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Does anyone get "high" thinking about the universe?

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
I remember being about 11 years old and thinking about the vastness, complexity and infinity of the universe. I had an odd sensation, a physical and mental euphoric rush, come over me. It's so hard to explain because it's not like a drug. It's like the opposite of an epiphany, it's something you've discovered but can never know. It feels like a rush though, there is a major related sensation. It's more than simply a profound thought.

It feels like my brain has reached some sort of computer error message, as if it suddenly has become subconsciously aware of ... something, but it also cannot comprehend. Like it reached max level, the most it can possibly comprehend, yet... I know there is more out there, like a 4th DMT wall that nobody has ever reached.

This isn't inspired by a drug addled brain, I'm describing the same sensation I've occasionally had while deep thinking since well before I ever got into drugs as a young boy.

It only happens when I'm deep in thought about the universe and nature of reality. Not meditation, or maybe not sure, but it's something else.
Absolutely. I remember when I was about the same age, trying to imagine time & space having a beginning and end... then trying to imagine them NOT having a beginning or end, and it blew my mind straight into the stratosphere. It still does.

One of the beauties of life to me is that the older I get, the more I realize just how little I truly understand. Therefore it's an eternal pursuit, like going to an all-you-can-eat buffet and never getting full.

I feel the same way about dreams, hence my name. We basically get to trip our sacks off every night with no drugs required! :)
Absolutely. I remember when I was about the same age, trying to imagine time & space having a beginning and end... then trying to imagine them NOT having a beginning or end, and it blew my mind straight into the stratosphere. It still does.

One of the beauties of life to me is that the older I get, the more I realize just how little I truly understand. Therefore it's an eternal pursuit, like going to an all-you-can-eat buffet and never getting full.

it's like my brain suddenly realizes something that it does not have the power to compute, and this very odd yet somewhat enjoyable sensation comes over me, and then it seems like I either consciously or subconsciously kick myself out of that thought and start thinking about smaller things again, my brain wants to go back into it's normal state

I don't think brains enjoy the benefits humiliation
Yeah, you're not the only one but since I'm ill as fk atm I don't perceive that positive thing, mental rush u talking about no more.depression sucks. I'm kinda derailing but Yeah the complexity of the universe is fascinating.
Absolutely. I remember when I was about the same age, trying to imagine time & space having a beginning and end... then trying to imagine them NOT having a beginning or end, and it blew my mind straight into the stratosphere. It still does.

One of the beauties of life to me is that the older I get, the more I realize just how little I truly understand. Therefore it's an eternal pursuit, like going to an all-you-can-eat buffet and never getting full.

I feel the same way about dreams, hence my name. We basically get to trip our sacks off every night with no drugs required! :)
I totally relate with the dreams, I feel free and happy when I'm dreaming. Then I wake up and get struck by reality, ugh.
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Enough to look over me at the stars on clear night high in the mountain to achieve that sensation of vastness...knowing that just gazed into the past....these galaxies and stars that i looked into may be just dont exist in this moment,because the light that they emits travel such distance to reach me.May be paleolithic people feel exactly the same.Feels like a child...incredible feeling.Amazement.....yeah I know what you talking about to feel high without to get high.Its not surprising that the stars were gods and God lives in heaven....and when somebodys little childs mother died they say"Hey little one dont you cry,your mama is a little star there above.This is absolutely lovely man!Feel inner peace.Microspace and macrospace.....and we humans.The more you go ahead the more you go back.Born,lived,died....cool man
the vast complexity of the brain pales in comparison to the universe which had born it

for this reason I will always be agnostic, I believe in God, but simultaneously also believe that our brains cannot even comprehend what God is

I think ego death is approaching this idea in it's true form

fragments of God which can only subjectively experience truth in Divine Moments of Truth (DMT)
Very true.I believe that in early christians eucharistia,which in the beginning was held not morning,but at night contains wine plus some strong psychoactive substance(could be some ergot alcaloids),just like nepenthes in ancient greek mysteries.The flesh and the blood of God.After the first canon was made in the forth centuries this was changed with plain bread and wine and all apocryphical evangelist writings abolished because some political reason.These are not this old poor wandering ascets,mystics and disciples.This is the time when the Church like institution is established and strong connection with the governor(emperor),the state is present.From then all is just a theatre.Who wants enlightened proselits instead of mass easily controled by fear,promises for eternal life for righteous and eternal death for sinners?There is something more than ourselfs.Everyone feels that
YES! We’d sit outside and as you stared into the deep nothingness above you the feeling of being so small in such a large universe is awe inspiring.

I’m actually sad cuz I’ve tried to feel that way since but must be too old n jaded for that now…

Yes, I still get that feeling sometimes. In fact one of my primary coping mechanisms for stress and depression is thinking about the majesty of the universe, especially the scale... it helps me to put things into perspective to realize and ponder that I am less than a speck of dust on a speck of dust on a speck of dust.

Absolutely. I remember when I was about the same age, trying to imagine time & space having a beginning and end... then trying to imagine them NOT having a beginning or end, and it blew my mind straight into the stratosphere. It still does.

Yeah, exactly this. I would think about this exact thing and get a sort of dizzy feeling, it was my first high, as a young child.

it's like my brain suddenly realizes something that it does not have the power to compute, and this very odd yet somewhat enjoyable sensation comes over me, and then it seems like I either consciously or subconsciously kick myself out of that thought and start thinking about smaller things again, my brain wants to go back into it's normal state

I don't think brains enjoy the benefits humiliation
I wasn't sure if I related at first glance, but then this post struck me.

There's a phobia called apeirophobia where people will suddenly experience the infinites of space and reality and things of the like. It's actually a superpower too once you embrace the fear and live with it.

Knew this guy in a hospital once who I talked to a lot. Once, deep in conversation it was like a big portion of space and stars and galaxies was just floating over his head. I know the feeling you're talking about in two ways but that was the only one that seemed lasting. Most times when I'm alone looking into space, it's as if you describe, where I'm pulled into this great expanse but lack of brain power shifts me back into mundane awareness. I do it all the time.
Yes, I still get that feeling sometimes. In fact one of my primary coping mechanisms for stress and depression is thinking about the majesty of the universe, especially the scale... it helps me to put things into perspective to realize and ponder that I am less than a speck of dust on a speck of dust on a speck of dust.
awesome, I'll try that! I feel like that could work. My mind typically only wanders there randomly when I'm in a decent mood. I could see how it could be useful for depression, usually I don't even think at all when I'm depressed and that makes it even worse.
Yeah when I was a young kid and still being forced to attend baptist church and such... I used to lay in bed for hours at night thinking about it. I would think about if I was going to Heaven or hell, and the idea of eternal life. I'd think, even after I was in Heaven for a hundred years I'd still be there for another hundred years after that. I'd live 100 years 100 times then after all that I'd still be in the same place I started. Even as a child I eventually realized that being conscious for that long, even surrounded by family in Heaven, would be more akin to torture than peace.

I only found some semblance of true peace when I realized that...when my life one day ends... my body will literally disintegrate into the earth. And then that's it. I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that my mind and consciousness simply won't exist anymore and I'll be gone. But I realize everyone who lives must die and there's no hiding from it.
Do I get "high" thinking about the Universe?
Hell, yes.
Sometimes it's overwhelming and I have to force myself to think about something else. Like if I don't distract myself I'll "overdose."
I'm only half-kidding!