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Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Why I changed my mind on weed

The Incredible Impact of Dr. Sanjay Gupta's Medical Marijuana Special

A little over a week ago, Dr. Sanjay Gupta aired a one hour CNN special on medical marijuana. The impact of his special and an op-ed that he wrote for CNN - where he apologized for his past opposition to medical marijuana - has been incredible!

In the run-up to Gupta's CNN special, his op-ed made national news and was shared more than half a million times on Facebook. Just a few years ago, he came out against medical marijuana. Yet in his op-ed he expressed regret for not studying the issue more closely and for believing the government's propaganda.

Dr. Gupta's show also played a critical role in improving New Jersey's medical marijuana law. A major focus of the special is a young girl who needs medical marijuana to relieve her constant, debilitating seizures. Coincidently, there is legislation under consideration in New Jersey to expand its medical marijuana law so that minors can access it. The issue was sympathetically covered by Gupta, and within days, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was being asked about the legislation. Just a few days later Christie committed to signing it.

The latest manifestation of Gupta's impact came today when President Obama's press secretary was asked whether Gupta's change of heart has caused the president to re-examine his position on medical marijuana. As you might expect, Obama's spokesman sidestepped the question, claiming he couldn't respond because he hadn't read Gupta's column.

But Gupta - who was Obama's first choice to be U.S. Surgeon General upon taking office in 2009 - has generated so much news that it's hard to believe that folks at the White House haven't followed it.

I've worked at the Drug Policy Alliance for 14 years - and more people, even folks who don't follow drug policy, have asked me about the Sanjay Gupta special than almost anything else I've worked on over the past decade and a half. It is clear that Dr. Gupta's work is changing hearts, minds and ultimately lives.

Tony Newman is the director of media relations at the Drug Policy Alliance (www.drugpolicy.org)

u know whats screwed up ? i was reading on Time magazine's website about the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria. on the side of the page where the article was, there was a few "top subscriber stories" or whatever. one of the top stories is the 2009 article that Dr. Sanjay Gupta ORIGINALLY wrote, being against pot.

So people reading around the internet who end up on Time's website are likely to be attracted to the "why i said no to pot" article and not even know that the SAME author/person/doctor has since gone back on what he said, and apologized for being wrong.

this makes me so mad.
No matter how much this moves the US closer to the legalization of marihuana, I can't see a similar thing happening widely in Europe. Catholicism is still the main religion and the Church has a big impact on political decisions. I can't see Pope accepting marihuana legalization. Moreover, all illegal drug business (be it heroin or marihuana) = a lot of money for the gentlemen ruling our world in suits costing much more than a monthly salary of a decent European citizen, especially in Central Europe.
lol If It's legalized they are probably going to start injecting nicotine or something into it to get people hooked haha j/k.
No matter how much this moves the US closer to the legalization of marihuana, I can't see a similar thing happening widely in Europe. Catholicism is still the main religion and the Church has a big impact on political decisions. I can't see Pope accepting marihuana legalization. Moreover, all illegal drug business (be it heroin or marihuana) = a lot of money for the gentlemen ruling our world in suits costing much more than a monthly salary of a decent European citizen, especially in Central Europe.

Isn't the majority of Christians living in Poland Orthodox? I honestly do not know. Perhaps I heard incorrectly but apparently in Poland, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, and other mid-European nations the main denomination is Orthodox. Again though, I could definitely be completely wrong. And if I am, I apologize in advance.
The fact that this guy is a doctor and had to "change" his mind on weed shows how much of a puppet he really is. Either that or he really didn't know his medicine well. Some doctor. What a bunch of BS. Sorry, I have little tolerance for medical people who feel at ease with all these new FDA approved meds with horrendous side effects but think weed is dangerous. That is absolute nonsense and the intent is easy to see. Actually for me smoking weed helps me see through the BS. Now that is one side effect that the medical field or governmental field can not have it's people having, insight into real intent.

I am all for cannabis as a medicine. I know first hand and have learned in the medical field that if a person is hungry they are considered "well". And here we've had a substance that can make you hungry. But I also know first hand that the mental, thought inspiring, and consciousness expanding effects are equally as important to being well, and I have no problem waving the flag that euphoria is also a good thing. I am not just a medical marijuana proponent. I like the whole range of effects and will not walk on eggshells speaking my opinion just because some politician or brain washed soccer mommy feels the other equally important effects of cannabis are a danger. The hypocrisy of society is so old at this point that weed has no choice but to become legal.
^ The ability to change ones own mind is often more of a sign of intelligence than stupidity...

In medical school they teach you that weed is bad and causes all sorts of problems... But once he studied it on his own he found different results and changed his mind.

I applaud him for admitting error and rectifying his opinion to match reality and not the lies he was told about it.
In medical school they teach you that weed is bad and causes all sorts of problems... But once he studied it on his own he found different results and changed his mind.

So he took whatever he was taught as verbatim when there was evidence for the last 25 years that cannabis could be a medicine. Ok, he was a slow learner.

I admit I have had a prejudice against Mr Gupta for a long time that may cloud my enthusiasm for his big change of mind. Yes, I think it's great he added his voice. But I see I am not the only one sees something else other than medicine going on here. He did a lot of damage too that needs to be undone.

The special was very good though.

Edited: I just went to go get some well water and thought about my disdain for Sanjay Gupta and realized I need to let it go. A change of mind is a big thing and a sign of intelligence so I'll change mine and appreciate the special that was presented. I do feel it was an easing of a guilty conscience by someone who was outspoked against for some reason, but it did open up people's mind to the idea and for that I give credit where it is due. If Ghandi and Gupta can change their mind on their truth, so can I on the topic.

Sometimes I like the though provoking responses at Bluelight. Thanks for the response Toad, you've helped me let it go and that benefits me.
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So he took whatever he was taught as verbatim when there was evidence for the last 25 years that cannabis could be a medicine. Ok, he was a slow learner.

I admit I have had a prejudice against Mr Gupta for a long time that may cloud my enthusiasm for his big change of mind. Yes, I think it's great he added his voice. But I see I am not the only one sees something else other than medicine going on here. He did a lot of damage too that needs to be undone.

The special was very good though.

Edited: I just went to go get some well water and thought about my disdain for Sanjay Gupta and realized I need to let it go. A change of mind is a big thing and a sign of intelligence so I'll change mine and appreciate the special that was presented. I do feel it was an easing of a guilty conscience by someone who was outspoked against for some reason, but it did open up people's mind to the idea and for that I give credit where it is due. If Ghandi and Gupta can change their mind on their truth, so can I on the topic.

Sometimes I like the though provoking responses at Bluelight. Thanks for the response Toad, you've helped me let it go and that benefits me.

Lol i couldnt agree more about the 25 years it took to even do any research on a subject your a "expert" on...

But hey at least hes on our side now... So we should promote him instead of "bag on the new teammate" ;)

It took me a long time to be this tolerant however so i try to... be more tolerant of such things lol :)

Glad to make your day, your response made mine :D
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Translation: "I have never had more than an average 3rd grader's understanding of Marihuana, and I simply parroted what my corporate masters, who pay me many millions of dollars per year, told me to say. I have now been told that my official position is to change as it would cost my corporate masters many more millions of dollars to keep on repeating the absurd gibberish that I have been repeating my entire adult life. To put it even more simply, If I don't change my official attitude, I will soon find myself cleaning toilets in NYC subway stations instead of flying on private jets and eating the best sushi and my AAA health insurance would evaporate like a puddle of water in the wake of a thermonuclear blast.- I stand corrected".
I love how scientists and judges and cops, ONCE they retire and stop fucking over the pot smokers, then they come and claim to have seen the errors in your ways. bullshit.

I want these people to come out and say "I lied, weed isn't the devil. I lied because I was forced/pressured/needed the job, and I accepted that I would lie about my science or put people in jail for things I do not think should have been illegal. I did this for selfish reasons, and now that that is no longer a motivating factor (my career is over) I will tell the truth"

took the words right out of my keyboard there