do you openely admit to your steroid use?

It's amazing how people who generally know FUCK ALL about aas will critisize you and lecture you on why their bad and they ask what you take and you say test, they say what's that? Dickheads.
My doctor once told me that a problem that test can cause is a permanant erection that you need surgery to rectify. I told him to shut the Fuck up.
lol I mean yeah in rare cases Priapism can happen but it can on Viagra or Cialis but they will prescribe you that, and hell if your nervous take some Xanax as well, but got fro bid you take some fucking steroids. Bloody 'ell pisses me off as well mate. The lectures are the best, some ass at a bar knocking back the whiskey while he chain smokes, never fails.
i just don't see a scenario being positive where somebody knows about your AAS use, unless its a medical scenario..

for example you pass out and go hypoglemic because your running insulin irresponsibly but your body knows whats going on and he feeds you.

that's like one of the only scenarios I see it being positive somebody knows ur on gear.
Well take fro example, say you manage to fall in with a group of experienced older lifters, stands to reason they may know a thing or two. Or your significant other, they have a right to know your messing with powerful hormones. point being there is a time and a place, not every one is tryign to ham string you loose all trust and you end up in a bad position.
Most people don't hide the fact they smoke pot... why hide steroid use?
A few close people know including my dad. It's more or less so they can tell me if I get out of hand or keep an eye to watch changes as I'm new to the juice and the changes are gradual (hard to see by ones own perspective) or mental (don't notice your own mental state changing for the most part ex: temperment, moodiness, etc).

Priapism sucks. Got it in rehab from trazadone. Got loaded up on blood pressure meds and crashed my blood pressure. Couldn't get it up to save my life. Standing felt nearly fatal with the light headedness..
lol from trazadone? really damn that shit didnt do any thign fro, didnt even dent the insomnia. Now, this leather thing my girl bought for the vegas trip we took over NYE between her and the supermans I was lucky I didnt end up with a 3 day erection, though she came down with a strange case of bow legs that week end.
Because smoking pot isn't seen as "cheating" when you tell someone who smokes cigarettes.

Dead set, why should I be obliged to share ANYTHING about my life - especially something as private as AAS usage - with someone who hasn't got a fkn clue about the subject, just because they asked me? I don't go asking them what colour underwear they prefer to wear, which has just as little bearing on my life as my AAS usage does on them. Last time I checked, privacy meant privacy. I'm not going to open up to any old Joe about something that has zero impact whatsoever on any aspect of his life, just so the ignorant clown can judge the shit out of me over nothing and then proceed to share with all his dickhead mates anyway.
I only admit to people who understand AAS themselves, otherwise I will explain it in detail before admitting to someone else about AAS use... Never to the people who will negatively stereotype about AAS
It's amazing how people who generally know FUCK ALL about aas will critisize you and lecture you on why their bad and they ask what you take and you say test, they say what's that? Dickheads.
My doctor once told me that a problem that test can cause is a permanant erection that you need surgery to rectify. I told him to shut the Fuck up.

Every doctor I have encountered except one (who was on TRT and whose son was on steroids) knew fuck all about hormones. I talked circles around them and was able to counter every argument they tried with medically backed data and experiences from myself and other bodybuilders.

What really shits in my cereal is people who think steroids are on par with narcotics. Steroids are hormones, not narcotics.
Every doctor I have encountered except one (who was on TRT and whose son was on steroids) knew fuck all about hormones. I talked circles around them and was able to counter every argument they tried with medically backed data and experiences from myself and other bodybuilders.

What really shits in my cereal is people who think steroids are on par with narcotics. Steroids are hormones, not narcotics.

Yes, yes and yes.
Every doctor I have encountered except one (who was on TRT and whose son was on steroids) knew fuck all about hormones. I talked circles around them and was able to counter every argument they tried with medically backed data and experiences from myself and other bodybuilders.

What really shits in my cereal is people who think steroids are on par with narcotics. Steroids are hormones, not narcotics.

game set match to the super saiyan
I would definitely hide the fact i take steroids. Most people are uneducated on the topic
People know I have took steroids in the past because I have blew up like a balloon from DBol in a fortnight then deflated a few weeks later lol, I have told a good few people, but I have told them that I got nasty side effects like bad acne and "roid rage" and shit and that I fucked it up every time I will never take them again,

So now that my weights down to an average almost slim looking guy with my clothes on, except my traps lol, the plan is to avoid water retention like fuck, maybe just a little hear and there, so that it's not so obvious and anybody that knows me knows that I am a total health freak when it comes to food, just confuse them with supplements they know fuck all about and facts about the amount of grams of protein you need to consume for you're body weight on a daily basis etc....

When people around my area find out you're on steroids and it spreads like the plague and you end up with a million people coming up to you and asking you in public and shit, plus they have no idea that diet is 70% of your gains and the hardcore graft you put in, in the gym !

So many people think steroids are magic beans...