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Diet Does Guinness and Sapporo contain any wheat?

paranoid android

Moderator: TDS
Staff member
Apr 4, 2006
Guinness just says it contains barley and Sapporo is a rice lager but i thought id check on here anyway. Does anyone know if these 2 contain wheat?
well if that's what the label says, I don't see why they would lie about it? barley does contain gluten though, if that's what you are concerned about.
Probably lying
You mean like, the labels are lying?? I don't think they're legally allowed to lie, especially when it comes to things containing gluten, because it can actually kill someone who is allergic to gluten.
I don't think they do. Wheat based beers have a very specific taste. I highly doubt it but not sure.
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According to what I can find online, both beers are gluten free. Best of luck! Neither of them contain wheat to my knowledge and research.