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Do opiods and alcohol decrease the effectiveness of dental anesthesia?


Jun 29, 2017
I'll be going for dental cleaning next month and wanted to try something my friend recommended. I wanted to take a significant amount of codeine along with alcohol which should enhance their effects. He himself has only tried the opioid and he says that the experience at the doctor was more comfortable than it usually was, he slept for the first time while the work was being done for an hour.

I don't fear the dentist even when getting surgery (which I'll probably have to seeing as my wisdom teeth are erupting into an already crowded mouth). I've heard that people getting drunk before going to the doctor in order to numb the pain are doing themselves no favors as they increase the risk of bleeding but more importantly, decrease the effectiveness of the local anesthetics.

Another drug forum said that it would be better to combine codeine painkillers with benzos (Xanax) as it would increase the effectiveness but also make it significantly more fatal.

this is dicing with death mate, doubling down on downers is one thing, but then going to the dentist and being sedated a further time with all kinds of drugs... nah man, don't do it.
plus, you're only going in for cleaning? its not that bad mate. ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
You need iv sedation for a cleaning?? What do you need for a cavity, or god forbid a root canal?? Jeeze
Don't drink alcohol before going to the dentist. They WILL know, due to the alcohol on your breath and they might refuse to work on your mouth that day if you're drunk. I'd go with a benzo or an opiate only. I have extreme anxiety at the dentist and cleanings are painful because I need a lot of dental work so I understand why you might need something to help you with the anxiety but go with one substance only, definitely no alcohol. If you're nodding out in the chair it might raise some eyebrows and won't be helpful to them either if you can't hold your mouth open for a cleaning....
If you?re going in for a deep cleaning under the gums (debridement is what I think it?s called) they should numb it. The only pain you will feel is the initial shot with the local anesthetic.

If they don?t do a local anesthetic, find another dentist. That shit fucking hurts.

Opiates and alcohol are completely unnecessary. A benzo would be useful for the anxiety, but only a small dose. I think it would be miserable to be drunk in a dentist?s chair.

Opiates I?ve found do not help with pain that is happening to you in the moment. To use myself as an example, I have extensive tattoo work. I prefer to get tattoos done completely sober. I?ve taken large doses of opiates before a tatto and it does not help at all. It helps tremendously with the pain afterwards but not during. It actually seems to make the pain worse during, believe it or not. Maybe it was just the area of my skin I was getting tattooed that made it feel worse. Idk. But I do know the opiates didn?t help.
My dentist said to me once that if I was a heavy daily weed smoker I'd also be very tolerant to the local anaesthetic they use at the dentists (after she gave me 6-7 shots of anesthetic and i still felt quite a lot of pain). And I still was at that time so I guess she wasn't lying. I ended up just shutting up and sucking it up after I'd received eight shots. Of course it helped somewhat, but it still hurt quite a bit. I'm a pussy when it comes to going to the dentist. She also said if you're all tensed up (always am, can't help it..), it will hurt more
can't remember who but a guy from the UK like me said to an American complaining that their dentist skimped them on vikes for a simple tooth extraction that
"all we get in England if we're lucky is an NSAID, a local and a big ol' cup of man-the-fuck-up."
had me creasing.
but please don't take that story as attacking you or directed at anyone in any way, i'm actually super jealous of all the pills you guys get! but still, i laughed so hard it sped up my morning poop by like nearly half an hour. i nearly shlaut myself
༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽yep
Unless your an addict you don?t need anything for a simple cleaning...I would save it for the night after & enjoy my clean teeth simultaneously.

I had a few fillings a while back...tripled up on Hydro expecting it to be easier/quicker....got in the chair & I was shaking like a gotdamn alcoholic! The tools on the tray were rattling n? shit haha!
Had to huff that nitrous for 30 mins + seriously before the shaking let up.

Next time I?ll load up on Restoril & save the pains for the drive home.

Honestly dentist work usually does worse for my nerves than any actual pain (God willing...I?m talking fillings here not root canals or anything horrid).... it won?t hurt my mouth but my spine will tense up like a damn excorcism lol.

I would drink instead of wasting pills for a stupid dental appointment, but aside from the potential bleeding risk, I don?t want my dentist marking in my chart;
?alcoholic...11am appt. patient?s breath reeks of juniper spirits?
?Patient proceeded to drive away, intoxicated now by both alcohol & nitrous....he?s a fantastic driver, by God, but behavior displays incredible lack of responsibility....never Rx Controlled Subs..under NO circumstances!?

That?s how that would go so yeahh...lol

Why?s all my damn apostrophes come out as question marks??
Now punctuation has its own identity too ffs?
Sheesh 2017 right!
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Though I hardly think downers + opiates + local + nitrous = death in healthy people, I seem to recall Elvis DID have dental work done like the day before he died....

Honestly though the local itself is likely more toxic than all those other things combined.

Not endorsing mixing downers or any kind of medications.
OTC medications kill 30,000 Americans a year anyways though....the more you know ⭐️!!
Though I hardly think downers + opiates + local + nitrous = death in healthy people, I seem to recall Elvis DID have dental work done like the day before he died....

Honestly though the local itself is likely more toxic than all those other things combined.

Not endorsing mixing downers or any kind of medications.
OTC medications kill 30,000 Americans a year anyways though....the more you know ⭐️!!

bringing up some really valid points there Treefa; don't become a statistic dude
also, 100 fully redeemable junky tokens for the best location i have seen yet! ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽lel
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