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Drug stories you have heard that sound like bullshit


Nov 1, 2005
How often have you heard a fellow drug user tell you a story where you've thought to yourself "That sounds like bullshit. As if".

For example, a friend of mine once told me he knew this IV meth user who didnt have any skin on a patch of his arm. You could see his veins and muscle tissue 8o

This guy would just pop the needle into his vein without any hassle because of this.

I don't know... to me that sounded very hard to believe.

I'm sure you guys have some stories that you've thought are a bit far fetched as well. Discuss :)
One of my really good friends says she used to smoke an 8-ball of meth in one night, I know its possible, but believe me, she didnt do it. She also says she used to smoke $1000's of meth every week which i highly doubt.
Honestly, ive seen a pretty young guy, about like 25, that used to cook the stuff and got chemical burns on about 90% of his body. He said after that he stopped cooking it...

But anyway yeah, just thought id share.
I know a dude who supposedly took 22 ecstasy pills in a night. I would call bullshit, but there were several witnesses, and this guy isn't really the bragging type. He also had a disgusting tolerance and weighed about 350 pounds.
I swear drug users are worst with their exaggerated stories than those old Vietnam war veterans, sometimes.
SonOF said:
I know a dude who supposedly took 22 ecstasy pills in a night. I would call bullshit, but there were several witnesses, and this guy isn't really the bragging type. He also had a disgusting tolerance and weighed about 350 pounds.

How did that shit brickhouse of a fucking man not cook to death or drown in own sweat?
It is not uncommon for certain friends of mine to each take 10 pills in a night. They used to do this every month. but 10 is still not 22... 22 is ridiculous
SonOF said:
I know a dude who supposedly took 22 ecstasy pills in a night. I would call bullshit, but there were several witnesses, and this guy isn't really the bragging type. He also had a disgusting tolerance and weighed about 350 pounds.

Pshh...I could do that.

I wouldn't live to tell about it, though. I'd definitely become a hat rack after that.
A guy I know told me about eating some shrooms that were triple laced with acid. Then he explained to me that since normal shrooms are only laced with acid once (which is what trips you out), these were three times as strong as normal ones. Stupidity can be frightening.
when people say they used to smoke an ounce of dank weed a day for extended periods of time. i just dont believe that.
burn out said:
when people say they used to smoke an ounce of dank weed a day for extended periods of time. i just dont believe that.

i hate that shit.. idiots.
burn out said:
when people say they used to smoke an ounce of dank weed a day for extended periods of time. i just dont believe that.

I laugh at these people when i try to tell them thats bullshit because ive spent many a day (or months) sitting on my ass smoking all day long and the fact is a 1/4 will take a single person who can actually smoke all day all day just to smoke it
Lets just wait for someone to post in this thread saying they have smoked an oz in one day.

And then we shall ass rape him. Ass rape him good.
I guess an ounce is pushing it. But a 1/4? Come on... One could smoke an 1/8 in an hour EASY. Then do that eight times.
...but that's just one day. For extended periods of time is a different story.

Some kid raised his hand in life skills class during drug discussion, and tries to push a story about a party where there was a huge punch bowl or something just full of acid. Well of course someone knocked it over and it ate through the floor. It is ACID after all. Ok, so that doesn't just sound like bs. It looks smells and tastes like it too.
I remember watching that movie "Don't tell mum the babysitters dead" and the stoner rocker dude walked in with a mull plant. I was seven years old or something and I asked my grandma "Whats that plant grandma?"

No kidding, she was like "It's a drug dear... and it will KIIIIILLL YOOOUUU!!!".

I was thinking, why the hell would that guy have something like that if it was going to kill him. He just seemed lazy to me, not dying.

Sorry slightly off topic.
one story i believe... one is debatable... ive met one of the "victems" in the story the other i have not

a known dealer stoped selling cid... when asked why he said his safe house was robbed... he was asked to elaborate... the person asking was a good friend of his girlfriends and his... he said "my friend was watching my crystals for me... someone broke into the house and tried to steal both of them... as my friend tried to stop him he threw one of the crystals at him... hiting him in the head... he is still in the hospital to this day (a month later)

a girl went into her frige to get a shot of vodka... grabs a bottle and pours out some... takes the shot... she had grabed the wrong bottle... the one with LSD instead of vodka... eventually she did come down but is now extremely off
I had a friend once who reckoned he got high attempting to smoke Ibuprofen, seriously... "Wasn't placebo man, I swear" LOL

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Haha just have a look in "other drugs" particularly a few years back.

The lies in there - was like shit in a farm yard.