Do Your Pills Talk To You?

I can't believe I actually read this..
*shakes her head and laughs*
i'm guilty too
and the worst part is... i KNEW what it was going to say before i read it!

"I am more than a mathematical equation...i am more than a chemical combination... my existence cannot be reduced to a scientific theory!"
if my pills would talk they would tell you to "shut up"

I'm really really bored today ..
when i'm holding pills for someone else they always want me to eat them. its like peer pressure....come on just eat us you know you want to. i really hate that. i *usually* don't give in....except that one time...sorry karen. PLUR
Bliss Bliss
"I want to know what your feeling. There are some things you can't hide. I want to know what your thinking. Tell me whats on your mind"
Only in milk
*snap crackle pop*
waitaminute, maybe those are my synapses...
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...