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dopamine exposure day after vs during rolling


May 23, 2013
they say the reaons mixing speed and mdma together is worse for you is because dopamine or metabolites are exposed to the serotonin terminals after the serotonin is all gone.

In that regard would doing a dopamine increasing drug (like cocaine specifically), AFTER mdma (the day after) be just as bad for you as like doing speed DURING mdma high in the sense of incrase dopamine and low serotonin being bad.

Or does this double down on dopamine being horrible for your brain only apply to during an mdma high, not the day after (or following days after)

can you do cocaine and not cause this extra damage or should wait until your comedown is fully run its course
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Interesting question I'd imagine it'd be at least as severe a comedown mentally as speed and MDMA and physically it will not be brilliant for your heart but the cocaine might give a slightly milder comedown. I have never done cocaine a day after doing cocaine and MDMA. Just cocaine and MDMA consumed over the course of an evening. Have not done that particular combo for over a decade however due to Australia's quite shitty cocaine. If I want to sniff gasoline I'll huff out my cars fuel cap, not pay a small fortune to sniff some poorly manufactured 30% cocaine 70% crud the day after doing MDMA. Unfortunately that is often the case here in oz. The best is probably 60% these days from what I understand. It also costs a small fortune as previously stated, for 30-45 minutes per dose??? Max 10 doses for a the cost of 5-6 Zimbabwean cattle ranches??? That is a lot of steak your shoving up your nose... Strictly applies to the land of oz and probably New Zealand. Anyway basically it'll still be pretty bad for you and after the coke wears off you will probably feel extra shitty.