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Television Doctor Who


Nov 18, 2012
I fucking adore Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor. He's brilliant!!

I can't be the only person here who loves this show.

I'm going to miss Amy and Rory...quite alot, actually. Not too thrilled about a new companion. :p
I fucking adore Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor. He's brilliant!!

From what I can gather, most prefer David Tennant.

This show has such a cult following. I've watched a few episodes and it's not bad, but it hasn't grabbed me by the collar like I expected it to. I'll still catch it on TV if it's on BBC America.
Looks like I'm bumping this..hah

I'm pretty much still mourning David Tennant...I'm so excited to have him and Billie Piper back for the 50th! I like Matt Smith but I'm not heart broken about him leaving the show. Being part of the cult, I adore the show always, but I think everyone plays favourites!
I'm just getting a bit nervous about who it will be next. I heard it will be announced tomorrow though! So we shall see...I've been trying to avoid all rumours!

No other Whovians out there? :p
Peter Capaldi is the 12th Doctor. Not sure how I feel about this, but at least he's Scottish.

Will miss Matt terribly. :(
Yeah I found out today! I still haven't made a decision on whether or not I think he will be great...but I tend to do that. haha I will withhold judgement until I see him in action!
I think he'll be fantastic. But I can't STAND Clara...I want her to die as soon as possible.

And I'm going to be a complete mess when the 11th regenerates. :(

Matt's in Los Angeles right now. But I haven't run into him...ha ha.
I love Clara! Which is a relief, because I wasn't that into Amy and Rory. I thought I'd never stop saying that I missed Rose...I'm in that group. Hahaha.
Hey at least you're in the same city! I've never been able to say that!
I absolutely love Clara. She is by far the most attractive assistant that I've ever seen on Dr Who.
Just hope that she stays as we haven't had for long enough yet.
I fucking adore Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor. He's brilliant!!

I can't be the only person here who loves this show.

I'm going to miss Amy and Rory...quite alot, actually. Not too thrilled about a new companion. :p

either the writers got shit or clara just cant act, but i ain't buying it! some poor episodes. mehhh

clara's just really annoying. its like there is no depth to her. yes she has cheekbones like debbie harry but she's just as bad as this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freema_Agyeman urghhhhh. keep doing voiceovers on bbc3 bizzarre er (amazing show!) cos that way no-one can see your unconvincing expressions.
either the writers got shit or clara just cant act, but i ain't buying it! some poor episodes. mehhh

clara's just really annoying. its like there is no depth to her. yes she has cheekbones like debbie harry but she's just as bad as this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freema_Agyeman urghhhhh. keep doing voiceovers on bbc3 bizzarre er (amazing show!) cos that way no-one can see your unconvincing expressions.

The last half of season 7 was total shit. Horrifying writing, just the worst ever. And no, Jenna Coleman (Clara) can't act AT ALL. She's beyond annoying.

Donna and Amy were my favourite companions.
This series should actually be named "Dr. Whom". Think about it.
Doctor who

I love doctor who. Been into it since I was a kid. I'm a 90's kid but I was lucky enough to have a granddad who taped lots of classic who off the TV for me! Always remember "Genesis of the Daleks" with Tom Baker being my favourite. I've recently been re-watching classic Doctor who episodes with Tom Baker and it can be so dark! Much darker than a lot of the new ones. Anyone else agree? He's also my number 1 doctor. My top 10 doctors:

10 -John Hurt
9 -Patrick Troughton
8 -David Tennant
7 -Matt Smith
6 -Christopher Ecclestone
5 -Matt Smith
4 -Peter Capaldi
3 -Paul McGann
3 -William Hartnell
2 - Jon Pertwee
1 - Tom Baker

What are yours? Talk about anything to do with it! :D