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Do weed and molly mix?


Sep 25, 2013
My only time rolling, I smoked weed throughout the roll all night. Can't say I felt the effects of mdma that people usually get, I just felt really, really stoned. So my question to you is do weed and mdma mix? And did what I experience sound similar to yours when mixing cannabis and mdma?
That combination can give fairly varied results based on the timing of each. But yeah in my experience smoking early on in the roll will lead to me being stoned and floored at the same time. I guess to a non-MDMA user that would just feel like being super stoned.
I've actually managed to fall asleep a few times from smoking too much on high doses of MDMA. That kind of sucked. Otherwise it's a great, stoning combination.
I wouldn't recommend it personally, but I dislike weed anyway. I would imagine that weed would take away from some of the clear-headed euphoria. Others enjoy it though.
weed amplifies the roll for me. Just smoke enough to a get a mild high as if you get too stoned, can take away as well if you dont keep it mellow.
When I've been extremely high on MDMA, and I mean extremely high, weed has put me in a really fucked up state, and I had a memory span of maybe a minute
One of the texts I found on my phone the next day went "I really should before I kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" with several others that followed.
They all started out fairly normal and then trailed off into gibberish
When I've been extremely high on MDMA, and I mean extremely high, weed has put me in a really fucked up state

I have too experienced this. My memory span was also cut short; I would be speaking with somebody, my mind would revert to something else, and then I'd be blank. Over, and over, and over again. This may not seem terrible, but with how high I was, it was embarrassing and made me very self conscious. It almost ruined my roll.

SO, I like to start out completely sober upon consuming my MDMA and let it creep up on me full force. It's usually not until after my peak that I'll smoke weed if I want to relax myself but give my high a bit of a "boost".
Depends on tolerance.

IMO weed mixes with anything, at least in a physically sense. I'd imagine if you're not a routine smoker it might have a greater effect, could intensify the mental effects of the drug. but for a lot of people who smoke regularly it'd be fine, for me personally I'd smoke with just about any drug., just cause i know it's safe.

The way I see it, the feeling of being stoned is a feeling I'm used to, therefore being stoned with something I'm less used to can help ease the experience.
x2 about making sure you save pot for the hangover.
When you're coming down smoking a joint can bring your high back again, even if it's just for 20 minutes, then ease you into a nice sleep
I find weed to he a very good potentiator for Molly. If you do have a tolerence for weed then it really mixes well. I don't even get stoned, but I can take incredibly big hits that I normally wouldn't be able to take and it definitely intensifies the Molly. Last time I took Molly, I really didn't feel it until I had a beer and a bowl. I feel if you are an avid smoker then it really works a a great catalyst to get things rolling. Beer I believe also helps, and a cigarette is never better than when you have Molly in your system, not even with opiates IMO.
Everyone reacts differently depending on tolerance (and different strokes for different folks you know?). For me personally, HELL YEAH!! It's like peanut butter and jelly to me. Every bowl I smoke makes me feel 10 times higher and I feel like I can smoke 10 more bowls cool stuff. Then again this is coming from a daily cannabis user. One time when I was coming down (the pills also contained amphetamine) I smoked a bowl on my comedown and I shit you not I felt more high after that bowl then when I initially peaked... I obviously wasn't as tweaked out but to me it was much more enjoyable and I'd say I felt more high overall.
I enjoy smoking on the comeup peakand comedown.. But lotta people say weed on the peak is a waste.. IMO they mix great together.. The weed just kills my anxiety from the mdma
The only thing that mixes better than molly and weed, is molly and getting a back rub.

Stay hydrated!
Party on Bro!
I think I did:rofl::rofl::roll eyes::ursmort:😤 LOL🤭🤭 LOL hit the vape Green Crack and well Bu RU ( Warning.... not for novice party persons with strong addiction tendencies) lmao but WOW throw 2 nodes stimulant Ready Rock back to Dollar General store with the Tootsie Rolls candy ..... I'll stick with the GODIVA &
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The very best chocolate brands in the world - Elite Traveler

season 3 smoking GIF by Ash vs Evil Dead
Oh no thats not the drug :oops: THIS WILL BE upon bodily synthesis: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/...basl-56KbKrZsBWm9DpjeMIXZb9Ao-naKiWdZr5q8k1Tw
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if you normally smoke weed than hell yes all green lights ahead. If not it could lead to anxiety/ a weird headspace but it most cases I doubt it.
I think I did:rofl::rofl::roll eyes::ursmort:😤 LOL🤭🤭 LOL hit the vape Green Crack and well Bu RU ( Warning.... not for novice party persons with strong addiction tendencies) lmao but WOW throw 2 nodes stimulant Ready Rock back to Dollar General store with the Tootsie Rolls candy ..... I'll stick with the GODIVA &
What is the 1 best chocolate in the world?

The very best chocolate brands in the world - Elite Traveler

season 3 smoking GIF by Ash vs Evil Dead
Oh no thats not the drug :oops: THIS WILL BE upon bodily synthesis: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/...basl-56KbKrZsBWm9DpjeMIXZb9Ao-naKiWdZr5q8k1Tw

The only thing that mixes better than molly and weed, is molly and getting a back rub.

Stay hydrated!
Party on Bro!
Yes but depends on who is giving that back rub >??????
sexy girl GIF
Suspicious Eli Wallach GIF
Sexy Hot Girl GIF by Cappa Video Productions
Yes but depends on who is giving that back rub >??????
sexy girl GIF
Suspicious Eli Wallach GIF
Sexy Hot Girl GIF by Cappa Video Productions
So true. There's girls I have in mind I'd love one from. Then girls id like one from.

I find cannabis distorts things too much. I seem to connect better and remember more when rolling with cannabis. Cannabis before bed can be okay. Cannabis the next day can be lovely, esp if it's with a girl you rolled with the day before I guess a different girl could be okay too. 🙂