Mental Health Does anyone else not clean


Nov 19, 2018
Does anyone else not clean there house properly when depressed then embarRassed when someone knocks on or looks through window.
Does anyone else not clean there house properly when depressed then embarRassed when someone knocks on or looks through window.

When I had my last severe depressive episode I didn't even clean myself. I remember when I got sectioned I'd been wearing the same clothes for two weeks and I hadn't bathed or washed my hair for about a month. It doesn't embarrass me, though, because at that point I'm way too low to care
I get the same when drinking but not as bad. I stayed in a hotel for 3 weeks once and they had to hire industrial cleaners for the room. When I've lived on my own, the apartments have been really disgusting after a while either because I'm psychotically depressed or because I'm drinking so heavily I'm totally unaware of the world around me.
I'm temporarily living with my parents right now, so I do clean the house even when I'm in opioid withdrawal and can barely get out of bed because they both work full time AND take care of my 2 year old niece all evening and night so it would be really shitty of me to expect them to do all the housework.

*THEIR house. C'mon, man.
i never been sectioned i went 2 months but didnt leave the house myteeth r fuked n all citalopam is helping a bit as ive done some cleaning
i threw a glass table at the wall and theres stilll bits of glass in corner of room its ridicilous but my mind goes haywirefpor some reason
i jus listen to music to block out thoughts
I'm going through alot right now and really depressed and my housework is slacking. I won't let it go to bad but yes it's normal to stop caring .
I haven't showered in 2 days and still in same pjs and robe. I will shower in a few minutes but im forcing myself, just like forcing myself to do dishes
I hope you feel better soon
My room is an absolute mess.

Good thing about that is living in filth will boost your immune system, lol.

Take your time. No rush. It will turn around eventually, it's just how the world works. Nothing is forever, for better or for worse.
My dad would get really depressed and not clean his house. I lived with him for a while and our combined mess got pretty bad cause I was like a messy teenager. I kinda actually got into cleaning because it just became a basic necessity and now when I'm in an even somewhat descent mood I make a point to clean. Even though my living situation is now completely different, still feels good. I have pretty regular hypomanic/depressive flips though so I'm fortunate enough that my neurosis is more versatile than some peoples. No stress, a lotta people find it hard to clean especially when they live alone and are depressed. We're group creatures, and it actually takes a lot of energy to keep a living space like "BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE ON THE TV CLEAN" ya know.
My bf does all the cleaning. I help somewhat when not in a depressive state. But I mostly sleep.
I do this, and to a degree always have... My first house, I lived in isolation most of the time and usually fell asleep drinking bartons with fast food trash strewn half-assed wherever it fit -- coffee table, chair arms, floor...

My dad was one of those narcicistic/schizophrenic/abusive types, and he put so much pressure on appearance for other people that when I'm alone (even now) I feel like I can decompress all the worry by just ignoring it. If people are coming over, holy shit I am so humiliated I clean in a rush last minute to make things presentable. It's been easier to stay on top of things now that I have a daughter of my own, but damn is it a struggle. I actually turned to meth (working myself to shit with a toddler, 15 hrs of classes, and playing 50's hosuewife) after months of passive agressive bullshit from an unagreeable and domineering mother-in-law. Looking back, it feels like I was just trying to fight off the looming episode of depression...

I definitely care, but life does feel forced most of the time and it takes too much energy. Here's my resume' : MDD, GAD, C-PTSD, ADD (inattentive, haha fml)
Yeah when I was in a very depressive state my surroundings and sometimes myself were very fucked up. Looked worse than a tornado being inside the place lol. It's reatively "normal" or at least not uncommon.
people thort i were tain hard drugs in first proper depressive episode so they didnt speak to me so i ended up takigng hard drugs