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Dog feeling 1p- LSD/ AL-LAD


Jan 5, 2016
Hello people! A few weeks ago I had a very crazy experience where I took 5 tabs of both 1p and al. I felt energy I've never felt before and the next morning when I woke up my dogs were acting weird like they would stare at the ceiling and look around like they could see things and weren't acting normal at all. Then my roomates dog came to my door and started scratching at The door and wouldn't go away so I let her in and she started acting crazy like my dogs were and she wasn't in the room at all that night.

Has anyone else experienced something like this or have an idea why it happened?
One time my buddy had a really bad trip - he took off his clothes, punched me in the face, spit in both my mom and I's faces, urinated on my mom and was just screaming nonsense the entire time. For weeks after, I had this feeling of despair, almost like a loved one had died. His vibe set me off in a big way.

I believe I'm particularly sensitive to that kind of thing. I can tell if a room is empty or if there's a person in the room, even with the door closed (this made me great at hide and seek as a kid lol). I can tell you that pets are a lot more sensitive to trippers energy than we are. Whenever I'm tripping on acid, my cat won't leave me alone, and my foster dog that I only had for 2 months climbed on top of me once, which she had never done before and hasn't done since. On shrooms they avoid me like the plague. Some animals are more sensitive than others, I have one cat that doesn't react at all but 2 cats that know when I'm tripping and act weird as fuck around me until I come down. Maybe they were reacting to your afterglow since you did such a high dose.
Can't help you with your question - pet-naive person here - but...holy stomping batman, 5 tabs of 1P and AL-LAD each? You owe us a trip report, bud :)
^No shit!? That's 500ug and 750ug wtf? If that's true you probably put your dog in an agitated state by acting incoherent - dogs pick up on the slightest change in routine. You may have dosed them and forgot lol!
I can totally relate to this. i have 2 dogs and they definitely act different when im tripping, specially during the peak or when i let myself go. they notice it alot on al-lad for sure, ive noticed on multiple occasions and I have always felt closer to another world that shares space with our everyday world but is unperceived most of the time.
first few times with al one of the dogs would act worried and stressed in the room i was in, and would wine occasionally.
one time on 4 hits of al we reached the peak, i was excited and full of energy moving around my place happy to BE and were slowly getting ready for a slight walk in the neighborhood. the person i was with was alot less experienced and was getting a little stuck in infinity. we continued to get ready and all of a sudden a kind of eerie song by Sounds from the Ground came on and i was into it but my companion wasnt so i changed it. it was here when the dog was starting at a specific point in the air and i was trying to see what the dog saw but it was seemingly impossible to stare directly at this out-of-focus shade of something in the air, like when looking at the heat coming off the road on a hot day, but suspended in space and kind of gray. In my head i thought 'what if we are synchronizing to a type of frequency that other form of consciousness inhabit' and got slightly closer and then felt a shock of fear or something and jumped back with a slight scream of 'aaahh!' and had super intense goosebumps. i remember it so clearly that i get goosebumps as i type this. then the dog was barking and went to hide and my companion got really nervous and I sensed a dark energy and presence in the room. like that of a seemingly dark spirit or something, and visually everything was shadowed weirdly. i now hurried for the walk and everything calmed down and went back to being jolly. that was the first time i had ever experienced something that made me think of souls, spirits, shamans, witchcraft, but understood it as concentrations of energy or like point of conscious gravity or something. very wild and very interesting. not even with dmt or something so otherwordly have i gotten those feelings.
another time i too 5 1/2 hits of al with a buddy and we have a grand ole time till he started getting lost and around now the dogs were coming up on us, licking us and wanting attention like we werent there or like they were doing what they could to keep us from 'leaving' very interesting as well.
theres been times when ive been at festivals on al and have gotten similar feelings out of the blue, making everything going on completely irrelevant, almost like entering a certain state of mind in the blink of an eye and my consciousness immediately acknowledging it without telling my body and everyday-mind first.
al is very interesting to me in that manner. and its been the trip that has most alerted the dogs. theyre pretty much normal on everything else.
ive yet to try 5 1p though :)
I have always noticed a slight change in my dogs when I trip but it was usually if I would pet them. This time they seemed like they were actually tripping.

I thought i might have dosed my own dogs but when my roommates dog came in she was acting just like my dogs and this was almost 16 hours after I dosed and she was looking around like she was seeing shit flying around my room.

I will definitly try to get you all a trip report its going to be hard because I kind of blacked out and was on auto pilot for almost 5 hours and don't have much recollection of that time except for one picture I get in my mind when I try to think about what happened and I can't explain that picture haha and also my girlfriends story of that night!
My cat's completely normal every time I trip and she is an absolute joy to trip with.
I have 3 dogs and 2 cats. The dogs stay away from me, but the cats are walking all over and around me when I'm tripping......purring up a storm - more so than usual. I'm either imagining it, or it's some kind of quantum entanglement. Honestly, I can't say if it's them acting differently or me; but they are a joy to have around when tripping balls. I guess you could say they ground me and mostly prevent me from getting too far out there (if that makes any sense).
