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Does anybody else fear the trail of evidence linking them to being a drug user?


Jul 31, 2012
I wholly imagine, that one day extermination camps will be opened and all undesirables will be rounded up and shipped off to begin the mass extermination. As a documented drug user, I fear that I would definitely be cast into this group of maladjusted individuals that are labeled as a plague on society. With the current political climate I can easily foresee a day when this is a reality and not just a paranoid ponderance. Does anybody else ever have these Orwellian apocolyptic visions and wish there was no documentation related to their drug use?
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I'm not sure we're on their radar at the moment. Everyone is on drugs now anyway.
i know they know
stay low and out of their faces
try not to carry dirty
be invisible
respect if confronted
respect if confronted
Agree. Even if substance prohibition laws are unjust, I cant think of any reason to disrespect a LEO on the job like you see people frequently doing on those Cops shows. Without them and military we'd have fuedal warlord anarchy, and besides, there is the idea that all people deserve some modicum of respect.

We ought to press legislatures to rationalize drug laws which fall hardest on disadvantaged minorities and the poor, and which provoke disrespect for the law itself, by prohibiting cannabis while permitting alcohol and tobbaco.

Edit. - brevity
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I couldn't see this happening honestly. There's no way there's going to be extermination camps in the US or any other western country, because it would violate the constitution. And as fucked up as the vast majority of politicians are, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that even one of them would publicly go on record as supporting literal genocide of their own citizens. No way in hell. What they will do is fail to act while all the 1% fat cats fuck us over. Or whatever brand of bullshit your politicians are into. Whether that's letting other fat cat 1% crooks spike the water with fluoride, letting in a bunch of immigrants from the middle east who are hellbent on trying to turn Europe into whatever shithole country they came from, taking legal bribes from lobbyists in Washington and going on round the world junkets, politicians filching our tax dollars to build bigger mansions, or whatever the fuck they're doing where you're from, it's only going to get worse.

Because shit is officially hitting the fan in my opinion. Honestly, I think it's an energy shift in the cosmos honestly. The shit that's going on now isn't merely caused by man's errors. It's something much more than that, we're on the tail end of some sort of cosmic cycle IMO where everything is headed downhill. Shit is going to just keep getting way worse and worse. And society is basically going to collapse. Right now, we're in the same place Rome was right before the middle ages. But then after humanity gets through it, we'll build ourselves up better than ever before. Shit goes in cycles, and right now civilization is very much on the wane. That's obvious. But the people at the top don't really give a fuck about people. Whether they use drugs or not. Certainly not enough to want to start extermination camps for people. So, I'm not worried about that, but everything is going to gradually fall apart over the next decades. And there will be nothing left of civilization as we know it. And then humanity will ultimately rebuild itself stronger than before. I know this for a 100% fact, because it simply makes sense given the fact that our universe goes in cycles. And we are clearly now on the waning end of one. It is very obvious if you simply take a look around with an open mind.
I feel like drug users are much less of a target than they were a couple decades ago, at least in the United States and Canada. Being tough on drugs just doesn't seem to be as politically important as it used to be. I'm more hopeful than worried.
Nah, everyone knows I use drugs. It's not illegal to be a drug user. It's only illegal if you are caught possessing drugs (and this has happened to me a dozen times and they only ever confiscate the drugs and that's it) or if you're selling them.
Besides, most drugs are headed towards legalization. And most people use drugs anyway.
I've suffered more than I could well describe, but I'm sure I am lucky to be alive at all. Maybe some angels were looking out for me.

I don't think US will run genocide efforts against addicts (or political dissenters). Of course one never knows- if things got insane enough with climate change causing massive refugees, water crises, food shortages, etc, who knows what could happen.
I feel like drug users are much less of a target than they were a couple decades ago, at least in the United States and Canada. Being tough on drugs just doesn't seem to be as politically important as it used to be. I'm more hopeful than worried.

Yeah, actually I think there's probably going to be a lot more legalizations/decriminalizations of drugs. Which we have already seen.
This is a worse case scenario but if Trump gets reelected, and the economy tanks like it is going to, I wouldn't be surprised in the least bit if the United States had a purge. Trump will be looking for people to blame, He has already started targeting specific groups.
The worst case scenario is if Sanders gets elected.

True!! but I think Trump is definitely capable of more evil atrocities. I think Trump is definitely worse. We have yet to see the full face of Trump. We have gotten hints but when the shit hits the fan the true Trump will be revealed.
I wholly imagine, that one day extermination camps will be opened and all undesirables will be rounded up and shipped off to begin the mass extermination. As a documented drug user, I fear that I would definitely be cast into this group of maladjusted individuals that are labeled as a plague on society. With the current political climate I can easily foresee a day when this is a reality and not just a paranoid ponderance. Does anybody else ever have these Orwellian apocolyptic visions and wish there was no documentation related to their drug use?
I don't hide my drug use from anyone except my children. My whole family, my boss they all know. I find it honestly makes me feel better