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Do you know any young people (21 and under) who have never tried drugs?


Jun 29, 2017
or more unusually just never been interested in the usual alcohol, weed, mdma that's at parties? as opposed to being against it?.

I feel so left out given that nearly all of my former classmates have smoked weed, some have done cocaine etc.. D. It's funny how I never had an interested (probably because I was a complete loner) but now things have changed though I still have INCREDIBLY anti-drug parents. They aren't religious but moreso traditional African parents. "You're life will be over with drugs". Even my mother refuses to buy a beer when we go out for my birthday despite me turning 20 and the legal age being 18.
Well, since you're an adult now, you should be able to speak for yourself. Having a beer while out is nothing bad. Just let your parents know that you want to explore what life has to offer I guess. Of course I'm not suggesting going on a drug frenzy, but when you're an adult and can make your own choices, I think it's no big deal to say that you want to have a beer with your lunch or something. It's a part of growing up IMO.

E: how experienced with drugs are you? Have you had alcohol or weed before?
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