Does running on opiates actually get you fitter?

Training high on cannabis is a regular thing - there's a whole school of brazilian jiu-jitsu where they all get high and then have training sessions. Says it helps them relax and move better.
After stopping training on heroin i would smoke a joint gives you the focus without killing any pain
Had you addiction issues with h or did it serve mostly instrumental value and having something to do (exercise) protected you?
Had you addiction issues with h or did it serve mostly instrumental value and having something to do (exercise) protected you?
Addic ted to it for 17 years only smoking it but i always loved training on it it would focus me and have me not feeling the anxiety for some so could get through a good session . The problem is you don't feel the twinge or the sharp pain that you would without it. So the benefit is outweighed by of time due to in jury . So i would smoke some in morning hour before gym then smoke a joint in the car park. That's the way to do it the focus is there but you can feel the pain best bit by the time your are done smoke your brown jump in the sauna and feeling great
It's interesting that professional athletes are tested for drugs that by no stretch of the imagination would increase performance.

I recall the Canadian snowboarder who was stripped of his Olympic gold after a test shoed cannabis use. He said he was surprised since he hadn't touched bud for 6 months. Hr got the gold back... but it wasn't much of a story.

The QSAR of anabolic steroids is well known and BALCO very cleverly spotted that gestinone could be reduced to tetreahydrogestinone in a VERY simple reaction. A couple of years later the whole Greek weightlifting team were banned after it was discovered a THG analogue had been given regularly.

But it seems not real medicinal chemists have aver been involved and their are still quite a few analogues that would be very active, but hard to make. Still, how much will people pay for an 'edge'? I suspect whole new classes will appear and if they are sufficiently novel, whose to say that they ARE performance enhancing?

It's the best example of reactive policing. Sapping the O=C for an O=S is likely to work and go undetected but boy is it a lot of work!
cannabis couldn't increase performance? uh-oh, I wouldn't be so certain. Lots of things going on with weed, also motoric regulation, hyperfocus and pain regulation.
It has been actually under research for a very short while now. What I've gathered so far, they found no signs of cannabis high decreasing muscle strength if I recall it correctly in one research. Unfortunately I probably can't find the data any faster than anyone else.
I feel like people underestimate how incredibly important a healthy level of testo is, even for women. Science has become so simplistic with their whole "uhm uh, yeah it's dat sex hormone 'n shiet". It regulates so many things besides the libido, especially psychologically. Your level of motivation, affect regulation, etc. all depend on normal testosterone concentrations. If it's too low, you'll suffer from symptoms that can mimic depression, like avolition, trouble concentrating, mood swings, anxiety, etc.
This is why so many who use opioids long-term, become passive, apathetic individuals who lack any drive to do anything and become irritable so easily. I feel much better since I started to control my habit (I occasionally slip, but hey, at least I don't use daily anymore).
Women that are that age they become infertile get an ordinary antroconceptive. One without Testosterone in the right ammount. While all scientific research points in the direction Testosterone does play an important role. also for woman.
I developed a belly while on morphine maintenance which wasn't there before until I quit using dissociatives along with the morphine. As opioids/opiates do suppress natural testosterone production I doubt they would allow you to exercise harder. Yeah, there will be less pain stopping you from overexercising but I think this doesn't make up for the drop in anabolic effects from the test.

What definitely allows one to exercise harder are dissociatives. I don't know by which mechanism, I felt it was more than just analgesia happening but I'm not sure.
Bit of a strange question, but bear with me. Through lockdown I got really into running while high on opiates (DHC/Oxy). I found myself getting faster and really enjoying it. After a while, I had to start restricting the use of Opiates due to tolerance and not getting the same impact. The running tailed off a bit too, because it was less fun.

I’m interested in trying again in a controlled way, but my question is whether the fitness gained in this way is somehow false? It’s just so much easier to run high. I’m faster, I enjoy it so much more, I go further at a better pace. But, of course, it’s hard to sustain this level of performance when sober again. So much that I find myself questioning whether I’m just kidding myself that I’m getting fitter.

Common sense tells me that it probably does raise fitness levels, but I wondered if anyone else had experience of doing this. Care to share?

Of course, I know it’s pretty stupid to do this for a number of reasons. But it’s also a really fun way to get fit (if indeed it does do that!)

Thanks very much!


PS I read the other quite current thread on cardio. Definitely some interesting points in there, and I can see I’m not alone. But thoughts around how genuine the effects are when doing this would be great!

I've had 3 back surgeries, 2 neck surgeries, so my entire neck is fused and my back from L5-S1 up to the middle of my back; I've broken my ankles on both legs a total of 5 times; I have chronic carpel tunnel which was mildly relieved with surgery, and had cervical cancer testing/biopsies/surgery in mid September, so I have not been without some type of bad or rare minimal pain since 1995. In 2016, opiates turned on me and all opiates except pure liquid or certain pill forms of morphine are the only good stuff I can take without going into wanting-to-vomit mode.

I feel very lucky. It has been hard, but when I had to start going to the pain management doctors with hours where I have to miss work everh 30 days for mandator check in appointments, the doctor told me, after one of the surprise pee tests they give to me somewhere at the 6 month marker, no alcohol, even beer. After that I said "fuck it," and quit opiates all together.

My point is that even though I have been fortunate to not be in so much pain or where I needed opiates stronger than tramadol after my last surgery for a week -- and even though I get sick -- I should at least be able to have access to this meds, if I should want or need them. I believe the powers that be -- the real sufferers and losers in my opinion -- are trying to form a society of pissed off, desperate people who they can control. We already know this.
I use to exercise harder on tramadol & heroin. I also ENJOYED doing it, where as in a sober mind state it's a pain in the ass.
One of my favorite hobbies was to put my headphones on, do some heroin or tramadol & then take really long walks around town, just enjoying every moment of it.
This went on for 10 years. Of course I had to go through withdrawal every month, so I was always able to reset my tolerance.
I worked as a cook at pizza hut during these years & putting away the truck outside in the freezer was easier when I had popped trams that day.
I would bust my ass so hard that many times my managers and co-workers would say something about how much I was able to get done.
Work was a breeze while under the acute effects of opioids. Any physical labor seemed easier because I could not feel the wear & tear of doing it.

When I first got on suboxone, I was 165 and toned. That was in 2017.
After 5 years on suboxone, I'm now at 180 and don't exercise at all or go for long walks, nor would I enjoy it if I had to really.
I think it really depends on the opioid & the persons bodily chemistry. As certain opioids made me WANT to get up and be active, where as some other ones (like bupe) make me more lethargic. Probably cause the bupe doesn't take away the pain & increase motivation like full agonists.

Another thing is on full agonists, they reduce my appetite. Where as bupe seems to actually give me the munchies some times, especially for sweets.
So you may get fitter using opioids but when your source of them dries up, your only options will be the lethargy-inducing, half assed maintenance opioids.