and every morning i wake up and wonder what's real, and wonder if any of my past memories were real or just an illusion or past life. so all in all pretty shitty, i now realize i had a minor addiction or something because i never really liked robotripping, and was almost always miserable and high for several days at a time...

again, still probably not fully recovered, apologies for grammer or spelling mistakes lol.

sorry for the length, but hoping to get some feedback on this, or hoping this helps someone.
DXM may appear to some as a foolproof, safe, gentle drug. It's a demon hidden in a fuzzy suit.

I'm glad you are okay; from experience, the longer you are off it, the better you will feel.
Any trips run a high likelihood of resetting the length of time needed to recover from the dissociation.
Fourth and Sigma are both, violent territory.
i used to love dxm but now every time i take it i have a panic attack and feel just overall shitty