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Heroin Does heroin revert to morphine if it gets wet?


Jan 23, 2020
I have read in the past & heard before that if powder heroin gets wet, it can revert back to basic morphine.

Is this true?

if so, it got me thinking...
Most people who inject heroin mix it up with water. Some even heat it up.
Would this not destroy it too? Wouldn't this mean people are basically just injecting morphine? Or does it take awhile for the heroin to revert?
I've tried looking for myself but of course any results I get are heavily skewed & have nothing to do with what I ask.

I've had heroin in the past that has gotten moist/wet & became almost ineffective when used intranasally afterwards, so I'm curious.
Yes but slowly. No appreciable amounts are produced within the time frame some fixes and takes a shot. Heroin undergoes hydrolysis to form 6-MAM and then morphine. You can likely expect a 10-20% 6-MAM formation in 12-24hrs, much longer for morphine.

I have read in the past & heard before that if powder heroin gets wet, it can revert back to basic morphine.

Is this true?

if so, it got me thinking...
Most people who inject heroin mix it up with water. Some even heat it up.
Would this not destroy it too? Wouldn't this mean people are basically just injecting morphine? Or does it take awhile for the heroin to revert?
I've tried looking for myself but of course any results I get are heavily skewed & have nothing to do with what I ask.

I've had heroin in the past that has gotten moist/wet & became almost ineffective when used intranasally afterwards, so I'm curious.
I read somewhere that if you let heroin mixed up with water and you don't consume it in 24-48hrs(something like that, i dont remember exactly) it converts into morphine.

In this study heroin had a half life of longer than 14 days with 6-MAM being the degradation product. As they say in the article it takes much longer even for the hydrolysis to morphine.

Here’s another good one..

We see it takes roughly 12 mos for the heroin to completely degrade into 6-MAM as a 1% Diacetylmorphine HCl solution but then morphine is still only found in trace amounts.

So with this info it’s theoretically possible for someone to degrade their own heroin into 6-MAM. At 12mos it is a .9% 6-MAM solution so a 90% conversion ain’t bad, the rest being morphine and other minor degradation products.

Thanks @G_Chem !!!
That explains it then. So basically it takes quite awhile before it reverts.

Had tried looking up "how long does it take for heroin to revert back to morphine" on google, but only got results for "opioid addiction" and completely irrelevant things. So I appreciate that.
On this same note, this is why we see BTH having a fair amount of 6-MAM often. (Usually still has more DAM tho..) It’s the residual water either present upon synthesis or pulled in during storage due to the hygroscopic impurities left behind.

On this same note, this is why we see BTH having a fair amount of 6-MAM often. (Usually still has more DAM tho..) It’s the residual water either present upon synthesis or pulled in during storage due to the hygroscopic impurities left behind.

Interesting. I wonder how 6-MAM would feel on it's own. Is 6-MAM what makes heroin subjectively better than morphine or does it play a role in that?

Is BTH even bioavailable intranasally?
I believe I was given BTH once. It didn't break up into decent powder like normal heroin would. And it had that burnt chicken BBQ smell.
I msged the guy I got it from & told him this shit ain't working but he said it was working for him. I didn't feel shit from trying to snort it though.
But I wonder if I had smoked it, if it would have been effective that way. Or maybe it just really bunk or old.
I was so use to powder/rock heroin that when the BBQ chicken one landed in my lap, I had no idea it could be BTH at the time.

Appreciate your intelligence & insight, G_Chem! Thanks!
There was one time my guy gave me some blue & green tinted rocks. They had been sitting in some dudes storage shed for awhile & my guy broke in and got them some how. So I imagine it would have been subject to the elements a bit when it gets cold & humid. I remember it had a very heavy/dreamy feeling, but was nowhere near as euphoric as heroin. It wasn't fent either I don't think cause it didn't feel like it was OD territory like I have with fentanyl before. I've always been curious what those green/blue rocks might have actually been or if they had sat so long that they degraded into some kind of weaker opiate (cause there were some effects). I'll prolly never know though. No idea why they were blue & green either. lol
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Thanks @G_Chem !!!
That explains it then. So basically it takes quite awhile before it reverts.

Had tried looking up "how long does it take for heroin to revert back to morphine" on google, but only got results for "opioid addiction" and completely irrelevant things. So I appreciate that.
Hahaha try looking up anything opiate-related on the Internet and the algorithms ram pages of rehabs down your throat before you get to anything useful XD
Hahaha try looking up anything opiate-related on the Internet and the algorithms ram pages of rehabs down your throat before you get to anything useful XD
For real!
Just a few years ago, I could search a lot of things. Could find all kinds of articles & literature about how opioids are actually safer than once thought.
How they don't damage the brain or organs to anywhere near the extent things like alcohol do.
And even how they use to be used in the US for psychiatric care & worked very well for everything from psychosis to depression, until they were deemed "too addictive" and replaced with the SSRIs.
And now all the info is conveniently missing & difficult to find. They obviously purged all of it.

Some times I think the drug war is only getting started.
I have brothers & sisters who are in so much pain that they can't work & are losing their place of residence all because nobody will give them any kind of pain meds. They are clamping down hard & making sure opioids are the most demonized drug in history. It makes me sick.
On this same note, this is why we see BTH having a fair amount of 6-MAM often. (Usually still has more DAM tho..) It’s the residual water either present upon synthesis or pulled in during storage due to the hygroscopic impurities left behind.

I bet the relatively low pH of bth increases the rate of acetyl ester hydrolysis a bit.

I wonder if a group with good analytic equipment could ever use the ratios of morphine to monoacetyl and diacetyl to estimate the age of the product (would probably have to look for other markers to determine how much was converted to diacetyl and monoacetyl in the initial synthesis).
I have read in the past & heard before that if powder heroin gets wet, it can revert back to basic morphine.

Is this true?

if so, it got me thinking...
Most people who inject heroin mix it up with water. Some even heat it up.
Would this not destroy it too? Wouldn't this mean people are basically just injecting morphine? Or does it take awhile for the heroin to revert?
I've tried looking for myself but of course any results I get are heavily skewed & have nothing to do with what I ask.

I've had heroin in the past that has gotten moist/wet & became almost ineffective when used intranasally afterwards, so I'm curious.
Actually heroin IS morphine but with an ethyl ester,.heroin is the street name, the brand name is diacetyl morphine...

I wouldn't say heroin is morphine, per se.
They're clearly two different distinct chemicals.
Heroin may be a pro-drug for morphine, but it also has other active metabolites. Along with better bioavailability.
And "Heroin" is actually the brand name. coined by Bayer, the same people who make your aspirin. And the drug name would be diacetylmorphine.
"Smack" and "junk" would be street names technically. lol
Actually heroin IS morphine but with an ethyl ester,.heroin is the street name, the brand name is diacetyl morphine...


It’s the acetyl di-ester. Just because a chemical has the name of another in it doesn’t mean it IS that drug. Also Heroin has proven to be more than a pro-drug as 6-MAM gives unique pharmacological effects compared to morphine alone.

I am having a hard time understanding this thread. I made some heroin tea about a month ago - literally water, tea bag and sugar. The H is surely mixed with fentanyl. After the liquid sat out for about 24 hours, I stored it in an airtight container in a drawer/cabinet. Is it okay. I worry about potency, chemical breakdown and oxidation.
Why would you do that? lol. So you stored it at room temperature? I'd be more worried about microbial growth than I would be about it degrading, though it may have also degraded (in fact it surely did, probably to a large extent). But water for a month at room temperature is not something you should drink. If you re-boiled it, it would probably kill the bacteria and mold and stuff (probably), but that's nasty...
Yeah, I know. But I’m a newbie. So I thought I would make a cup of tea while relaxing. I only took a couple sips and dozed off and then got sick. So the next day I stored it in the container and in my room - I couldn’t put it in my family refrigerator.

I’ve since tried other methods, since I got sick in the middle of the night. These methods got me sick as well.

So I have the tea with a significant amount of product and wondering if it’s a loss.
Why would you do that? lol. So you stored it at room temperature? I'd be more worried about microbial growth than I would be about it degrading, though it may have also degraded (in fact it surely did, probably to a large extent). But water for a month at room temperature is not something you should drink. If you re-boiled it, it would probably kill the bacteria and mold and stuff (probably), but that's nasty...
It may kill the bacteria to reboil it but it's not going to break down the bacterial shit that gets you ill.
So what is getting me ill? It’s in a airtight “Tupperware.” But it sat out for 24 hours prior. I thought the water content would be the least of my worries
So what is getting me ill? It’s in a airtight “Tupperware.” But it sat out for 24 hours prior. I thought the water content would be the least of my worries

Anything sitting in the water (like a teabag) has stuff in it that will fester and rot and grow bacteria when sitting in water at room temperature. If it was a couple of days, I wouldn't worry about it, but a month? That's really gross, I would definitely not drink that. Doesn't matter if you cover it or not, there is already air in there. And even if you didn't leave the teabag in, it WAS in there. Even a tiny bit of something that contained bacteria or microbes left in the water will cause it to multiply is given air and water. Unless you pumped all of the air out with a vacuum and replaced it with inert gas before you put the lid on, there is air in there.

If you got sick the first time, it was probably because opiates can cause pretty bad nausea when you take too much, and when you take too much it's also not really euphoric, either... it mostly feels unpleasant. If you have drank it recently and gotten sick, it might literally also be getting you sick, from nasty stuff that grew in it.
Water sits on shelves worldwide at room temp. It’s virtually indestructible. Where’s this bacteria coming from. Also, to check sources, an admin said it loses very little potency over weeks?

I’m not looking to be confrontational. Just looking for answers. I just want to determine if I can use what I have/not waste it and what exactly I’m dealing with. Thanks again!