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Does anyone get "high" thinking about the universe?

I remember being about 11 years old and thinking about the vastness, complexity and infinity of the universe. I had an odd sensation, a physical and mental euphoric rush, come over me. It's so hard to explain because it's not like a drug. It's like the opposite of an epiphany, it's something you've discovered but can never know. It feels like a rush though, there is a major related sensation. It's more than simply a profound thought.

It feels like my brain has reached some sort of computer error message, as if it suddenly has become subconsciously aware of ... something, but it also cannot comprehend. Like it reached max level, the most it can possibly comprehend, yet... I know there is more out there, like a 4th DMT wall that nobody has ever reached.

This isn't inspired by a drug addled brain, I'm describing the same sensation I've occasionally had while deep thinking since well before I ever got into drugs as a young boy.

It only happens when I'm deep in thought about the universe and nature of reality. Not meditation, or maybe not sure, but it's something else.

When I was nine years old, our family moved to a rural location from the middle of a city. The night sky just blew my mind. I sat pondering the infinity of the universe night after night when I should have been stuffing my face with sweets and watching Jimmy Saville on TV.

That was a high that I've never experienced before or since - but I've tried my fuckin best...

It's like the rest of your life pales into insignificance when you've had your mind blown at such a young age.
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That was a high that I've never experienced before or since - but I've tried my fuckin best...
I can't seem to replicate it on command, it just suddenly happens sometimes when I put my intention into it. I'd say it's happened maybe a dozen times in my life.

I miss being able to see millions of stars in the night sky. It's an amazing experience. I rarely get far enough out in the sticks to be able to enjoy that. 😔
It's such a shame that so many people don't even realize what the sky is supposed to look like, outside civilization. It's even more sad that many people don't even care to look up. Too busy looking at their phones or possessions :(