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Doctor Appt Today (help)


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
So I’m wondering what you guys would do if your in my situation. I get 5 2mg k pin a month they work amazing for anxiety and believe it or not energy. But the 5 I get is not enough, and the anxiety I face 1mg don’t really even touch. Problem is klonopin gives me mania/insomnia. I’m outside working to 9 and then I’m up late till 5. I would like to suggest a Trying a shorter acting benzo with an increase of amount I can take. Do you think me telling him I want something that don’t last so long as it works wonders for hard anxiety but keeps me up all night would cause him to just say no benzo at all
I don't see that as an unreasonable request. It is a bit strange that benzos give you insomnia, but paradoxical reactions are a real thing.
I don't see that as an unreasonable request. It is a bit strange that benzos give you insomnia, but paradoxical reactions are a real thing.
Yeah I mean. Anxiety totally gone. Happy can smoke all the weed you put in my face. No worries and I tend to get more energy out of them as well and focus. I think ima just say I know I asked for five but I guess I underestimated it and the meds are helping (Keppra) but seroquel Doing nothing making me more anxious and manic (I’m not taking either of those) although might try Keppra as it calms brain down and is just anti seizure. I just don’t wanna rock the boat but 5 a month isn’t cutting it even at 2mg.
So I’m wondering what you guys would do if your in my situation. I get 5 2mg k pin a month they work amazing for anxiety and believe it or not energy. But the 5 I get is not enough, and the anxiety I face 1mg don’t really even touch. Problem is klonopin gives me mania/insomnia. I’m outside working to 9 and then I’m up late till 5. I would like to suggest a Trying a shorter acting benzo with an increase of amount I can take. Do you think me telling him I want something that don’t last so long as it works wonders for hard anxiety but keeps me up all night would cause him to just say no benzo at all

You'd prally be better off getting a new doctor n just yelling him you were getting 60 2mg xanax a month n ho from there
Would you just be honest and say nothing else is working but the klonopin
In my opinion with how things are structured today, you cannot "ask" for ANYTHING directly. You are forced to play the game as if you were a real patient in need, which you seem to be as the meds do help you. Tell the doc how great you feel when you take them and how much it seems to help you and that when taking the other meds, it doesn't really do much positive for you etc.. and let them come to the conclusion on their own that giving you more of whats helping is the correct answer. It sucks it has to be this way but unless you have a very good relationship with your doctor, asking for narcotics will almost certainly get you booted.
In my opinion with how things are structured today, you cannot "ask" for ANYTHING directly. You are forced to play the game as if you were a real patient in need, which you seem to be as the meds do help you. Tell the doc how great you feel when you take them and how much it seems to help you and that when taking the other meds, it doesn't really do much positive for you etc.. and let them come to the conclusion on their own that giving you more of whats helping is the correct answer. It sucks it has to be this way but unless you have a very good relationship with your doctor, asking for narcotics will almost certainly get you booted.

I wouldnt make it sound like I feel so great taking the medication or hell think uoure a drug addict and you won't get shit
Yeah I mean. Anxiety totally gone. Happy can smoke all the weed you put in my face. No worries and I tend to get more energy out of them as well and focus. I think ima just say I know I asked for five but I guess I underestimated it and the meds are helping (Keppra) but seroquel Doing nothing making me more anxious and manic (I’m not taking either of those) although might try Keppra as it calms brain down and is just anti seizure. I just don’t wanna rock the boat but 5 a month isn’t cutting it even at 2mg.

I can tell you from many years of firsthand experience that keppra doesn't have any real side effects, at least IME, and does have slight (emphasis on slight) anxiolytic effects. It really does slow down racing trains of thought, but its nothing compared to even ativan (goddamn autocorrect keeps trying to change ativan to African lol).
I can tell you from many years of firsthand experience that keppra doesn't have any real side effects, at least IME, and does have slight (emphasis on slight) anxiolytic effects. It really does slow down racing trains of thought, but its nothing compared to even ativan (goddamn autocorrect keeps trying to change ativan to African lol).
Ok that eases my mind that I’m not antipsyched out and can take it and see if it works to what I need it to do thank you so much for the info
I guess I am lucky. I can ask my Dr to up me and he cooperates and we reach an agreement we are both comfortable with

I just hope a relative also going to him doesn't mess things up, he is sending them to a psychiatrist for meds now

I would just be honest if you have a competent Dr; however anyone who would RX 10mg Klonopin a month doesn't seem open to large Benzodiazepine use (or even normal use) I could be wrong though

Good 😊 Luck