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Does eating first help potentiate (for a lack of better word) oxycodone?


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I noticed if I take Tylenol before hand it increases the effects im looking just to help my foot which I think I’ve sprained and a decent amount of euphoria , my question would be does eating something help before hand? I just drank a large hemp protein shake with almond milk and chocolate syrup and I’m about to play drug dealer sim so pain relief and best amount of euphoria out of a 5-7.5 mg dosage appreciated. I’m not really looking to do grapefruit juice just yet. Just something I can do to help get the most out of my dosages provided above?
For me I'd get the best "euphoria" from taking my pills on an empty stomach. It'd kick in abit quicker and abit harder. But I've read that people suggest taking them like half hour after a high fat meal... Had a friend that used to do that but i always stuck to the empty stomach. Try one way one day and the other way a different day and compare??
Grapefruit Juice greatly effects Oxycodone's metabolism so yeah it increases blood-plasma levels of oxy.

EDIT: If ur gonna drink Grapefruit juice prior to taking Oxy then make sure u get freshly squeezed unfiltered (with the bits) Grapefruit juice straight from the fruit, it can be either Golden or Pink it doesnt matter. One more thing.. u might get a more profound Histamine reaction with the increased levels of Oxy in ur blood, if it starts to bother u then just take an antihistamine but beware cos Grapefruit juice can effect the metabolism of some antihistamines as well.
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