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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth



Oct 13, 2009
This is a report of a DPH trip I took about a month ago, as you can imagine I was VERY delirious during the whole thing, so it's very hard to recollect what happened, but I will try my best.

First a little background knowledge.
I had used DPH a few times before (at that point I hadn't researched it, a friend told me to take 7 Tylenol PMs (I now know that was a horrible idea as far as my liver was concerned) and I just got a stoned feeling with very light visuals, ants on the ceiling and bugs lying through my field of vision.

After researching it a few weeks later I decided to give it another go, at this point I had been using Erowid and 420chan as my resources, however I relied heavily on the anecdotal reports from 420chan.
I decided that since I'm overweight (6'3 250 at the time) a good trip dose would be 1000 mg as I had some light experience with the drug before.

I had no sitter, and I took 50 mg at about 8pm and then 1000mg at about 10pm
for the next hour or so I just went about roaming the internet, talking to friends ect.
I don't remember much of what happened that night, but I'll try my best.
The effects started kicking in about 11pm. starting with the weird body sensation, I would no describe it as being a zombie, neither warm nor cold, happy nor sad.
I was sitting on my futon bed with my laptop watching videos on youtube when I started realizing that I was hearing my two best friends commenting on the video and talking to me just behind my head. I would realize it was fake only to minutes later go through the same thing.

A common theme of that night was
"Oh I should!"
*mouse over to google search bar*
"Wait, what was I doing?"
Followed by 5-10 minutes of thought and then giving up and moving on to something else.

An event I remember very vividly was my two dogs walking into my room, irst one walked in and looked at me, I got up and shoo'd him out and closed the door, then sat down. about 10 minutes later my other dog came into my room and I shoo'd him away aswell. I started thinking that I may have not taken enough to trip, but decided to hold off taking more.
<It wasn't until a week after this that I realized, My dogs can't open my door, and i had closed it before I began the trip. I hallucinate the dogs opening, walking in, then me getting up and closing the door, but thought it was completely real.>

The main indicator I used as to how intense my trip was, was to look at a dress shirt I have hanging a few feet away from my bed. I would stare at it for an unknown amount of time, just watching it seemingly breathing while also sinking to the floor as if it were melting, but it never moved more than a few millimeters.

Now would be a good time to note that the untill about 1am I had the lights on. I decided I was feeling enough in control to turn out the lights and resume watching videos/listening to music (At this point trying to communicate with anybody was out of the question, Instant messages usually consisted of "q9[2-u oasdklm;32o';:pJg" or similar phrases.

I sat back down and noticed no immediate effects. however after trying focus on the laptop screen I began to see figures lurking on the dark end of my room, I remember seeing a little girl, but whenever I would look over I would not see her, I also remember seeing a great dark being in the upper far corner of my room, it disturbed me greatly but I felt safe in the light of my laptop screen.

I looked back over at the shirt to see it doing the same thing, only slightly more rapidly, and the belt that hung in front of it had begun to sway a few CM to each side.

I remember staring at my hands then having to go to the rest room.
Standing up was very hard.
It took me 5 attempts to stay standing up, as when I tried to get up I would fall back into the sitting position. after I was finally up I made it to the restroom fairly quickly as it was only across the hallway.
I walked in and decided it would be more wise to sit instead of trying to stand and coordinate myself.

As I sat I looked at the wall and as I was staring at very tiny black dot on the wall, as if somebody had removed a thumb tack, this little dot sprouted tiny legs and would push itself along the wall only to remain inthe same place, it was a very odd thing to watch, I may have sat there for 30 minutes or so just watching this little speck.

After revealing myself I stood up and washed my hands, but when I looked in the mirror the creature seemed unknown to me.
I knew it was me, but it looked so alien.
It's a hard feeling to explain, it felt more as if I was somebody else looking at myself.

I could distinctly see my veins under my skin, but they were blue and black instead of red. I looked at my arms and hands and anywhere I saw skin it looked alien to me. I passed it off and retreated to my room.
By this time it had to have been around 3am, but I was so out of it that I couldn't bring myself to raise my laptop again and I went to sleep, once I left the bathroom it was almost as if I was completely sober, I fell asleep instantly.

I woke up still feeling the body load, but my mind felt clear. I glanced over at the shirt to see it barely moving.

At this moment I somehow thought it was a good idea to take more, so I ate a bowl of cereal, wait and hour then consumed the rest of the bottle, (from what I remember it was around 625-700 mg)

I showered and got dressed and thought it a good idea to go chill with my friend. I take the bus to his house and I start to come up just before I leave the bus.
I remember getting off the bus and almost faceplanting as I stepped down the rear steps.

Everything looked dreamlike in the sun, colors more vivid. I got the distinct feeling that everything was beautiful. I don't remember walking to his house but I remember sitting on his bed, looking at the folds in the blankets and seeing transparent stringy beings sneak around. I also remember looking at the wall and seeing 3 boxes side by side, about a foot wide spaced a few inches apart, each missing a side or two in a green outline, they were 2d, as if somebody had painted on the wall, but when I looked away and looked back they had vanished. I hadn't told my friend how much I had taken, but he offered me more and I declined.
The next thing I remember is waking up in my bed feeling very sick, and my mind was very foggy.
I remember my aunt conversing with me through the door just as I woke up about how I forgot to call my boss and my boss called my aunt and that I was going to work that weekend.
I had no idea if it was a trip or not, and I didn't want to give her any signs that I was intoxicated during that time so I just thought it as true and planned to work that weekend (luckily it was an actual conversation as I did get to work that weekend)

I spent the next few days trying to piece together what had happened, I did not feel baseline sober until 2 days after this episode, and I believe it has left me with long term side effects. those two days were spent feeling like shit 24/7, as if I had just gotten past the worst part of a flu.

3 days after that trip as I fell asleep I was pulled into a state of Sleep Paralysis. I could not move but I was fully awake, face down in my pillow seeing only darkness. I then felt as if I was being mauled by a bear and pulled myself out of it, only to lay back down and repeat the experience. Episodes such as this have happened 5 times in the past 3 weeks and the worst part is I can feel when then are going to happen that night, it makes it VERY hard to even attempt to sleep.

I also developed HPPD, even now as I star at the shirt I can "see" it move ever so slightly, same for the belt.
I constantly find myself seeing things in my peripheral vision and having to check if they are real, such as dogs, cars, people. It's not very disruptive as I realize they are not real almost instantaneously, but it is quite nerve racking. The only thing I've found that helps with the Paralysis is smoking weed when I feel it coming. I still slip into the state of not being able to control my body, but I don't fall into the near death delusions and fall asleep almost normally.

After that horrible experience I vow'd to myself to never dive into DPH again.
I broke that vow twice already. But each left me feeling just as horrible after it and I now think I have overcome any willingness to use DPH recreationally.

Take what you will from my mistakes, and even though it is up to you in hte end, I would strongly advise against taking DPH more than once/low dose, all it does is make you feel stupid and delirious.

DPH has taught me a lesson, drugs are powerful, don't take them lightly.

Something I forgot to mention. Throughout the trip I found myself blankly staring at things, no sound, no moment from me. I guess I would do this for long periods of time as while I was with my friend it seemed like he was asking me if I was OK every 3 minutes because I found talking not an activity that I wanted to do, and when I did talk it was usually short simple sentences with hand gestures to supplement them.
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Yeah man, Diphenhydramine is not something to be used recreationally. I'll save you from all the inevitable comments about "getting real drugs" by saying, get some real drugs. (and by real I mean safe/awarding/fun.)
Haha find real drugs not ones that will fuck your mind to hell and back with absolutely no postive effects.
@tBirdee and Help?!?!

I posted this report to hopefully let others learn from my mistakes, I know DPH is a horrible drug and I will never use it again.
^Thats good, I guess I didn't have to say what I said above.

My bad, but yeah, don't use diphenhydramine people like c'mon..
dph has its interesting times, but from how much i did it i'm still experiencing some of the horrible side effects, i won't ever do it agian. i cant even take one benadryl without having a panic attack, and more then four i go into seizures. it used to be a guilty pleasure but turned into trips to hospitals and getting expelled from high school, not recreational at all.
i used to think i could take it and be fine, but after i took it all i wanted was to take it back out of me before it hit me, but it came down to me losing everything i had in my pockets in a parking lot talking to trashcans, walking up to bushes thinking they were people for hours, everywhere i looked a cadaver looking person was staring at me till i blinked my eyes, to having a good time with friends in a park not knowing it was 5 in the morning and snapping out of it in violent convolutions on the ground; to being in a hospital all day hiding drugs i thought i had under my pillow, or playing a ps2 on a tv i thought was there. its fucking stupid and the only way i figured that out was to learn the hard way.
damn, I tried to take diph recreationally only one time, I took like 600 mg and waited for like 3 hours nothing happened but I got really sleepy and I fell asleep and slept for like 15 hours straight, but then again I use diph every night for sleep, I take 75 mg every single night if I'm not drunk. so that may have something to do with nothing happening, I'm kind of glad now that nothing did, and I like it's use as a sleep aid, I wouldn't want to fuck that up by changing my chemistry with it by taking the recreational amounts, because I hear that sometimes when you do it recreationally that it changes so you can't even take small amounts anymore and I would really hate that when I couldn't get to sleep, its been a pretty reliable friend for that.
I don't like DIPH. It is an antihistamine. One of the things histamine at some receptors is it's responsible for increase dopamine, norepinehrine, and acetylcholine. Antihistamine this indirectly decreases dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine.

Now from what I understand there's two main ways most of the thought circuits run through your head. NMDA and acetylcholine. Take DXM, which is an NMDA antagonist and you will feel dissociated which is fun like hell. You can't really feel pain either (well try it yourself).

Anticholinergics are less fun completely. Some of these include things like atropine. You don't feel dissociated and you still feel pain but you can't comprehend anything because your brain circuits are completely clogged. With lame "hallucinations".

Now take something like DIPH. It still has all the lameness of anticholinergics through its antihistamine functionality in process I mentioned earlier (thus the term anticholinergic antihistamines). But also it decreases dopamine which (for me, anyways) makes you extremely restless and it decreases norepinephrine which has a sedating effect.

So if you ask me it's not fun at all. If you're looking for something fun OTC go get some DXM. Hell even alcohol & cigarettes are better than DIPH.
I would never have the balls to do 1 gram of DPH. Most I've ever done was 800 mgs, and I do not remember any of that trip except the ceiling lights falling from the ceiling to the floor. My roomate at the time said I was acting crazy, but at least I got to my room safely.

2 years ago I used to trip weekly on either DPH, DXM, LSD, or shrooms, but I did DPH the most because it kept me busy for a good amount of time, and I kind of enjoyed the trip, not the afterglow though, although the HPPD effects that came with it made going to classes more enjoyable. I liked mixing DXM and DPH, usually 400 and 400. I've been thinking of trying that out again since I haven't had a trip on either drugs in about a year.
I don't like DIPH. It is an antihistamine. One of the things histamine at some receptors is it's responsible for increase dopamine, norepinehrine, and acetylcholine. Antihistamine this indirectly decreases dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine.

Now from what I understand there's two main ways most of the thought circuits run through your head. NMDA and acetylcholine. Take DXM, which is an NMDA antagonist and you will feel dissociated which is fun like hell. You can't really feel pain either (well try it yourself).

Anticholinergics are less fun completely. Some of these include things like atropine. You don't feel dissociated and you still feel pain but you can't comprehend anything because your brain circuits are completely clogged. With lame "hallucinations".

Now take something like DIPH. It still has all the lameness of anticholinergics through its antihistamine functionality in process I mentioned earlier (thus the term anticholinergic antihistamines). But also it decreases dopamine which (for me, anyways) makes you extremely restless and it decreases norepinephrine which has a sedating effect.

So if you ask me it's not fun at all. If you're looking for something fun OTC go get some DXM. Hell even alcohol & cigarettes are better than DIPH.

Not all antihistamines are anticholinergics though, and share nothing really in common with anticholinergics. It is the decrease of acetly choline that fucks one up, and can cause memory loss; not so much agonism of histamine receptors, or inverse anatagonism or whatever it is ;) :)
Would taking a massive dose of another antihistamine like Promethazine do the same thing to you as DIPH (benadryl) would?

Im just wondering
A common theme of that night was
"Oh I should!"
*mouse over to google search bar*
"Wait, what was I doing?"
Followed by 5-10 minutes of thought and then giving up and moving on to something else.

hahaha yep that's diphenhydramine for ya
i haven't done this drug yet but i did 6.3mg scopolamine which is a lot like this though i enjoyed it. the only bad part is the dry throat unable to swallow/eat.
there was no hangover the next day, but hearing family talk in my head and food crumbs turning to worms for half the day
This is one of the best reports I have read about this terrible drug. This entire class not only scares me but makes me feel bad for all the kids who read.."you can trip like acid on benadryl?"....and then chaos ensues. Thanks for the report.
I for one have never heard of dramamine until last year, holloween, we were smoking weed and had decided to drink and take a xanex with a 20mg tablet of addoral, at that time i remember feeling sort of in and out of it at the same time, but i was evidently normal to my freinds, my ex gf asked my freind clayton if he wanted some dramamine, when i asked and got their answer as being a hallucinogen and very messed up, obvously i didnt take it lightly and i thought how cool it would be to trip hard core on this new DPH that i never heard of b4, i took 17 at first and waited abt an hour, i felt relitivly normal, so i look 7 more, i waited and waited, sudently i found myself talking giberish, when i came back to it, my ex asked me what the hell i was talking about, i couldnt even remember and she said i had mentioned something about ridding in a boat when they were conversating over music, clayton sid he would walk me home since i snuck out and had to walk abt. 2 miles to get home. On the way is started noticing animals running accross the feilds and streets, then when a kid ran by me and i caught a glimpse of his or her face, static comprised the hole body!, i got scared and asked clay what the hell whas going on, he said its just the dramamine corey youll be alright, so as i kept on walking, i looked over to a farm and found that the cows were twirling around "dancing" in mid air in irregular movments and motions, when i finnally got home i was hallucinating so badly, i ran to my bedroom to try adn go to sleep, it was a very interesting drug, but i for one dont recomend it to people unless i think their ready for a trip like dph by the way they talk, etc.
dph has its interesting times, but from how much i did it i'm still experiencing some of the horrible side effects, i won't ever do it agian. i cant even take one benadryl without having a panic attack, and more then four i go into seizures. it used to be a guilty pleasure but turned into trips to hospitals and getting expelled from high school, not recreational at all.
i used to think i could take it and be fine, but after i took it all i wanted was to take it back out of me before it hit me, but it came down to me losing everything i had in my pockets in a parking lot talking to trashcans, walking up to bushes thinking they were people for hours, everywhere i looked a cadaver looking person was staring at me till i blinked my eyes, to having a good time with friends in a park not knowing it was 5 in the morning and snapping out of it in violent convolutions on the ground; to being in a hospital all day hiding drugs i thought i had under my pillow, or playing a ps2 on a tv i thought was there. its fucking stupid and the only way i figured that out was to learn the hard way.

I aggree with your statment, i found myself in a hosital after going to school on Nutmeg, Dramamine, and valume, plus many combinations of Hydro-Chlorides in hopes that it would increase the fx of dph, instaid i blacked out and i apparently, started picking up desks and chairs and reoranging the room, when the cops came i kept saying fucked up things like, she gave me the ability to feel what she feels, and, lookjing for imaginary sodas, crowbars, knifes, etc... all in all i had to stay in bellin for like 2 weeks cuz i kept having weird hallucinations... it was bad
I have several grams of DPH lying around for opiate potentiation, bought in bulk sometime back. But thanks to the trip reports here and on Erowid, I'll never use it (or any other deleriant) for tripping, regardless of how desperate or curious I might get. Harm reduction at its finest :)

The most I ever took were 200mg, which gave a nice body buzz and made whacking off more enjoyable, but I don't think I'll venture beyond that. Great sleeping aid though, and also really helpful for when I get hay fever during the summer.

Also a must-have for any opiate WD kit in case you're building one, allows for some sleep if you're lucky and helps most people with nausea and RLS.

After researching it a few weeks later I decided to give it another go, at this point I had been using Erowid and 420chan as my resources, however I relied heavily on the anecdotal reports from 420chan.

While it's good that you did your research, I personally think most of the 420chan community are morons, especially the deleriant, weed and opioid crowd. Harm reduction seems to be a mysterious, unfathomable concept for them. Really, just look at the dosage penis size contests on /del, it boggles the mind how badly people want to go insane. Sorry for the rant, I felt I had to get this off my chest.
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