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DMT Ego Death - Oneness


Jun 7, 2008
Hello All,

I haven't been here in years... How is err'body? I figured I would stop in and share my paper on DMT-induced ego death to see if anyone has had similar experiences, as it would be nice to have a discussion with like-minded individuals. %)


Here is an excerpt:

"The experience of enlightenment involves a full blown epiphany of the Oneness of the Universe: time ends, Eternity is experientially realized, and subsequently, death is experienced as a transition of being; not the end of our existence, effectively eliminating any fear of dying. We realize – as a fundamental truth – that we are eternally-recurring beings. The person thus raptured experiences the death of his ego; his merely limited sense of self is totally dissolved, enabling him to comprehend for the first time the Ground of All Being; the Eternal Universe, of which he understands that he is. Essentially, the individual’s microcosmic (Earthly) frame of reference slowly erodes leaving behind only a macrocosmic (Universal) frame of reference which is almost entirely ineffable. All that was previously unconscious is revealed to consciousness: it is as if the entire mystery of life dissolves before one’s eyes, leaving one to comprehensively feel and understand the “predestined” purpose and “synchronistic” order behind all events in the Universe. The concept of God presents itself as a divine totality symbol of Love/Oneness and paradoxically, reciprocity (forming the triad of Reconciliation). The epiphany dawns upon consciousness that, “I am God” (this is precisely why Christ equated Himself with the Father, because He was acutely aware that He is the Father; He is God, of which we all are – which, by the way, was His principle teaching). This understanding is paralleled in Exodus 3:14 when Moses asks God for His name and God replies, “I am that I am.” That is, “I am that which I am – the Universe.” This tautology is also found in the Hindu Vedas (the Chandoyga Upanishad 6.8.7) as “tat tvam asi,” which translates to “thou art that.” Truly, thou art that, the Universe - God."

Take care!

Great excerpt, that's precisely what I believe and have experienced (and also incidentally about Jesus). I'll read the whole paper when I have time, I am interested. Thanks for sharing :)
Great excerpt, that's precisely what I believe and have experienced (and also incidentally about Jesus). I'll read the whole paper when I have time, I am interested. Thanks for sharing :)

Let me know what you think when you do read it.

Take it easy.
Wow awesome post! I believe in this whole heartily! I believe humans are the mirror image of God as we were created in his image, and that if we all are God we are all connected as humans and collectively are part of God himself. Do you also feel like you have a destiny in this world, i feel like there is purpose for me here and that events unfold in my life that cryptically are trying to guide me in this direction almost like divine intervention, i started to realize this only after i submitted to this oneness.
Ah! More stuff from Eschaton. I still have your website bookmarked from a few years ago. I like taking the reads in small pieces to digest. Good stuff once again. This stuff is pretty much how I think, so I relate to most of it. :) At the very least I feel this is how reality probably works. Or at least one of the better explanations.
Nice writing eschaton - only thing I'd query is that I don't think the psychedelic experience corresponds to man-made religions. I think psychedelics are a path all by themselves and totally unique. Man made religion is man-made religion and how much you believe it depends on whether or not you believe what religious people tell you. With psychedelics it's just you and the psychedelic so you know it's true.
Yeah i bookmarked your website a couple of years ago; it's the best possible description in depth and detail that reflects my own personal views with DMT and ego loss.
Wow awesome post! I believe in this whole heartily! I believe humans are the mirror image of God as we were created in his image, and that if we all are God we are all connected as humans and collectively are part of God himself. Do you also feel like you have a destiny in this world, i feel like there is purpose for me here and that events unfold in my life that cryptically are trying to guide me in this direction almost like divine intervention, i started to realize this only after i submitted to this oneness.

Thank you for taking the time to read. I do not subscribe to the notion of a destiny per se (as free will as an illusion is utterly convincing) and "events seemingly unfolding cryptically" sounds like where I was at a couple years ago. I found myself noticing more synchronicities and such when I was still tripping and smoking weed; since stopping, I have found myself becoming a lot more objective in my interpretation of Oneness and its implications. I do feel that I went thru a period of relative schizophrenic-like ideations, for what its worth. Of course there is a purpose for you here; I just don't think its all that cryptic. Wholeness and Love are the goal; humility and mindfulness are the means.
Ah! More stuff from Eschaton. I still have your website bookmarked from a few years ago. I like taking the reads in small pieces to digest. Good stuff once again. This stuff is pretty much how I think, so I relate to most of it. :) At the very least I feel this is how reality probably works. Or at least one of the better explanations.

Thank you very much sir. I tip my hat to you.
Hello All, ....
Hi Eschaton, I read your article a few years ago and found it incredibly informative and influential. The way you explained it resonates very well with my view on the world and makes much sense to me. Thanks for putting it into words.

Nice writing eschaton - only thing I'd query is that I don't think the psychedelic experience corresponds to man-made religions. I think psychedelics are a path all by themselves and totally unique. Man made religion is man-made religion and how much you believe it depends on whether or not you believe what religious people tell you. With psychedelics it's just you and the psychedelic so you know it's true.

I completely agree.

Wow awesome post! I believe in this whole heartily! I believe humans are the mirror image of God as we were created in his image, and that if we all are God we are all connected as humans and collectively are part of God himself. Do you also feel like you have a destiny in this world, i feel like there is purpose for me here and that events unfold in my life that cryptically are trying to guide me in this direction almost like divine intervention, i started to realize this only after i submitted to this oneness.
IMO what you are referring to there has no gender, and that is kind of odd when people give 'it' a masculine or feminine aspect. 'It' is more of a source of energy, more commonly known as the 'universe/multiverse'.
Hi Eschaton, I read your article a few years ago and found it incredibly informative and influential. The way you explained it resonates very well with my view on the world and makes much sense to me. Thanks for putting it into words.

Thank you much for reading! I am always happy to "meet" others who have tread the same paths of the mind.