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Does the high ever return with meth

Does snorting Meth get you higher than when smoking it?

So I've never snorted meth before and I've been smoking all day and my high is shit, was wondering if I snort some will it increase my high? And also, most importantly, how much do I actually snort, cause the only thing I've ever snorted was coke and that was a lot compared to what I have, do you just do little lines? I've got like .5. I'm being stingy because I don't want to run out if it doesn't do anything for me. lol.
Snorting is a different feeling, pretty pleasurable. Yeah small lines, bout an inch long maybe 2.
It's a different high, exactly. If I'm to stay up, I have to snort it or swallow it. I prefer to snort it, but amount varies based on what's been going on, and what may be in the near future. Smoking I can fall asleep without h issue, no matter how much I hit it.
My suggestion, is to take whatever money you would use on meth, and use it on addiction counseling or more adderall, because of all the fucking drugs i've ever done in my life, including the psychedelics, I've never used something with such an unpredictable effects profile from use to use EVER.

So in your opinion it's better to potentially get strung out on illegally obtained pharmaceutical speed than purely illegal speed? Sure, one is more potent than the other, but tolerance builds, and dosages go up, just like many other drugs.

Sure, Adderall will always be Adderall, but at least for me personally, I haven't experienced much in the way of drastically different product. Price variances can drive me a bit nuts at times, as I don't pick up enough to really nail down a reliable, constantly holding dealer for it, but 9 times out of 10, the effects I get from ice is so similar that it doesn't warrant any complaint, nor remarks concerning how bomb the current bag happens to be. Although it's been fine recently, I'd love to be able to say the same about the far greater amounts of heroin I've bought over the last few years.
I enjoy pharmaceutical stimulants, ritalin, dexamphetamine, even phentermine... yes, i did enjoy this one too.

Meth is okay, however, i definitely prefer oral or insuffulation. I have used it many times over 15 years, i have never enjoyed smoking it. (Interestingly, i didnt like smoking apvp or aphp either)
It gets me high but i feel cracked out, at least on the pyvoralones.
Smoking meth, i just feel bored.

Yes, this has been good meth, its just me and smoking stims.

I love 30mg meth oral, its almost subtle enough to hide in normal life... lol almost.

I know this will differ from most, you wouldnt believe how many glass pipes i have owned trying to find what people ( including associates) get.
I do wonder if it some deep internal mechanism manufactured by me to protect my otherwise very addictive personality. ( i do love snorting good drugs)
Dexedrine is the only pharmaceutical speed I've had that I've enjoyed, personally. Redosing with the 30mg capsules in the same day was not s great idea for me, and good luck attempting to keep those micro balls in the capsule in one place if you try to crush em. Best orally, all the way.
I agree with steady, if I'm looking to get SPUN tf out doing a line will keep me going for way longer than smoking. I'm thinking it has to do with the fact you aren't losing any of it like you do when smoking, hot rails also get me going too.
Yeah it's amazing how different the roas are. Oral is pretty good.
Generally speaking, meth snorted will go farther, last longer and cause more physical stimulation. Smoking is generally a shorter, but more euphoric high.
I've had a couple/fews forms of illicit speed, but I'm not sure which, if any is comparable to the Euro speed mentioned. Someone care to explain? Aside from ice, many years ago, I would come across this blueish, very fine powdered speed (it was never in a crystalline state, the stuff was an odd consistency), and people always ran it on foil, I can't I imagine it working in a bubble pipe too well. I didn't find that stuff as euphoric, nor enjoyable as ice, lots of jitters, teeth grinding, etc. Also lasted forever on tiny amounts. I suppose it's what I'd call crank, and definitely seemed pretty far from a refined product.
Lately any substance I use promotes powerful psychologocal consequences like rapid mood swings, irritability, head pressure, and severe anhedonia. I'm sort of curious though, will I be able to get high again without this hanging over me? I still want to tweak but Im thinking about waiting a year befote I starr
Alot of that sticks around man, it causes a chemical change in your brain. Have anxiety when high? You probably will in a year too.
The high does return with perilous pookie. Initially, when I first snorted it, it was ho-hum, but the comedown, oddly, was my favorite part. I was in a hotel for the night to catch a flight the next afternoon. I got the 'shadow' thingy visions, but I had read about the common micro-psychosis that occurs when even taking a small amount. I blasted techno and felt absolutely awesome. When smoking it, I didn't feel really much of anything, and found the taste to be abhorrently chemical, but then the effects hit me about 20 minutes later and I felt VERY relaxed, almost as if I drank some chamomille tea, and not to mention supercharged with sexual energy. The problem with the pipe is, for whatever reason may be, makes it not only more addicting but also more destructive and can easily compromise having a stable life. You have to 'hide' from the world to use it; after all, would you want any of your friends/fam/whoever to see you smoking the devil's dandruff? No way dude! So you gather yourself around other smokers that just potentiate your habit. I didn't relapse perse (I took 2 months to regather my sanity after 'sinking'into a drug-induced depression), but now I do a little both. Snorting gives you a much fiercer buzz while smoking gives you mellow/relaxed/sexually charged buzz. With all that said, I wouldn't advise you to ever smoke. It can lead you down a dangerous path.
Just to be clear - using meth period leads down a dangerous path... some people do use itmoderately of course... but chances are you are going to destroy something in your life be it a job or a relationship. For me my grades in school suffered, dramatically.
Agree, meth or any other stimulant that is potent such as mdpv, is a dangerous path!

Roas (routes of administrations)affect ease of dependency and acclimatisation with a drug. Note, meth is high addictive

Longest effects, slowest come up, least addictive. Because of the processing of the bodily functions, requires largest dose. This leads to less dependency if used long term.

Insuffulation or snorted
medium duration of effects, quite addictive , especially considering purity. Quick come up. Can consume less than 50mg of good quality if using sporadically, and get good effects, easily over long periods of time. Again, roa is more addictive so bigger breaks will minimize increasing desire and addiction.

I dont hsve personal experience. However, shortest duration, highest peaks or highs. Most addictive, significantly moreso, than other roas. If abused using this roa, most damaging with repeated abuse.
You forgot vaporizing (smoking)

Quick onset, longer duration than iv, high is pretty similar not as intense, hits harder than oral or snorted, just as addictive as iv.
I prefer to smoke it it’s smoother and it’s almost the same as doing hookah