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Does MDMA "lose the magic" even if you don't abuse it?


Bluelight Crew
Nov 26, 2012
hi everyone. so i recently tried MDMA for my very first time and also took it yesterday ago for the second time. the feeling it gives you is pretty amazing and also dancing on it is the shit, but sometimes i read people having awful comedowns and i read a lot of people reporting that after a while it eventualy loses the "magic".

now the question is - are these terrible side effects due to abusing the drug or due to you getting used to it? I want to point out that I'm a very responsible drug user, i research every substance i take before even thinking about taking it (hell, I even research drugs I'm not about to take just in case maybe one day it will come my way, and also out of sheer interest) and I won't take MDMA more than every 1/1.5 month(s), but if you tell me that it WILL eventually lose its magic and that I WILL eventually (as in - even not abusing it) get anxiety and depression on the comedown well, it certainly isn't worth it.

what do you think?
Keeping in line with HR rules is the best possible way to prevent long term side effects and "loss of magic". HR rules means you take at least a month off between each roll(but 3 months is considered optimal and honestly the most adequate. MDMA just isn't really a routine drug, it doesn't lend itself well to monthly and sometimes even bi-monthly use), don't take more than 200mg a night, don't redose more than once with no more than half your original dose and preferably preload and postload with antioxidants. "loss of magic" is quite a broad term and is different for every person. For some this means their tolerance is so high they simply can't enjoy MDMA anymore, others just find the high predictable and therefore not that special anymore and just decide to give it up.

Generally, by spacing your rules and following HR rules it's highly unlikely you'll have a long term comedown. As far as losing the magic goes, it's hard to say. You won't develop a tolerance by spacing out your rolls and dosing sensibly, that's guaranteed. However whether you reach a point of exhaustion with MDMA or not at some point is entirely up to you.

In the end, there are no guarantees(except maybe for the tolerance thing :p). Taking drugs is an inherently risky behavior and there will always be a small chance that something will go wrong.

I hope this answers your questions, stay safe brother :)
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hi everyone. so i recently tried MDMA for my very first time and also took it yesterday ago for the second time. the feeling it gives you is pretty amazing and also dancing on it is the shit, but sometimes i read people having awful comedowns and i read a lot of people reporting that after a while it eventualy loses the "magic".

now the question is - are these terrible side effects due to abusing the drug or due to you getting used to it? I want to point out that I'm a very responsible drug user, i research every substance i take before even thinking about taking it (hell, I even research drugs I'm not about to take just in case maybe one day it will come my way, and also out of sheer interest) and I won't take MDMA more than every 1/1.5 month(s), but if you tell me that it WILL eventually lose its magic and that I WILL eventually (as in - even not abusing it) get anxiety and depression on the comedown well, it certainly isn't worth it.

what do you think?

Nobody can tell you that you WILL experience anything - we don't have a crystal ball. I've heard stories of some users reporting no negative effects from usage that may be seen as 'abuse'. I've also seen some users report horrible comedowns and anxiety/depression from moderate usage. Nevertheless, the chance of actually experiencing anything bad resulting from MDMA is slim if your usage is responsible. Make sure that you are testing everything you take, keeping doses reasonable (100-150mg starter dose, 250mg MAX across an evening) and not taking it very frequently. The general rule here is once a month, but that's not to say you'll crash into an anxious mess if you do take it more than once a month, it's just a guideline. I've taken it twice in 1 week, while on alcohol, in high doses and got away with it. It's not safe, but there is margin for error. If you do take it more often in a month, try and have a longer break at some point in the future.

I've been taking it about once a month for two years, testing every batch and (for the most part) keeping doses between 100-200mg. The magic is still there, the comedown is still a lovely content afterglow and sober life is not different from when I started (apart from perhaps some positive gains).

The key is responsibility, and you will more than likely follow the same path I have, but of course nobody can guarantee anything.
There are a lot of variables with illicit Mdma use. A lot of the time the drug is cut with research chemicals, or was poorly manufactured and contains a lot of impurities. I believe that if you can ensure a high quality product, and keep the dose relatively low say 100mg once a month, then the risks are overstated.

I had a honeymoon period back in 2010 with the Md, where I took it pretty frequently that year. Well over once a month. I never once experienced anything that could be called a bad comedown from it, and before I was able to use it too much, I completely lost interest in it for a few years. So it was self regulating in that sense for me - after a while it was sort of hit or miss. If you use it too much, you might lose interest but usually people don't get too messed up from occasional use. Weekly use is clearly a stupid choice with this drug however and that will surely wreck your system after a while.

It's actually one of the few drugs that I would like to use again. I see myself going back to it in a good few months, keeping it to once a month at a very low dose.

I think that while the risks of Mdma use are overstated, the risks of using other drugs like cannabis and LSD are understated. I got extremely addicted to marijuana and it completely fucked up my life in so many ways. It was a nightmare to quit with months of withdrawal. It essentially ruined my youth, but I was too addicted to ever stop until I started getting panic attacks when I was high and was forced to quit. Even though it never did me any good and just made me plain stupid and lazy, I was completely obsessed with it because of how downright hooked I was. I had to seek help from an addiction specialist to get off the stuff so I was fucked out of my mind enough that I required medical attention or I never could have gotten through it to this point in my recovery.

LSD is another bad apple that should be avoided by anyone who has common sense. You just never know if you could be one of the unlucky ones who gets hit with a wrecking ball from taking it once. The quality has gone right downhill because of all the research chemicals, making the situation even worse. I had very good quality acid, and even just taking it a handful of times completely wrecked my body and mind and I may never recover from that. LSD for me had by far the worst comedown of all - I'd rather come down off a lot of booze and coke than experience the misery of that comedown and from just 2 hits. LSD gave me so much anxiety on the comedown that every muscle in my body tensed up like a rock. Shortly after this experience, I developed chronic pain in my spine, and I can't help but be very, very suspicious that the fucking acid played a part in that.

Obviously I am biased by my own personal experiences with these things, but so is everyone else. It sounds like you are willing and able to be cautious with the M.
If you take MDMA enough (even if you don't abuse it), then yes you will lose the magic at some point. Cherish your first ten or fifteen times on it.
Varies from person to person I'd imagine, but I had my best night on them on 1 pill on around my 20th time rolling, around a year and half after I took my first one. This was after a 3 month break.
OP, I think a lot of it is environmental. I had some MDMA once that was absolutely amazing, 8 months later, the same batch yielded little to no noticeable affect. This is just my opinion though.
Maybe having magic has to do with underlying feelings about yourself projected ont people around you, causing empathy and bliss to feel new and important past first use, and losing the magic is purely psychological.
^^ yeah good theory
well I guess I'll only discover it using for a few more times, thank you all for the replies :)
mdma abuse will reck your brain. it is metabolized into neurotoxins which inevitably destroy your neurons causing the "loss in magic". this is the reason why users commonly avoid taking it regularly. some take it once a month and others once a year. it is an amazing drug which is hard not to abuse so.. i would recommend to you to avoid it for at least another year unless your willing to find out what happens when you start abusing it. sure you will still be having a blast but the come downs will be progressively worse and you will start to notice your mood while sober is becoming depressed. so if you want to become an "etard" (someone who has chosen to abuse mdma regularly) be aware that its a very real drug and its a very serious choice.
I agree with psycholopath about the neurotoxicity causing loss of magic: it is well documented that MDMA prunes serotenergic neurons. As far as the comedown, anxiety, and depression though I personally never experienced any of that, and I took hundreds of MDMA pills between 1997 and 2002.
I agree with psycholopath about the neurotoxicity causing loss of magic: it is well documented that MDMA prunes serotenergic neurons. As far as the comedown, anxiety, and depression though I personally never experienced any of that, and I took hundreds of MDMA pills between 1997 and 2002.

It is well documented: in rat studies administering high doses repeatedly. Simply extrapolating such data to human usage is, obviously, flawed.

Regarding the 'inevitable neurotoxicity' this simply isn't true. Yes, MDMA has a pathway that metabolizes directly into toxins specific to serotonin, but you're forgetting that the body & brain have natural means of buffering these toxins. It takes high doses of MDMA to counter-balance the natural buffering mechanisms available and thus actually significantly damage cells. Hence why dosage is so important and why researcher's administer high doses to rats to ensure that their results are significant.

http://thedea.org/neurotoxicity.html#a <--- A great read encorporating science in a layman fashion
Taking MDMA may not be all that neurotoxic, but people who abuse it do show impaired word recall up to 50% less than normal. Granted those people took way more than me. Loss of magic is real however.

I would love to know how 125 mg would affect me now, 12 years later. I mean, I would like to find out if the magic loss is permanent.
Taking MDMA may not be all that neurotoxic, but people who abuse it do show impaired word recall up to 50% less than normal. Granted those people took way more than me. Loss of magic is real however.

I would love to know how 125 mg would affect me now, 12 years later. I mean, I would like to find out if the magic loss is permanent.

Unlikely. It's a drug. It will do it's thing just like any other drug.
MDMA is a drug that has been shown to change the morphology of your brain if you abuse it by pruning 5-HT dendrites possibly leading to loss of magic and short term memory loss.

That being said, MDMA is the best thing since sliced bread.
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I only can tell you from personal experience. The first time I had it was in 1985, it was called Adam back then. I take it only during special gatherings with special people. Which means only a few times a year with very large gaps between dosage. Let me tell you...none of the magic every left!%) It is still very special for me. I never found it to be addictive. Then and again...I don't have an addictive personality. I have gone years without taking it. Other times I have gone 3-months between dosages. I respect it and have had absolutely no problem with it.

I have had excellent sources and it has always tested very pure. Remember quality over quantity. Stay away from those RC laced pills.
i have considered saying fuck it and starting to take it daily but i never seem to go through with it i flip flop from drug dream to drug dream like mdbd or bdb, mdma, cocaine, Ritalin ect. i always end up never going through with it. I guess im holding out for something better. what ever it is i want it to last forever.
I took approximately 100mg of MDMA earlier today (chewed it up), and while the experience wasn't a total disappointment, "magical" is not a word I would use to describe it.

Conclusion: abuse MDMA like I did, and you will end up with a permanent loss of magic.
100mg is not enough of a gauge for magic lost if you ask me. I always need at least 120mg of REALLY good shit if I want to get a "magical" roll going. I think its more likely that there's a significant permatolerance that goes on, kind of like with ketamine, when you abuse the shit out of MDMA.