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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Don't do datura


Jun 9, 2012
first time:
dose - one flower of datura inoxia, oral (eaten, not tea)
it started slow and first I started to loose balance, everything that was close started to become blurry, couldn't read texts on my phone, couldn't see the time, then I kept forgetting where I was and what I was doing, also BAD cottonmouth... like 10 times worst any weed cottonmouth ever, got onto a wrong bus gave the driver all my money and told him where to drive like I was in a taxi, friend took my money from the driver and dragged me out of the bus, I was smoking one cigarette after another, but I didn't remember lighting any of them, I got a little bit pissed because I didn't have hallucinations, that is, until I saw that my pack of cigarettes was full, later found out that was a very common trip but other than that no hallucinations, and since that was the only point of doing datura I decided to chill out for a month and then take a higher dose...

second time:
dose - half of a seedpod of datura inoxia, oral
I decided to take the dose at 4 am, go to sleep and set my alarm clock for 9 am so I sleep through the bad part of the trip that starts 2 hours after ingestion and lasts about 3 hours, so I woke up feeling normal, eyesight surprisingly not as bad as the first time, like I was completely sober, then I see some girl sleeping in my bed, I start waking her up and puf she vanishes and I find myself holding a blanket, I freak the fuck out and go ask the clock (not a person, a clock... on my wall...) "wtf was that" and then I realized I was talking to an inanimate object, freaked the fuck out again, forgot what I was freaking out about and turned on the TV, while I was watching TV I look at the wall on my left, a I am a bigot jumps out of the wall, starts running and vanishes into another wall, I jump from my chair and then I look at the clock, it says 3 pm, I start freaking out because I was late for school, I get my backpack, lock the door and see my friend, we chat, everything is normal, he says "dude where are you going it's Sunday there's no school today" I start laughing and start going back to my house when I remember that friend I saw lives about 10 km from my house and his leg is broken, I turn around and he vanishes, I get back to my house, my mom and dad are home, no tripping I talk to them ask how the vacation was, you know, smalltalk, then I go to my room to get my cigarettes, get back to the living room and there not there, I call my mom to see where they are, and they say they are still on vacation, I freak the fuck out again, look at the clock and it's 11:30 am, I remember it was 3 pm when I left home so I figure it's worthless looking at the time if I don't know if I'm hallucinating or the time is right, then I talked to a glass of watter for about an hour (I didn't use words, I could talk to it with my thoughts), can't remember the conversation accept how the glass was complaining about how much it's life sucked, after that I freak out because I was, once again, talking to an inanimate object, I get paranoid that I might do something stupid so I lock myself in the house and throw the key through the window and go to sleep, woke up at about 6 pm the trip was long gone, at least I thought so, I went out and chilled with friends, and then I see a couple walking towards us, nothing wierd about them, regular people like the friends I was chilling with, and then I blink and they disappear, and that was the last trip, I was normal the rest of the night...

my comments: this is not a drug, it is more like Alzheimer's + Schizophrenia , you have moments when you have no idea what is real, where you are, who you are or what you are doing, but there are "moments of clarity" as I like to call them, when you are lucid, just like people with Alzheimer's, and they don't last long, you have about half a minute between two schizophrenic episodes... I think this is a "attention whore" drug, 'coz you will not have a good time, but it will make a pretty damn good story... that is if you survive it...
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oh, sorry forgot to post experience:
nicotine (chewing A LOT of tobacco can have buzzy effects)
shrooms (didn't work, ate too little)
wild lettuce (not even a placebo)
I think if people did any cursory investigation into common Datura experiences, they'd be a lot less eager to try it. There's nothing recreational about this stuff.
well my friend really enjoyed it so I thought why not give it a try, I did read up on it online but some trip reports online are just plain bullshit written by liars and imbeciles so I went on to trust my friend who had taken it about 3 months before me... but he used datura stramonium, as for me I went straight to inoxia which is more potent... dumbest thing I ever did...
Some trip reports lie? Maybe. But considering the nature of a Datura trip, there's really no way to tell if someone is making it up.

Also, while some people may enjoy the deliriant experience, it seems like it would be far too much of a risk to potentially harm yourself or others while under the control of such powerful delusions to make its use responsible (relatively speaking).
I don't see how anyone could enjoy this kind of a trip... but the friend who said it was awesome is a methhead with less brain cells than a cucumber so I see how he could find it enjoyable, as far as normal people they all say datura sucks, so everyone reading this, unless you have burned your brain to a crisp don't do datura... ever...
Can't imagine another drug where these kind of hallucinations occur so real. I mean DMT comes close maybe, but then again in hyperspace you experience ego loss so its not half as shocking as this. How was the mental state, did you feel clear in the head? If things like this happen and you feel quite clear in the head, it becomes even more fucked up I can imagine.
the mental state is non existant, in those moments of clarity your mental state is the same as sober, but in those "episodes" your brain is like scrambled eggs, your thoughts are everywhere you forget everything... you become... something... it is unexplainable, unlike DMT, datura does not take you to hyperspace, or give you ego death, your brain has vivid hallucinations based on experiences, you can't trip a dragon or anything that doesn't occur in the real world, everything looks real and feels real, you can even feel the smoke of a non-existent cigarette, you can feel your friends hand in yours like he is there, you have no way of distinguishing reality from hallucinations, that is what makes it so dangerous... I can imagine a lot of ways you can harm yourself or others while on datura... you trip with all your senses, when you trip something you do not only see it like on hallucinogens, you can smell it, feel it and hear it...
every time i read a datura experience, it is a bad one. seriously, i jsut skim read the text to find out just HOW bad it was for that user that time, not even having any expectations...

thanks for the report though! cheers!
I dosed heavy black pods of datura stram. I was in another world. I kept running into walls and stuff. I thought I could walk through them. It was not a repeat deal. I am done with it.
...while I was watching TV I look at the wall on my left, a I am a bigot jumps out of the wall, starts running and vanishes into another wall...

As politically incorrect as that was... wtf am I talking about, the whole reason that made me LOL so hard is because of it's political incorrectness. I particularly enjoyed the part about your conversation with the glass of water about how much it's life sucked.

See, I would never try datura myself, but I thoroughly enjoy tripping vicariously through other peoples' datura experiences. :D
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Consider this your warning, OP. If you cannot keep yourself from using racist slang, you are going to get infractions.
sorry, I didn't want to write "a male of African descent wearing baggy clothes and "bling" ran out of a wall" the n word just describes it in fewer letters, I'm not a racist or anything but African is someone with black skin, while n***** just describes everything about him...
Good. Be descriptive. They are just different from you. That is all. After everything their ancestors experienced, especially in the states, they deserve the respect of not being referred to as "niggers".

Do you agree?
I was not talking about African-Americans, I was talking about a group of ignorant African-Americans that don't even know what their ancestors had to go through so they could have the same rights as Caucasian-Americans, but yes I agree that most African-Americans should not be referred to as "niggers" but some of them should, just because of their disrespect and ignorance...
I am closing this. Your report was mediocre at best, then your subsequent behavior destroyed it.
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