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do you think that weed prevents you from doing harder drugs?


Jul 12, 2021
everyone says weed is a gateway drug but i think its the complete opposite. ive done drugs like benzos and opiates for 10 years and never got carried away or addicted with them too bad because of weed. i usually just use weed as my daily driver and sometimes just pop pills if they're there on the side. harder drugs were always an after though for me and i know what they can do to you if you use them on a daily basis and weed makes me paranoid of them.

meanwhile all the people i know that used to smoke weed quit and started doing meth, shooting up heroin, shooting up meth, every drug under the sun, dying from shooting up, nodding off all day. the lucky ones are the ones that get a suboxone script to shoot up these days holy fuck. meanwhile all the people i know that still smoke weed will almost never touch a pill or not even at all let alone trying heroin, meth, crack, shooting up, etc.

i used to be heavy on the drugs taking x, drinking every day, trying sketchy drugs, acid, shrooms, hitting the benzos and opiates way too hard but now im down to just weed opiates benzos and i havent gone crazy with the drugs really even with unlimited access. ive actually just been mostly smoking weed and been not even liking the way drugs make me feel anymore and cut back about 85% and slowly quitting without even trying. i dont think this would have happened without weed but who knows this is pretty rare.

weed definitely isnt perfect either i used to dissociate from reality daily smoking shit tons of weed until that was my permanent state of mind. i had to quit even weed to see how bad its getting and the withdrawals and addiction are no joke and ruining my life. all in all i guess im glad i didnt overdose on fentanyl or kill someone blacked out and just spent most of my "drug addiction" giggling and looking like an idiot all day.
I did alcohol before weed so weed moved me away from hard drugs (unless you just call alcohol poison).

Marijuana, (which is a food suplement that increases the amount of available dopamine), Is the sole reason I no longer use alcohol and coffee. Two addictions that weren't positive.

I've been able to stop using marijuana in any form at any time. I've taken up to 4 month breaks so the marijuana addiction for me is insignificant.

My final addiction is refined sugar, as a baker it's hard to never eat what you make so I may have to take this last addiction to the grave.

Marijuana was my gateway drug out of alcoholism, depression and uselessness. I'll keep you posted of I suddenly start shooting H or smoking crack. Personally I think some people use Marijuana and do move on to harder drugs just not many, those that do are looking for something else to solve their feeling of something missing in life.
Marijuana makes me reflect on my drug and alcohol use but it tends to increase my alcohol intake due to the anxiety it causes.

I get pretty severe and painful ego loss on marijuana yet for some reason i continue to use it nightly.
For me it was always a staple drug but it just marries so well with benzos and opies oh well.
Not that I'd noticed.

I mean it neither prevents nor induces the use of any other drugs.

You might love weed and hate all other drugs. You might love weed and do everything else under the sun.

Most likely you'll end up doing weed and maybe one or two other things occasionally besides. It entirely depends on your personal taste - like which particular drug effects do you like, and why.
weed is the hardest of drugs I ever want, shrooms and lsd are less debilitating the way I use them.
I can be sittin around day dreaming of taking a trip down the road and copping some substance or other... I take a few puffs of weed and I no longer have the compulsion to go out and get drugs. Too busy stuffing my face....
So it does hold me back i guess but not strong enough to contain me.
No. It makes me drink more and buy drugs i wasnt planning on getting by increasing my impulsivity and decreasing my inhibitions
Just my 2cents

I can't say for sure because when I was younger, I smoked alot of weed and also drank quite a bit. But I personally believe that, for myself, alcohol was way more of a gateway drug than weed. Weed would make me chill out where drinking would lead me to wanting get some bars or some powder or whatever, especially as I got older.
If you can feel 5-10 mgs and be happy with that for 2 hours or more, then you may never try or return to anything else, but if you want more all the time, well, more-ish-ness could lead to trouble.

I think most people using 100mgs or more/day have a reason to do that and no need to go to anything else.
for others poly-drug use is an honor not a stigma.
It's interesting to hear how for some it helps with impulses or cravings and for others it has the opposite effect! I abused alcohol for years and weed together. I thought psychologically it would make my cravings for alcohol worse but it actually doesn't thankfully! In fact now that I think about it I probably would have been worse off physically etc from my alcohol abuse as I would have probably consumed more each day - smoking would distract me from guzzling it down just as often and perhaps if I hadn't had it I may have drank more and built up a physical tolerance quicker therefore may have consumed more units! Also it helped me be able to eat both on alcohol and through the detox, which is/was important.
However, It does make my anxiety/paranoia worse sometimes I feel like if I respect it as much as possible, it really is a medicine for me to keep me away from hard drugs
I'm actually gonna buy some high strength CBD today for the anxiety.
I can be sittin around day dreaming of taking a trip down the road and copping some substance or other... I take a few puffs of weed and I no longer have the compulsion to go out and get drugs. Too busy stuffing my face....
So it does hold me back i guess but not strong enough to contain me.
You take a few puffs of weed and no longer wanna do 'drugs' 😁
... did anyone tell ya that weed is also a drug
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i freakin love you!
what about d8? does that count? 😬 doent to me. ha!
i see yer point and raise ya one: gimme a joint and ill give ya this hard dove i picked up. ya better hurry its almost gone but its still a 100 piece. l:drool:
i freakin love you!
what about d8? does that count? 😬 doent to me. ha!
i see yer point and raise ya one: gimme a joint and ill give ya this hard dove i picked up. ya better hurry its almost gone but its still a 100 piece. l:drool:
... about to do a 20 mg shot which does me fine these days due to massively lowered tolerance
ahhhh. man! why is it we always want what we dont have?
im cool on the down side for now and it is my comfort zone.
enjoy the rush and think about me. =D