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Do you thank god?

If maker admits that he have a maker then is not the god

Can god born from total 0?

But who create the total 0?

If god was the first creation how he manage to have knowledge to create the world?who teach him?

We cant find how all starts....we can't even imagine it
I don't believe in god or really even think of it unless it comes up but........

psychedelicsoul, we need to bro out sometime and talk. you're an intelligent guy with a totally different perspective on the universe
Do I thank what? Please speak in clear, English, not this made up gibberish.
When on anything slightly psychedelic, like even UEI, I/you can clearly feel the subtle energy-exchange that happens when you pray and give thanks (and bless/heal). This is so amazing to me. It just seems much harder to feel in a regular state as there's so much lower energy blocking it.
There are a few measurable things that happen when praying. 'Prayer stance', with the hands together at center and fingers pointed up, aligns/balances the left and right side of the body, pushes the shoulders back and opens up the heart chakra. Closing your eyes initiates measurably more alpha wave brain activity which in itself is therapeutic. Focusing intention on the object of the prayer does all kinds of stuff. When praying for things out of our control it can help to release one from feeling powerless or responsible in any way in the situation- 'Let Jesus take the wheel' as the saying goes.

That's just stuff off the top of my head. Anyone else want to chime in on why prayer can be so cathartic?
To answer the question of the thread- I do Thank God for my blessings, but not every one. I think nearly everyone could use some more gratitude in their life. Awareness is the first step, and we are all prone to 'falling back asleep'.