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Drugs for Musicians

acid improves your kazoo playing skills 100x. I'm serious, I've wandered around on acid playing the kazoo many-a-time.
I think all drugs just fuck up your playing. Ok you might THINK you are playing better but record the gig listen to it back and you'll realise how wankered you really are.
EXCEPT!! Do half a pill or a little bit of speed. I find this helps as I play drums in a thrash/death metal band and I just dont get tired!!
The best drug for musiciands though is DXM. Whenever you record something you always listen to it so closely during the mixdown that you just think its shite after a while cos you know where every mistake is. But, if you have a little DXM you stop noticing the mistakes / phase problems etc. and listen to it like a person who's not in the band would. I did this just this weekend and it was amazing!! I really REALLY recommend it!!
first of all how can you people call yourselves musicians...
i mean i FEEL the music on a daily basis no drugs involved...
so when im 1 rolling, my friends can attest to this, i play a MEAN geetar, like i dont go all soft and jes start playin lovly melodies, i can come up with some funky as shit nasty rythyms that ARE completly in time, that i normally couldnt do on a regular day...i mean my mind processes so fast on ecstasy i can change times mid song, and no one even notices heh...but hey im jes havin fun i guess
and on the opiates spectrum, it's creativness in an alter ego sort of dark and gloomy, but yet happy at the same time...
you feel one with yourself, and music, and you can really get a handle on your thoughts as a writer under the influence of opiates(IMHO)
and opiates ALWAYS make me pull out shit from my ass and make it sound good, thinkin ooh if i add the 6th on this it'll bring a nice breeze to the song or i jes make a song full of silent words by using some very nice melodic chord progressions...an actually makin a stopry with the chords...great musicians are known to do this before any words are written...the words are later felt thru the music...
and OMG amphetamines, dont try and play ur own stuff cuz likely you will do twice the ammount of stuff your supposed to do in one measure it is TOUGH as hell to play a slow song on meth..hahahahah it's the god damned truth, therefore im gonna have to say it only works for me, for binging on learning tough songs and such, otherwise if your a death metal guitarist meth is prolly perfect, and i dont mean that in a bad way, that's ur thing, and i would IMAGINE it would let out all your pent up aggresions on life lol and ya could blow up some pretty ill nasty riffs...
yeh BTW, no girls aloud, yeh that's right come see us....were not gay, were just emo...
minus all the distortion... -=)
revhead, the fact of the matter is, is metal just doesnt bring you anywehre close the money in music....and it just so happens that the style of music i like, is POP..
whether people like to think so or not, emo is becoming a big part of music culture....
saves the day, dashboard confessional, and even john mayer whether ya think so or not...
anyways, the point is you make nice melodies with good vocals, and it jes dont matter what u have to say...as long as your a lil cute...you will have the 12 year old girls all over america buying your cd's...
and call me a sellout, but i'll take money to be a pussy ass musician...woot...
Originally posted by nogirlsaloud:
first of all how can you people call yourselves musicians...
i mean i FEEL the music on a daily basis no drugs involved...

Did anyone say they don't? You probably suck at your instrument anyway. Why would you need technical ability in an emo band?
I find psychedelics (acid, shrooms..) help me to see connections between things that are not obviously connected. They're also good for 'layering' rhythms and melodies.
I know lots of people will find this odd but when I'm all doped up I don't like listening to music in general (maybe some dub and DM or Cure, but that's it). In fact I don't like any kind of distraction - no tv no music nothing.
In any case your best bet is to experiment yourself and find out which drugs stimulate your creativity and which enhance your performance.
i never understood how people could play ANYTHING while on H?i thought you "didnt want to/didnt care to move"
(i have never tried it)
wow wow wow..
Q: why would you need technical ability for emo
A: well for one, i "choose" to not settle for the whole fuckin chump ass 5th chords with illed out distortion dogg, Bah you think that's fuckin music? you are shurely mistaken..
ANYWAYS, i chose to actually learn the instrument yep that means all the shit behind music not jes your average fuckin chump who picks up a tab someday learns a whole song and doesnt know the god damned timing...which is more than i can say for every new age so-called "rock band" on the market today...
Okay, so now back to why you need technicality for emo...i notice it in very seldum of people, but some people on this earth, they begin to learn something, and immidiatly realize that by learning A, it opens up A,B,C now you got A,B,C down and u again realize what else there is to learn...but see most people have the one track mind syndrome, they start with one goal in mind "im gonna be a rockstar haha"...yeh well it takes fuckin time and effort...and there is no god damned way you are gonna learn that form a tab...
and take a look at some classic artists before you diss emotional music... cuz it's cool to do so...
Bob dylan, Pink floyd, Tesla..
alright i give up i mean your gonna be a fool whether or not i get my point across so it just doesnt matter...
dont be so close minded..
and by me saying how can you people call yourselves musicians, i was really being sarcastic, i was just upset people said they didnt like playing on smack, when the turth of the matter is, MOST of my favorite musicians have been completly influenced by the dope...
TOOL, Red hot chili peppers, STP , grateful dead
side note:
emo = emotion = emotional music = any kind of fuckin emotion, and that doesnt mean my girlfriend left me and now im sad... that is a common misconception, but i still dont forgive your ignorence as a person
It could be in a year, it could be in 5-10 years... but we are on the verge of experiencing the explosion of a whole new style of music. I can't wait either, I feel mainstream music is at an all time low. The 0's so far compared to the 90's are like the 80's compared to the 70's.
is metal just doesnt bring you anywehre close the money in music
and that is why I sigh.
Since when was music all about the money kid. Oh, that's right, when the record company makes you sign a contract where they get 50% and you get told what to do - how to dress, what to say and more pathetically, what to sing and play and when.
Of course emo is becoming part of mainstream culture, it's because it's fucking shallow and it doesn't matter about ideals anymore, just as long as you're a pretty boy with a melody.
Fuck man, real 'emo' was Screeching Weasel, Descendents and Pulley.
As NOFX wrote - Dinosaurs will die.
And so will you when the only people you rely on for fame are fans that will ditch you as soon as something catchier comes along.
I'd rather be a musician with dignity, than one who sold his for money.
Oh, and all music (if it's any good) is based on emotion, whatever the topic may be.
It's because music comes from the fucking heart.
And emo sucks, because most of them are one-hit-wonders being used by record companies attempting to tap a new economical niche for profit. They failed with ska, now it's you guys. Profit, profit, profit. Yeah, real meaningful.
I am not a musician, but I am a writer and I recently came across a very creative drug combo. It isn't too pleasant, but the serge of creativity I got was immense.
I snorted about 3/4 of a standard blue adderall pill and did several hits of nitrous when the adderall kicked in. My mind went in a million different directions and then it all came together and I was able to translate my thoughts.
revhead - okay im prolly gonna get flamed fer this comment
but seriously now NOFX is a band, and yeh i guess some of their songs SOUND good, but let's "pick" apart the problems with this band...their sloppy beer drinking fools who never actually learned how to play music until they were in their 30's...because how anyone can think that good music, is turning you marshall's level all the way DOWN and the the gain all the way UP, and hitting powerchords when your drummer hits the 1 is not music, and to top it off throwing bullshit, out of my ass, no depth, not in time nor in key, shitty ass lyrics...
what they really are is a bunch of clowns that think that they are deep.
my reasoning behind this, go back in time 20 years throw an acoustic in their guitarists hand and see what he can come up with, or see if he can actually play it...
and you are right, it should be about the music not about the money, but for that to be true dont you need to actually know how to play music...
okay my rants are pointless, and i know i definitly have also said some close minded things prolly jes my nature as a person and im sorry
but seriously....dont hate on emo, that's all im tryin to say...i play emo because it's what i want to play and it's the music i like i just "happen" to realize that the music i like is pop and musicians will hate on me forever because of this, but my music is no less valid than yours.
turning you marshall's level all the way DOWN and the the gain all the way UP, and hitting powerchords
The only way.
NOFX were doing that shit before you were sucking on your mums breasts and before I was doing the same. Too many releases to count on one hand, Punk In Drublic went gold, countless tours worldwide and all while saying 'fuck you' to the media. Over the years they have refined but retained that punk sound that defines NOFX, never losing sight of thier motto 'if it's fun, keep doin' it'. They have never faltered to maintain and preach the 'punk ethos', and all with some very good humour. Legends.
Emo was okay, ie. ten years ago, before it sold out and became softcock mainstream rubbish that 12 year old girls listen to while they play with dolls.
I'm not knocking the 'emo guitar talent', the music just lacks 'soul' and most (okay there are perhaps a small number of emo bands that warrant credibility) fail to reach any 'soul searching' or 'deeply inspired' parts of one.
No matter what style of music anyone will refer to, the real musicians are the ones that people still listen to 30 years down the road.
ie. NOFX.
okay, 25 yrs, but close enough.
Look, I see music not as an avenue to fame and fortune, but an avenue to teach and preach. To help people who may be in the same situation you were in when you wrote that song.
Music has rescued, inspired and educated me. Hence, the only reason I want to be a musician, to do the same.
I'm sure music has touched you all as well and I think you know what I mean.
It's not about recognition. That's for the self-conscious. Music is about it's power. It's power to heal the inside being and uplift it at the same time.
Music was, at one stage, an escape from the shit I had to wade through when I was young, and I'd be happy if my music gave one person that metaphoric paddle.
Okay, I'm too drunk to fuck, so if sounds a little soppy, then forgive me during this moment of inebriation.
[ 23 August 2002: Message edited by: RevHead ]
No matter what style of music anyone will refer to, the real musicians are the ones that people still listen to 30 years down the road.
No the real musicians are the ones that people are still listening to 100, 200, 300 years down the line.
Some good bands have smack to thank for thier music (Deftones, Staind, and who could forget... the infamous Kurt Cobain.)