does meth and steroid use mix well?

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Aug 9, 2011
perhaps amphetamines as well? The steroids already makes one stronger, but wouldn't the amphetamines boost the energy and or confidence level as well? Not meant to abuse it but just low dose.
Also suppresses appetite and is catabolic and damaging to health....
This is a bad idea. With (meth)amphetamine use you cannot get enough sleep to recover from hard training.
perhaps amphetamines as well? The steroids already makes one stronger, but wouldn't the amphetamines boost the energy and or confidence level as well? Not meant to abuse it but just low dose.

I used to box on it, but wouldn't recommend for muscle hypertrophy, due to appetite suppression...
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Was one of my best friend's secrets to an amazing body.

I can speak from personal experience that meth mixed with steroids was one of my favorite mixes. I did it for 3 years straight and for me I had to lose all of my gains first from the meth. It happened by chance.. I was using the meth to work the night shift as a grocery store stock clerk and I was still hitting the gym after work 5 days a week but I lost 30 pounds due to not eating and sleeping enough so then I jumped on oral steroids only like anadrol and dianabol. It was good shit and it got me jacked mixed with the meth. I've got pictures to prove it but to be honest it's really addicting and not necessarily healthy for your body. Yes you can get away with using it here and there but the addiction from meth is something you have to think about. I've been clean for over 2 years and I still think about Meth and taking steroids along with the meth. But with meth even with my flossing and brushing of the teeth and trying to keep clean with taking 2-3 showers a day.. that shit is still nasty when you consume it no matter what. Whether you inject, smoke, snort or take it orally.. I did all of the above and I have good hygiene but it wasn't until I found my wife that she was brutally honest with me and how I smelt like ammonia sometimes and my body odor would make her nauseous. That was enough for me to want to quit.. but I didn't believe her at first. And I naturally don't even have a bad odor so that was just embarrassing for me you know? Meth is amazing.. but unfortunately it does have A LOT OF side effects and like anything else you have to think about the consequences. Believe me man.. I have no confidence or passion about anything anymore. I am severely depressed and some days are better than others but yeah.. I do miss taking meth and steroids because it got me the body I wanted. I was down to 4-5% bf because of the meth.. and along with the steroids I bulked up and got shredded with enough muscle and vascularity that I was finally happy with myself. I loved my cheek bones.. they weren't too sunken in.. just perfect and I never felt fat.. just sexy like some fucking model or whatever. My advice.. do what you feel but just be careful because it can fuck you up! My mind is still fucked up after 2 years.. and it has ruined my marriage but it's no one's fault and I can't really blame myself at all or my mind. Everyone feels a certain way about things. I feel like I can get the body that I want it'll just take some time and hard work. I'm content with my body at the moment. I think I'm at 13% bf with just strict diet and dedication. I haven't touched AAS or meth or any other thing except protein shakes and healthy meals.. and it's still a hard road for me because my mind think about Meth and steroids constantly almost every day. I'd be lying if I said I was over it. It got me the body I've always wanted but it doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you! Just be careful! Sorry for the long speech lol I guess I haven't vented to anyone really in a long time!
People always talk of the ECA stack which has ephedra and ephedra is the precursor to meth/amphetamines, of course ephedra (ECA stack) isn't exactly meth/amphetamines but it has some similarities. I just thought I'd ask...

I wouldn't trust "street level" meth. I was looking into the prescription ones but they are heavily controlled. I think in 2013 only 26 kilogram were produced by the pharmaceuticals. That's how controlled they are, which is why people turn to street grade, which can be junked.
People always talk of the ECA stack which has ephedra and ephedra is the precursor to meth/amphetamines, of course ephedra (ECA stack) isn't exactly meth/amphetamines but it has some similarities. I just thought I'd ask...

I wouldn't trust "street level" meth. I was looking into the prescription ones but they are heavily controlled. I think in 2013 only 26 kilogram were produced by the pharmaceuticals. That's how controlled they are, which is why people turn to street grade, which can be junked.

Yeah ECA stacks are all right. Cheap and effective to some degree but definitely nowhere near as good as actual meth. And if you take high enough doses or even moderate doses of ephedrine or ephedra some people can't stand how it hurts their heart while working out or doing light cardio or whatever. For me it used to hurt my heart but I take about 50mgs of Ephedrine ( Primatene tabs ) and I'm fine with that. I also take 200mgs caffeine pills and baby aspirin.. like 80mgs only and that's optional but I take it so the ephedrine absorbs into the body. But if I had it my way and if my wife was okay with it I'd wish to have prescription Desoxyn. If I could get my hands on that I'd be in heaven! Pharmaceutical meth and some oral steroids to get my old body back and my happiness. Just taking it a day at a time and hopefully one day I'll be over the meth but honestly for me it was like my very one anti-depressant. I've taken actual anti-depressants before in the past after I got clean and they made me suicidal. They lowered my testosterone and just made me hate life even more! Meth took all the pain away. It took away my anxiety, made me more social and I felt like I could the best version of myself. How much of that is truth I don't know. I know it made me a little angry and I had some bad habits while on meth but I still do miss the feeling of being on it. It's like nothing else. Just gotta be strong now for my wife because I want my marriage to work. But our mind is a powerful thing and my mind is stubborn and set in its own ways. I can think of a lot more pros than cons of why I'd want to go back on meth.. but I just have to keep my mind away from it.. it's tough though! It made a lot of things in my life easier!
Yeah ECA stacks are all right. Cheap and effective to some degree but definitely nowhere near as good as actual meth. And if you take high enough doses or even moderate doses of ephedrine or ephedra some people can't stand how it hurts their heart while working out or doing light cardio or whatever. For me it used to hurt my heart but I take about 50mgs of Ephedrine ( Primatene tabs ) and I'm fine with that. I also take 200mgs caffeine pills and baby aspirin.. like 80mgs only and that's optional but I take it so the ephedrine absorbs into the body. But if I had it my way and if my wife was okay with it I'd wish to have prescription Desoxyn. If I could get my hands on that I'd be in heaven! Pharmaceutical meth and some oral steroids to get my old body back and my happiness. Just taking it a day at a time and hopefully one day I'll be over the meth but honestly for me it was like my very one anti-depressant. I've taken actual anti-depressants before in the past after I got clean and they made me suicidal. They lowered my testosterone and just made me hate life even more! Meth took all the pain away. It took away my anxiety, made me more social and I felt like I could the best version of myself. How much of that is truth I don't know. I know it made me a little angry and I had some bad habits while on meth but I still do miss the feeling of being on it. It's like nothing else. Just gotta be strong now for my wife because I want my marriage to work. But our mind is a powerful thing and my mind is stubborn and set in its own ways. I can think of a lot more pros than cons of why I'd want to go back on meth.. but I just have to keep my mind away from it.. it's tough though! It made a lot of things in my life easier!

There are multiple reasons why methamphetamine ans ASS are dangerous to health...... Thread closed..!!
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