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Do you think there is an intelligence to the design of your life or its just all random survival-biological stuff?


Apr 19, 2019
Do you think every mindfuck, painful and unexplainable shit that happened on your life has a purpose in the big scheme of the design of God, or its all just random happenings on a cold universe where the universe doesn't have any emotion and its all a free for all?

Could you open your mind to the possibility that reality is absolutely perfect and infinite BUT God designed 'painful' experiences and apparently 'imperfect' reality with 'mistakes', so it could teach itself some important things?

Just like in a movie, where we could make a screenplay where nothing happens and all actors in the movie are happy and relaxed, well nobody wants to see that movie. Movies have plots where there is something to be 'solved'. Just like life, this was all designed. To a granular sense of detail that would shit your pants of the utter shock if you knew. Even the name of your first crush was designed by Infinite Consciousness (God-You) and it had a purpose (that you yet maybe don't understand). Your crush that is also YOU, was given also a set of 'problems' to sort out through his life time and they interact perfectly in a way so you two met at some point in this movie.

If you sometimes get frustrated why your traumas keep repeating or being reflected in your relationships, career, or just life in general...if you seem to just repeat the same cycle...that´s God designing a BIG FUCKING MOVIE!! See your 'problems' or thing that you don't understand wouldn't mean shit if just happened for 5 minutes. No, it has to be a part of your life for years, for decades, it has to be a whole identity for you. You need to shed tears, agony, frustration. And not only that, it must be interconnected in an intelligent and perfect way with other beings in the movie. THEN we can play a good fucking movie.

I suspect the goal of the movie its to move every being to higher states of consciousness where only pure Unitary Love its realized and God Meets Himself in every fucking type of life possible. Yeah, that burger you ate at McDonald's when you were 9 was just not a random act! No fucking random act or action has happened until now. NOTHING has been random. It's all has been designed and its been a 'screenplay' by God. Even the most dumb fucking experience (in your view) has had a certain purpose in order to move you into unitary consciousness and Love realization. You just can't see it right now because your consciousness its very limited and you can't see the infinite ramifications of consequences eating that burger had. But in astronomically Fluid states of consciousness you can see how it all connects and fits together on a global dimensional scale.

Or maybe I'm a nut case that took too much 3-MeO-PCP, 5-MeO-DMT and too much acid seeing the starts. What do you think?
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My view is agnostic. We are pea-brains looking out at a huge, mysterious universe that we don't understand, trying to reconcile it with an equally-unclear inner universe.

I think the dichotomy of free will vs. determinism and intelligent design vs. random convergence are too simplistic. It's probably all one thing and our bicameral brains have a hard time seeing it because we are dualistic by nature.
i get the feeling like i've been contacted by birds being a higher power. i get the feeling like when i flick through the radio stations that comments on the stations go along with what i'm thinking in a really loose way. this gets me to start to believe the type of stuff you are saying...

about realilty being perfect despite of all bad things, i used to feel like bad things happened so i would cry and then i would like that i was crying, like i'd get high off of it. so i'd end up crying because i was crying about bad stuff. it was a vicious cycle... today i don't let that stuff get to me. i can't really see bad stuff being apart of god. it seems to be a mix up to me, and i don't believe every history or reality could be this bad. i just feel like the government sets everything up to be sick just to get the reaction i got while crying. like they made everything so i'd realize my emotions. if bad stuff never happened, our emotions might not be the same... i don't think every planet is like that necessarily, or maybe there are better time periods on the history of the earth. i actually have no idea. i just get this feeling from how i think that i've been contacted. maybe it's just like a last resort thing to stay sane. i don't know...
i think the only way we could achieve "only pure Unitary Love" and still feel emotions is if we set up a perfect world and gave history classes of our current time periods, we would have to give the students in the class drugs like LSD and tell them to imagine being in the time periods, like imagine what it felt like to be a jew in world war two. i assume some people will get a reaction out of this and start to realize more emotions than just the reality of a perfect world.

i'm guessing that they have tried the technique that i just mentioned and that it doesn't always go well, like people won't get it and most won't experience emotions, so we create the world like it is to create fear and depression... i've personally thought that i wouldn't respond to most tragedy with crying if it weren't for the fact that i was mollested as a kid. like the wheel started with a bad experience for myself and the only reason why i feel empathy is because i learned it because of my own tragedy. i don't know this, so i don't get down on myself. but sometimes i get that feeling....
Do you think every mindfuck, painful and unexplainable shit that happened on your life has a purpose in the big scheme of the design of God, or its all just random happenings on a cold universe where the universe doesn't have any emotion and its all a free for all?

Could you open your mind to the possibility that reality is absolutely perfect and infinite BUT God designed 'painful' experiences and apparently 'imperfect' reality with 'mistakes', so it could teach itself some important things?

Just like in a movie, where we could make a screenplay where nothing happens and all actors in the movie are happy and relaxed, well nobody wants to see that movie. Movies have plots where there is something to be 'solved'. Just like life, this was all designed. To a granular sense of detail that would shit your pants of the utter shock if you knew. Even the name of your first crush was designed by Infinite Consciousness (God-You) and it had a purpose (that you yet maybe don't understand). Your crush that is also YOU, was given also a set of 'problems' to sort out through his life time and they interact perfectly in a way so you two met at some point in this movie.

If you sometimes get frustrated why your traumas keep repeating or being reflected in your relationships, career, or just life in general...if you seem to just repeat the same cycle...that´s God designing a BIG FUCKING MOVIE!! See your 'problems' or thing that you don't understand wouldn't mean shit if just happened for 5 minutes. No, it has to be a part of your life for years, for decades, it has to be a whole identity for you. You need to shed tears, agony, frustration. And not only that, it must be interconnected in an intelligent and perfect way with other beings in the movie. THEN we can play a good fucking movie.

I suspect the goal of the movie its to move every being to higher states of consciousness where only pure Unitary Love its realized and God Meets Himself in every fucking type of life possible. Yeah, that burger you ate at McDonald's when you were 9 was just not a random act! No fucking random act or action has happened until now. NOTHING has been random. It's all has been designed and its been a 'screenplay' by God. Even the most dumb fucking experience (in your view) has had a certain purpose in order to move you into unitary consciousness and Love realization. You just can't see it right now because your consciousness its very limited and you can't see the infinite ramifications of consequences eating that burger had. But in astronomically Fluid states of consciousness you can see how it all connects and fits together on a global dimensional scale.

Or maybe I'm a nut case that took too much 3-MeO-PCP, 5-MeO-DMT and too much acid seeing the starts. What do you think?

I like to think that God is so much more intelligent than me, that he has this plan that makes sense to Him. But I'm a mere mortal. Some parts of his plan make a lot of sense to me, some parts of his plan make a bit of sense to me, and some parts of his plan have little to do with me. I'm a small part of a big system.
I do believe in Divine Providence, which notoriously works in mysterious ways https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12510a.htm and I think that God does not "cause' evil but at most can allow some either to avoid some worse evil x or to help us achieve a greater good y. As @gordonliddy said I think He has a plan , both a general one and a "specific" one for each and every one of us, but the plan is not "imposed, we are always offered a choice. Was I meant to meet my wife? Sure, but investing in that relationship from the very beginning rather than chasing skirts was up to me and to her. I don t believe in determinism, at most i believe that we are put in certain situations for a reason but it´s up to us whether we make the most of it or we gloriously fuck up. but God is good and is always giving us opportunities and the strength necessary to fix our messy life. saint Augustine explains it better " God created us without us: but he did not will to save us without us"

Do you think there is an intelligence to the design of your life or its just all random survival-biological stuff?​

What if it's both, and how you live the survival/biological stuff determines the intelligent design of future generations?

Do you think every mindfuck, painful and unexplainable shit that happened on your life has a purpose in the big scheme of the design of God, or its all just random happenings on a cold universe where the universe doesn't have any emotion and its all a free for all?

Or maybe I'm a nut case that took too much 3-MeO-PCP, 5-MeO-DMT and too much acid seeing the starts. What do you think?

As for first, neither, I believe my actions and actions of those and that before and along myself lead to me writing this now here..

As for second, yeah, probably you did too much drugs if you wrote this, like that, here. Dissos are know to cause people to see sincronicity in everything, how true are they or just mind tricks and how you are gona interpret them depends on your past, present and possibly futures. I’ve been in sincro la-la land too. Felt like in a scripted movie where every single atom played it’s cool role. Staying in that land for ever may lead to
I can't be sure, but I choose to believe that I'm here for some purpose. I'm not sure what it is, but I try to be the best person that I can be every day and hopefully enrich the world in some way.

Even the crappiest things that have happened to me turned out to serve some greater good. I should have been dead a thousand times over between overdoses, car crashes, etc.

So either I'm extremely lucky, or I'm here for a reason.

Peace, Love & Faith,
I believe that the ultimate foundation of reality is that of ultimate oneness and ultimate intelligence and awareness. The degree to which we are unconscious and in conflict with eachother, that is the degree to which we are separated from god. In other words, god is the only reason that we are able to experience things like good and happiness and unity and joy and pleasure and fulfillment. And he is always motivated towards unity and connection and growth and development.

So if the fundamental universal consciousness is motivated towards ultimate intelligence and growth and evolution and connection, that is ultimately what all humans are intrinsically geared towards. Any action or situation that opposes that goal is essentially going against your true nature or your true self or your higher self or god self or however many names you want to call it. You are essentially becoming a fake person at that point and you have paved the way for self destruction and misery and confusion in your life. And you tend to affect other peoples lives too.

Furthermore, I believe that our current understanding of random chance and coincidence and probability is all a satanic misunderstanding of reality. Not satanic as in evil but satanic in that it deters you from the true nature of reality which is complete and total consciousness and awareness and purpose. And if we as a collective society start to believe that there is no meaning or consciousness to the universe, then we will make decisions as a collective society that will be geared towards that ideation. We will create scientific and psychological mechanisms that will present themselves as progression or moving society forward but in reality causes more division and confusion and affects our physical health as well. For instance, we have already created social media, cell phones, televisions, additives for foods and such. I think that if we as a collective society believed that the universe is filled with life and purpose then we wouldn’t feel the need to create inventions like this.
I think its an emergent property of a cosmos evolving under the laws of physics. There is no teleological attractor pulling us towards anything in particular but there is an inexorable outcome to all of this mediated only by the unfolding of physical phenomena in spacetime. No being or process intended existence or life or anything. We're improbable blobs of awareness cycling through chains of causality.
Unsure what I think about the origins of our consciousness, but I do think most (all?) things are deterministic and programmable, and that this becomes clearer the more deeply you're able to observe and interpret/understand a thing.

I don't think there's any free will, in so far as you can kinda pattern behavior and actions (output) based on the different inputs and experiences (processes) you put a person/object/event through in its 'life'.

We're just a collection of programmable and thus predictable biological units bouncing around with a bunch of other chunks of matter, and if you could 'see' all of that in one go, you'd see it's no different to a highly complex computer program. With enough relevant information, you'd probably be able to calculate the likely outcomes of interactions within whatever aspect of that system you decide to zoom in on.
Except sole calculating of that outcome would cause probability of changing outcome as you would be calculating/acting within same system.
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Except sole calculating of that outcome would cause probability of changing outcome as you would be calculating/acting within same system.

You're really just talking about perspective though. To you, the outcome is changing as you acquire information. To someone looking from outside or with a deeper perception of the system, it was predictable.
You're really just talking about perspective though. To you, the outcome is changing as you acquire information. To someone looking from outside or with a deeper perception of the system, it was predictable.
Well yes but you can look at it as fractal zooming in and always lagging one step behind. If you could somehow observe closed system, in this case whole universe, outside of it, than you could calculate without chance that calculation affects outcome.
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Both. Orderly and organized as well as random and by chance. Depends what we focus on. Also not sure with humans having such a filter for a brain that we would ever get the full picture. Not sure we could process it.

But I do know Faith is something we all have. Even just getting out of bed in the morning you negotiated with your sense of safety a form of fatih, that the floor won't cave in as you get out of bed and set foot on it. Deductive reasoning of course but still a form of faith. We have so many levels of faith.

One of the wisest things I heard was we don't have to solve our life. We just have to live them.