Do several years of drug use cause brain damage?


Nov 2, 2012
I just remember before I started doing them, I was 18, sharp as a wit. And now I can't even do my own taxes, I mean I had to get my dad to even show me how to get registration on my car and inspection, I'm still not sure which sticker is for which. I mean this is pathetic. :( I am a little over two weeks clean, will my sharpness come back?
I just remember before I started doing them, I was 18, sharp as a wit. And now I can't even do my own taxes, I mean I had to get my dad to even show me how to get registration on my car and inspection, I'm still not sure which sticker is for which. I mean this is pathetic. :( I am a little over two weeks clean, will my sharpness come back?

It's kind of hard to tell without knowing what drugs you have been doing. But know this, 2 weeks is nothing. It usually takes alot longer to get back to your old self.
It can sometimes take years to get back to normal. You've just spent the last few years (I don't know how long) training your brain to get used to working with abnormal chemicals in your system. Now that you're clean it's going to take a while to re-train it to work without these chemicals.
It very much depends on the drug of choice, but in truth doing any drug for a several years is going to cause your brain to go into a confusion when it stops recieving the substance all of a sudden. Using drugs for several years is going to cause the neurological pathways in your brain to physcially change, but from the moment you stop - your brain is going to begin retraining itself again and over time it could return to full functionality.

Other factors would include what age you began taking the substance, eg., your early teens when your brain was in relatively early development. The brain never actually stops developing, but as I understand it your brain is still physically growing in your teenage years.

What was your drug(s) of choice and for how long were you using them?
The brain does have the ability to heal itself.
However it can take years, many hard drug users brains are permanently damaged without a doubt. Mine is one of them. I used to be sharp as hell. Now I'm still sharp but a lil loopy I ain't gonna lie. Cognitive ability and memory will return and improve in my case at least short term memory loss is the most noticeable and annoying. I used a lot for many years; but I have had substantial clean time in the past and I was amazed and relieved how much of my intellect and character came back.
Its never too late, but the longer you use the more issues you will have.
I just remember before I started doing them, I was 18, sharp as a wit. And now I can't even do my own taxes, I mean I had to get my dad to even show me how to get registration on my car and inspection, I'm still not sure which sticker is for which. I mean this is pathetic. :( I am a little over two weeks clean, will my sharpness come back?
it could just be growing up, and the confusion that comes with it... that's why it would be "recommended" not to start using drugs until you're at least in college, so you can still differentiate what is reality and what's just the drugs
Well I'm 28 and I've used so many drugs, E, Acid, Shrooms, Coke, Oxycontin, all kinds of stuff, meth, since I was 18, started out on weed and then graduated to narcotics.
It depends on what drugs you used, how long and in what amounts I think; I know for example someone who's gaba system is probably definatly damaged, it may restore but that might take months or years in his caze (he lost pretty much all ability to sleep sober thanks to very long term GHB and benzo addiction, among other symptoms). I worry about that for this person and I really hope it's not permanent.

I myself honestly think I have no brain damage; although my short term memory and word recall ability right nów are less then what they used to be (due to ketamine and hash) but I think if I'd stay sober for months and do some memory exorcise it should get better. I also think that would go for most people no matter what drug they abused; taking time and some mental exercise and just patience, time can heal a lot on its own.
^I know coke for one is quite notorious when it comes to destroying brain cells; meth as well. In any case, as was stated previously it's going to take your brain some time to re-learn how to function properly without drugs. Depending on how much you used (meth and coke specifically, I think) there may be some permanent damage though...but I do think with time and if you stay clean (!!) you should be (mostly) back to normal eventually.
Well I am prescribed two antidepressants. One is for dopamine, the other is for seratonin. Do you think they will help? Also I've been on ativan for the last 3 years, I take it to sleep. I hope I can just stay on it for life.
Honestly if I were you I would try to cut down on meds altogether, at least for now - they won't help you get your brain activity back.
Oh I can't do that. I am really bipolar and have an extreme case of OCD so bad you wouldn't believe it. I wish I could stop but everytime I try I end up getting locked up in the mental ward.
Okay well in that case, try to really take the bare minimum maybe? I mean drugs are simply never good for your brain, especially considering the huge ramifications you've already been feeling...
I always wondered this......
This is the list of drugs i have done....
weed/skunk/cigarettes started when i was 14 for about 5 years.
butane gas when i was about 15 did that for about 1 year nearly everyday.
lots and lots of crack did that for over a year
heroin which i foiled here and there
lsd which i tried only once
2-ct-7 which i tried only once
ecstasy pills stupidly did 20 every weekend for a period of a year
lots and lots of mdma crystals over 5 years
magic mushrooms which i tried once
so much alcohol over 10 years i would make a wino proud
ketamine here and there over 1 year
speed here and there over 5 years
and a few rcs MEPH etc

Now i been clean for 2 months nearly i pray to god i aint done permanent damage to myself but i doubt that very much 8(
^Unfortunately it's very likely you have, but you never know, I hope you're good.
Thanks pagey lets hope i stay away from substances long enough to find out :p

re-distributed......ah shit the butane i did so much of maybe 2 cans a day everyday for a year and the amount of booze i dont even wanna get started on :?
briangolightly...I dont think anyone can answer that only time would tell
The brain is a very strong device.
If you treat it well, and keep treating it well, you should notice an improvement over time.
It could take days, weeks, months or years. Nobody can put a specific time on your full recovery.
Just stay as clean as you can..
And don't over do the meds. Now that you have recognized these drug related problems, you should follow your gut instinct to stay sober and let yourself heal.
The problems only get worse if you choose not to take back your day to day drug free life.