Doc switch my narcotic meds


Oct 14, 2015
My doctor wants to switch me from methadone to something different, he said maybe hydrocodone or oxycodone. I'm on 20mg methadone 4x a day. I've taken almost all narcotics and I don't know what to ask to be switched to. And what would be the doseage?
Hey. You may wish to post in the other drugs forum for this question. The support forum is more for site related issues. :)
The side effects are basically the same between the two and doseage would be determined by your doctor? Seems more of a discussion to have with you doctor o_o
Yeah I agree with Staghr^ . If I had to choose I would say oxy because for me its more efficient and less sedating, and comes without apap bullshit if they put you on the right preperation. Why does he want you off the done?
transitioning from methadone to oxy could be difficult....make sure you get a proper dose