Does anyone knoe about doing e while breast feeding?


Dec 13, 1999
My best friend is visiting during the holidays abd will be spending new years with me she has never tried e but wants to the only problem we are facing is that she has a 4 mon. old baby and she breast feeds do you know if it can harm the baby through her milk?Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!
NO, NO, NO, NO!!!
Anything she puts into her body, her baby in turn gets from her breast milk!! When you breastfeed a baby, you can see the color changes in the milk from different foods you eat.....Like for instance, i use to eat alot of cooked carrots, my milk had a orange tint to it, if I ate something sweet like a sunday or something, it would be sticky!!
Your friend needs to stay sober from anything and everything as long as her baby is dependant upon her for nutrition@@@@@
Glad you asked before you guys did it though. Smart move!
the doctor says:
the general rule of thumb is to refrain from drinking, smoking and drugs during pregnancy and then only drugs for a short period after pregancy. However, since ecstasy burns through the body very quickly it should not affect the natural milk prodcued by the mother. E will affect the mother by maybe depressing her for a short while after but the only thing the baby should get is depressed milk.
the doctor
If it seems as if I can roll harder than others, it is only because I have rolled on the shoulders of giants
NO, NO, NO, NO!!!
Anything she puts into her body, her baby in turn gets from her breast milk!! When you breastfeed a baby, you can see the color changes in the milk from different foods you eat.....Like for instance, i use to eat alot of cooked carrots, my milk had a orange tint to it, if I ate something sweet like a sunday or something, it would be sticky!!
Your friend needs to stay sober from anything and everything as long as her baby is dependant upon her for nutrition@@@@@
Glad you asked before you guys did it though. Smart move!