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Does Anyone Suffer from these Side Effects??

phewww...thought i was going crazy there for a second.
Sometimes I get these mini dreams that are so vivid and realistic that I think they actually happened, like brief insignificant conversations with the person next to you, but what makes it so strange is that you are concious of being unconcious, its almost like a hallucination, lying there, frozen, trying to wake yourself. It only lasts a minute or two but can be kind of scary (actually, i probably enjoy it more than it scare me) but I never saw it as a seizure, momentarily paralyzed...i dont know, now that you mention it...could it be?
anyone been having them long term?
[This message has been edited by Av (edited 23 July 2000).]
in psychological terms this effect is known as the "Alpha Jerk" - statistical correletion w/drug use has not been established, but....
...some say Jimi Hendrix decided to pursue what lay on the other side of the realm of the alpha when he ..ahem..passed on...
..food for thought?
[This message has been edited by frqntflyr (edited 23 July 2000).]
maybe you sleep twitchers and paralysis ppl have more in common than just pilling. maybe you all preload or have comedown bongs or somehting?? mite not be just cause you all have pills, at least i hope not
Yay! Thanx Ami for bringing up those dreams, nice to know I'm not the only one. I don't think it has to do with pills though, cause I've only been pilling for about six months and I've been getting those sort of dreams for probably 5-6 years now. Anyway hope that helps
A friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself.
well i havent had a pill for about 4weeks now and i got the sleep paralysis thing twice in the past two weeks
i woke up and felt like there was somthing pinning me to the bed, i couldn't even move my head to the side, i just lie there and the second time i couldn't breathe either,
eventually i was able to strain my head to the side and it was like i was released
it was really quite scary and has made my decision to lay off the drugs for a while that much easier
im glad my case is not isolated, it makes it a lil less scarier
move to florida?
if he could he would,
damn sell out!
I'm no expert or anything but I think that perhaps it's got to do with being tired??? I twitch something chronic after a night out... Gotta love those heart palpitations after scaring yourself half to death... but it also happens when I'm overly tired too...
I have to agree that it's probably something to do with the body relaxing. Perhaps it might have something to do with lactic acid build up in the muscles from too much dancing/physical exersion??? I probably should know this stuff being a psych student and all...
Sleep deprivation is definitely a bad thing. The only two times I've stayed up for two nights in a row, I've had a minor epileptic seizure on the third day, and I don't have epilepsy.
The third time I did on New Year's Eve 1999->2000, things went fuzzy at around 4AM Sunday...reality went "pear-shaped", if you will...
What can I say people...the body needs sleep, and obviously some require it more than others.
-- SpeedFrog.
[email protected]
ever seen a frog on speed? i didn't think so.
I've heard that taking 5-HTP can cause night-scares (nightmares that seem VERY real). Maybe the twitchings and falling sensations are related?
Was also wondering if epilepsy is genetic?
Some people only start having seizures in their mid to late '20s...
- say know to drugs
- never ever, bloody anything ever
- love is all you need
What you are referring to is probably sleep paralysis, or "night Terrors" as they are sometimes known. Caused usually by low seratonin levels, or fluctuating sero levels. Dreams and sleep have interplay with seratonin levels. Thus, caning it can bring them on. People also find they suffer them when there seratonin comes to a peak (Say a fortnight after last pill, and having taken 5-htp). There were some terrific threads on this on the old board (RIP), but this is what i could dredge up for you.....
"Sounds like some form of sleep paralysis, possibly caused by chronically low 5-HT levels or selective nerve damage in the laterodorsal or pedunclopine tegmental nuclei. Low 5-HT levels in these brainstem areas cause the neurons to fire before theyre supposed to, setting up thalamic oscillations with the cortex (REM pulses - buzzing/electric sensations?) and paralyzing the body before you have settled into deep sleep. "
come to think of it, ever since I have been pilling I HAVE NO DREAMS WHATSOEVER!
that sucks, no dreams, good or bad! how do I get them back dammit....
oh well...
ive been sleep-twitching since i was a kid! jus b4 i fall asleep, id think dat i fell down or tripped n jus give a sudden jerk. if dats related to drugs, hmmmm... dat means mommy has been spiking my milk wif sumthing!!!
heheheHAHAHAHAHAA... >'.'<
lurve u mommy!
Ghost - that describes mine exactly. I always half dream that I am falling or have tripped or something.
This has been happening since I was a kid, so maybe all your stuff everyone, isn't actually drug related......maybe.
Thanks pinger, i'll have a read of those links. I'm of the opinion though, that it could be linked to some sort of genetic trait which makes some people (like moi) more prone to sleep payalysis than others. That or its triggered by messing around with your body clock.
hah a yeah arc, my dog twitches in his sleep as well, they're up to something definitely