Do you even lumbar bro?


Aug 7, 2019
Two papers identifying that isolated lumbar extensions are a better exercise to increase lumbar strength than; RDLs, deadlifts, back squats and barbell hip thrusters. May have to start using isolated lumbar extensions to keep the discs in place, never want to slip a disc ever again!!

(PDF) A comparison of isolated lumbar extension strength in competitive and non-competitive powerlifters, and recreationally trained males

(PDF) The effects of a 4-week mesocycle of barbell back squat or barbell hip thrust strength training upon isolated lumbar extension strength

Hope you guys find them useful
Yeah, I never found deadlift variations particularly useful for - eh - anything really, except burning up a ton of energy and calories. Which is why I stopped doing them years ago and instead focus on exercises to protect my dodgy discs and strengthen the lumbar and spinal erectors more directly.
Yeah, working on my glutes and core strength seemed to help and ease the pain initially. Now the isolation life is real I've got no excuse to come out of this with a lumbar of steel!!