Mental Health Dopamine depletion


Jul 21, 2015
I'm sure there's already a thread about this, but i couldn't find it. Anyway, I've been doing drugs/drinking pretty regularly for about 9 years (since I was 13). The first 4-5 years was mostly opiates, marijuana/alcohol. The latter 3-4 years have been nothing but marijuana/alcohol and uppers like Adderall, Vyvanse, Ecstasy (twice), Meth (once) and a lot of cocaine. Now, I've been clean, other than marijuana/alcohol, for 3 months and i still feel as if I'm permanently in that come-down stage. I have no energy, mentally. I'm super depressed all the time and i feel like a zombie. Nothing excites me anymore. All i can figure is that i burned up my dopamine/serotonin receptors so i've been taking L-tyrosine, which used to work wonders for me after binges and i feel like it's not helping anymore, now that i'm sober. I'm just wondering if there's anything I can do about this or is this something I'm just gonna have to accept and get used to for good?